Heteroderes brachmanoides, Platia & Ahmed, 2016

Platia, Giuseppe & Ahmed, Zubair, 2016, Contribution to the fauna of click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from Pakistan., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 16, pp. 3-28 : 10-11

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12765875

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scientific name

Heteroderes brachmanoides

sp. nov.

Heteroderes brachmanoides n. sp. ( Figs. 11 View Figs , 35 View Figs , 52 View 52 53 )

Material examined. Holotype ♂ - Pakistan: Noshero Feroz distr. , 8.V.2013 ( ZACP). 5 Paratypes (1 ♂, 4 ♀♀) - Trai, Lower Dir, 3.VIII.2014 ( CPG; ZACP).

Diagnosis. Species comparable to H. longithorax n. sp., it is separated by the less elongate pronotum and drawings of black colours on pronotum and elytra.


Male. Moderately shiny; entirely ferruginous with blackish vittae along the midline of pronotum, at the sides of the basal slope of pronotum, the base of elytra along the second and third interstriae of elytra transversally extended to the seventh interstria in the apical third, antennae and legs yellowish; covered with short and dense yellow -golden pubescence.

Head with the eyes as wide as the anterior margin of pronotum, frons convex, anterior margin arcuate, directed downwards, protruding above the clypeus; punctuation uniformly distributed, punctures deep, simple, approximately of the same size, with very shor t, smooth intervals.

Antennae nearly reaching the apices of posterior angles of pronotum slightly serrate from the fourth article on; second and third articles subcylindrical, subequal in length with the second with a larger diameter; taken together 1,28x longer than fourth; fourth-tenth subconical, on average 2,3x longer than wide, last longer than penultimate, subellipsoidal.

Pronotum as long as wide, widest at the apices of the posterior angles, convex, sides subparallel for nearly all the length, posterior angles acute, very slightly divergent, with a short and very near to the lateral margins carina, lateral margins complete and visible in a dorsal view only for a very short length; punctuation uniformly distributed, double, larger, deep, simple punctures are more or less regularly mixed with extremely fine punctures with very short, smooth intervals.

Scutellum shield -shaped, convex, ridged at base, finely punctured.

Elytra 2,2x longer than pronotum and as wide as it, moderately convex, sides subparallel from the base to behind the middle, then very gradually converging to the apices; striae regularly marked and punctured; interstriae flat with very fine punctures and subrough surface.

Fourth tarsal segment with a long and narrow lamella.

Male genitalia as in the Fig. 11 View Figs (length 0.65 mm).

Female. Extremely similar to the male, distinct only by examination of genitalia.

Size. Length 4.65-5.60 mm; width 1.37-1.56 mm.

Etymology. The name is derived from the similarity of the colour patterns to those of Aeoloderma brachmana (Candèze, 1857) .













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