Ventimolina, Thomsen & Østergaard & Cros, 2015

Thomsen, Helge Abildhauge, Østergaard, Jette Buch & Cros, Lluïsa, 2015, Ventimolina stellata gen. et sp. nov. (Haptophyta, Papposphaeraceae) from Warm Water Regions, Acta Protozoologica 54 (4), pp. 275-281 : 276

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.15.022.3536

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Ventimolina View in CoL gen. nov.

Diagnosis: Small, dimorphic coccosphere. Flagellar pole coccoliths quasicircular and with a calicate central spine that arises from a cruciform central area. The longitudinally flattened calyx comprises four elements one of which is markedly hypertrophied. Body coccoliths oval with a central area cruciform calcification that leads into a short stem that is in turn terminated by a cruciform structure composed of four elements arranged in the shape of a windmill. The rim calcification in both CFC’s and BC’s is limited to a single cycle of directly butting, rod-shaped elements.

Type species: Ventimolina stellata sp. nov. ( Figs 2–6 View Figs 2–6 )

Etymology: from ‘ventus’ (L) meaning wind, ‘mola’ (L) meaning millstone, and ‘ina’ diminutive suffix. The generic name reflects the resemblance between a windmill and the body coccolith calyx.

Ventimolina gen. nov. is morphologically distinct and coccoliths even slightly reminiscent of those described here are not mirrored in any extant or extinct coccolithophore taxa. The new monospecific genus shares features with members of the Papposphaeraceae ( Jordan and Young 1990, Andruleit and Young 2010) in particular species of Pappomonas . An extended discussion of the higher level affinities of Ventimolina gen. nov. is found below.

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