Ventimolina stellata, Thomsen & Østergaard & Cros, 2015

Thomsen, Helge Abildhauge, Østergaard, Jette Buch & Cros, Lluïsa, 2015, Ventimolina stellata gen. et sp. nov. (Haptophyta, Papposphaeraceae) from Warm Water Regions, Acta Protozoologica 54 (4), pp. 275-281 : 277

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.15.022.3536

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scientific name

Ventimolina stellata

sp. nov.

Ventimolina stellata sp. nov. ( Figs 2–6 View Figs 2–6 )


Unidentified sp. 2 in Cros 2001 (publ. in 2002) Plate 76 Figs 5–6 View Figs 2–6

Unidentified sp. 2 in Cros and Fortuño 2002 l.c. Fig. 111D

Diagnosis: With the characteristics of the genus. The coccosphere measures ca. 10 × 5 µm ( Fig. 2 View Figs 2–6 ). Body coccoliths oval (ca. 1.0 × 0.6 µm). The stem of the calicate spine is a short (ca. 0.3 µm) continuation of the cruciform central area calcification ( Fig. 4 View Figs 2–6 ). The calyx is constructed of four right-angled triangular elements in which the hypotenuse is jagged ( Fig. 6 View Figs 2–6 ). The four elements are neatly arranged in a symmetrical wheel which is placed perpendicular to the stem ( Fig. 4 View Figs 2–6 ). There is a differentiation in size and robustness of the calyx structure, i.e. a gradual decrease in size (1.1–1.3 µm) from the anterior cell end towards the posterior end ( Fig. 2 View Figs 2–6 ). Flagellar pole coccoliths (ca. 12) with a quasicircular outline and a cruciform central area calcification that leads into a conspicuous calicate spine. The stem measures ca. 1.5 µm. The flattened calyx is arranged alongside the stem and comprises four elements. One element is hypertrophied, angled and pointed, and resembles the blade of an axe ( Fig. 3 View Figs 2–6 ). The length of the axe edge is 1.6–2.1 µm. The axe blade is on the proximal side supported by a triangular element reminiscent of those forming the body coccolith calyx. Opposite the axe blade are two elongate and narrow triangular elements that are joined end-to-end forming a spindleshaped structure. The rim calcification is similar in BC’s and CFC’s and comprises a single cycle of rod-shaped elements (0.2–0.25 µm) joined end-to-end ( Fig. 5 View Figs 2–6 ).

Holotype: Figs 2–6 View Figs 2–6 (same cell). Illustrations are used here as a substitute type specimen because the TEM images provide the most details, and because the TEM grid which carries the specimen in question does suffer from long time preservation problems.

Type locality: Collected from the Andaman Sea at #10 (8°24′N / 97°03′W) on 19 August 1996 and from a depth of 80 meters (ca. 25°C and 34 psu).

Etymology: ‘stellata’ is derived from ‘stellatus’ (L) meaning in the shape of a star. The species name reflects the star-like appearance of the body coccolith calyx.

The description above of a single specimen observed in the Andaman Sea sample is fortunately corroborated by two additional specimens of V. stellata observed in a NW Mediterranean sample ( Figs 7–10 View Figs 7–10 ; see also Cros and Fortuño 2002 l.c. Fig. 111D). Despite the vast geographical distance between the NW Mediterranean and the SW Thailand coastline the cells appear convincingly similar. The morphological elaboration of both the CFC and BC central appendages are thus identical. The edge of the CFC axe blade is 1.6–2.1 µm and the BC calyx diameter 0.8–1.4 µm which are values that match those of the Andaman Sea type material. It is not possible based on the material available to ascertain whether the two-dimensional calyx is oriented parallel with or perpendicular to the longest axis of the CFC. However, when scrutinizing in particular the cell illustrated in Fig. 9 View Figs 7–10 (arrow) it appears that the calyx is in fact perpendicular to the longest axis of the CFC. The difference in size of the BC ‘windmills’ from the anterior towards the posterior cell end is also pronounced in the NW Mediterranean cells ( Figs 7, 9 View Figs 7–10 ). It is evident that the BC superstructures are not completely flattened but distally slightly convex ( Figs 8, 10 View Figs 7–10 ; arrows) and apparently more so than in the Thailand type material. This is indicated when comparing Figs 3–4 View Figs 2–6 showing BC’s in side view with the BC’s pointed out in Figs 8, 10. A View Figs 7–10 schematic drawing of the BC and CFC in side and top view is included ( Fig. 11 View Fig ).

There is no evidence of unmineralized under layer scales nor can we at this stage provide information with reference to a possible life history counterpart of V. stellata .

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