Gammarus sinuolatus, Hou & Li, 2004

Hou, Zhong-E & Li, Shuqiang, 2004, Gammarus Species From Tibet Plateau, China (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridae), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 52 (1), pp. 147-170 : 161-169

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13244319

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Gammarus sinuolatus

sp. nov.

Gammarus sinuolatus View in CoL , new species

( Figs. 12-17 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Material examined. – Holotype - male, 10.1 mm (IZCAS-I-A0071), altitude 3400 m, tributary of Lancang River, near Qamdo Town (31.1 oN, 97.1 oE), 15 Aug.2001.

Paratypes - 8 males, 7 females ( IZCAS) , 2 males, 2 females ( ZRC), same data as holotype .

Diagnosis. – (1) Gnathopod 2: carpus and propodus with long setae on dorsal margins. (2) Pereopods 6 and 7: bases elongate and concave posteriorly, setae on posterior margin relatively long; articles 4 and 5 with 2 groups of spines accompanied by setae along anterior margins. (3) Uropod 3: inner ramus about one-third of outer ramus, both rami armed with long simple setae. (4) Epimeral plates: bearing long setae on ventral margins. (5) Urosomites: urosomites 1-3 armed with groups of long setae on dorsal margins. (6) Telson with long setae on dorsal face.

Description. – Holotype - male, 10.1 mm (IZCAS-I-A0071). Body: slender. Head ( Fig. 12A View Fig ): lateral cephalic lobe of head truncate, inferior antennal sinus distinct, eyes ovate. Antenna 1 ( Fig. 14A View Fig ): peduncular articles 1-3 in length ratio 1: 0.75: 0.45, with some distal setae; primary flagellum with 22 articles, most with aesthetascs; accessory flagellum with 4 articles. Antenna 2 ( Fig. 15H View Fig ): peduncular articles 4 and 5 subequal in length, both with 2-3 clusters of setae along anterior and posterior margins; flagellum with 10 articles, most articles with calceoli.

Upper lip ( Fig. 12E View Fig ) convex, with minute setae. Mandibles ( Figs. 12L, J View Fig ): left incisor 5-dentate; lacinia mobilis with 4 weak dentitions, molar triturative, article 2 of palp with 10 stiff setae, article 3 a little shorter than article 2, with 5 Asetae on outer face, 3 B-setae on inner face, about 20 D-setae and 4 E-setae; right incisor 4-dentate, lacinia mobilis bifurcate. Lower lip ( Fig. 12F View Fig ): inner lobe absent. Maxilla 1 ( Figs. 12H, K View Fig ): inner plate with 10 plumose setae, article 2 of left plap with 6 sharp spines and 2 stiff setae; article 2 of right palp broad, with 5 blunt spines and 1 stiff seta. Maxilla 2 ( Fig. 12I View Fig ): inner plate with 10 diagonal plumose setae on inner face, outer plate with long apical setae. Maxilliped ( Fig. 12G View Fig ): inner plate with 3 apical spines and 1 subapical spine, outer plate with 9 slender spines on medial margin and 5 pectinate setae apically, palp with 4 articles.

Coxal plates: coxal plates 1-3 subrectangular ( Figs. 13A, B View Fig , 14B View Fig ), with 2 setae on anterior corner and 1 seta on posterior corner; coxal plate 4 excavated ( Fig. 14C View Fig ), with 2 setae on anterior corner and 7 setae on posterior margin; coxal plates 5 and 6 ( Figs. 15A, B View Fig ), anterior lobe small, with 1-2 setae on posterior corner; coxal plate 7 ( Fig. 15C View Fig ) with 3 setae on posterior margin.

Gnathopod 1 ( Figs. 13A, C View Fig ): basis with long setae along anterior and posterior margins; carpus and propodus in length ratio 1: 1.33, carpus triangular; propodus pyriform, palm oblique, bearing 1 median palmar spine, 8 spines on posterior margin and 10 spines on inner face; dactylus about half the length of the propodus margin, with 1 seta on outer margin. Gnathopod 2 ( Figs. 13B, D View Fig ), basis similar to that of gnathopod 1; carpus a little shorter than propodus, both with long setae (some weakly curled) on dorsal margin; palm of propodus transverse, bearing 1 median palmar spine and 3 spines on posterior corner; dactylus fitting with propodus margin, with 1 seta on outer margin.

Pereopod 3 slender ( Figs. 14B, G View Fig ), posterior margin with long straight setae; articles 5 and 6 with 3 groups of spines on posterior margin; dactylus with 1 seta on outer margin and 1 stiff seta at joint of nail. Pereopod 4 ( Figs. 14C, H View Fig ) shorter than pereopod 3, armature reduced.

Pereopods 5-7 ( Figs. 15 View Fig A-C, I, J): pereopods 6 and 7 longer than pereopod 5; anterior margin of bases with 5 short spines and several long setae proximally, posterior margin nearly straight in pereopod 5, concaved in pereopods 6 and 7, with a row of about 12 setae, inner face of bases of pereopods 6 and 7 with 2-4 setae; articles 4 and 5 with 2 groups of spines accompanied by setae along anterior and posterior margins, setae longer than spines; article 6 with 3 clusters of spines on anterior margin and a few setae on posterior margin; dactylus slender, with 1 seta on outer margin and 1 seta at hinge of nail.

Coxal gills ( Figs. 13B View Fig , 14B, C View Fig , 15A, C View Fig ): coxal gills of pereopods 2-7 sac-like.

Epimeral plates ( Fig. 12B View Fig ): epimeral plates 1-3 not acute on posterior corners, with 1-2 short setae on posterior margin, and many long setae on ventral margins. Pleopods ( Figs. 15 View Fig D- F) subequal in length, peduncle with dorsal setae, 2 retinacula accompanied by 2 setae; rami with about 20 articles, all fringed with plumose setae.

Urosomites ( Figs. 12C, D View Fig ): urosomites 1-2 dorsally flat, with 4 groups of long setae accompanied by few spines; urosomite 3 with 2 groups of setae. Uropod 1 ( Fig. 14E View Fig ): peduncle longer than rami, with 1-1-2 and 1-1 spines on outer and inner margins, respectively; inner ramus with 1 mid-lateral and 5 distal spines; outer ramus with 1 spine on each side and 4 distal spines. Uropod 2 ( Fig. 14F View Fig ): peduncle with 3 spines, both rami with 1 lateral spine on outer margin. Uropod 3 ( Fig. 14D View Fig ): peduncle with 3 setae on dorsal margin and 5 spines accompanied by several long setae on distal margin; inner ramus about 35% of outer ramus; outer ramus with 2 articles, article 1 with 2 lateral spines and 3 distal spines, article 2 small, 8% of article 1; both rami armed with long simple setae.

Telson deeply cleft ( Fig. 15G View Fig ), wider than long, with 2 distal spines accompanied by 5-7 long setae, and a cluster of 7 long setae on dorsal face.

Female. – Body length 11.5 mm. Antenna 2: calceoli absent. Gnathopod 1 ( Figs. 16A, E View Fig ): basis with long setae on posterior margin, and 7 facial setae; propodus not as oblique as that of male, with 9 spines on posterior margin. Gnathopod 2 ( Figs. 16B, F View Fig ): setae of carpus and propodus fewer than those of male, palm of propodus truncate, with 3 spines on posterior corner. Pereopods 3-7 ( Figs. 17 View Fig A-J): pereopods 3-7 similar to those of male, but relatively short, with fewer setae. Uropod 3 ( Fig. 16G View Fig ): stout, inner ramus about 40% of outer ramus, both rami fringed with simple setae. Telson cleft ( Fig. 16C View Fig ), with 2 distal spines accompanied by long setae, 1 facial spine accompanied by long setae, and a clusters of 3-4 long setae on dorsal face. Epimeral plates ( Fig. 16D View Fig ): epimeral plates 1-3 with fewer long setae on ventral margin than those of male.

Oostegites ( Figs. 16B View Fig , 17 View Fig A-C): oostegites of pereopods 2-5 progressively increasing, bearing many long setae.

Etymology. – This specific name comes from its slim and bowed body shape.

Remarks. – Gammarus sinuolatus belongs to the G. pulex - group. Gammarus sinuolatus resembles G. gregoryi Tattersall, 1924 , from Yunnan. Both species have a short inner ramus of uropod 3 (about one-third of outer ramus), and both rami of uropod 3 are densely set with simple setae. Gammarus sinuolatus can be distinguished from G. gregoryi by the urosomite 1 with 4 groups of long setae on the dorsal margin, while G. gregoryi has few setae on the dorsal margin of urosomite 1.

This taxon is similar to G. parucispinus Hou & Li, 2002b , and G. electrus Hou & Li, 2003c , in the uropod 3 with long simple setae and the telson with long setae on dorsal face. Gammarus sinuolatus differs from G. parucispinus in the antenna 2 with calceoli, inner ramus of uropod 3 shorter than half of outer ramus, urosomites and epimeral plates with long setae on dorsal and ventral margins, respectively. Gammarus sinuolatus differs from G. electrus in propodus of gnathopods 1-2 and posterior margin of pereopod 3 with straight setae, while G. electrus with long curled setae on propodus of gnathopods 2 and posterior margin of pereopod 3.

Gammarus sinuolatus , new species, is also similar to G. frigidus , new species, and, G. jaspidus new species. The differences among these three new species and the related species are given in Table 1.

Distribution. – Qamdo, Tibet, China (present study).


Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Zoological Reference Collection, National University of Singapore













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