Genlisea hawkingii, S. R. Silva, B. J. Plachno & V. Miranda, 2020

Silva, Saura Rodrigues, Płachno, Bartosz Jan, Carvalho, Samanta Gabriela Medeiros & Miranda, Vitor Fernandes Oliveira, 2020, Genlisea hawkingii (Lentibulariaceae), a new species from Serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais, Brazil, PLoS ONE (e 0226337) 15 (1), pp. 1-15 : 6-8

publication ID 10.1371/journal.pone.0226337


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scientific name

Genlisea hawkingii


Genlisea hawkingii View in CoL is a montane species (1,080–1,140 m) which grows among rocks, on shallow and sandy soils and also been near perennial water bodies such as streams and waterfalls.

It is found within the altitudinal range of G. flexuosa (ca. 700–1,400 m), G. exhibitionista (1,000 –1,400 m), G. lobata (1,000 –1,722 m) and G. violacea [(680–) 900–1,950 m] [ 1, 10]. Usually found associated with grasses and sedges ( Poaceae and Cyperaceae , respectively), shrubs and other carnivorous plant species such as Utricularia nana A.St. -Hil. & Girard and U. triloba Benj. , but not occurring sympatrically with other species of Genlisea . G. hawkingii is an annual species (personal observation during one complete year), as G. exhibitionista , G. lobata and G. violacea , in contrast to G. uncinata and G. flexuosa which are perennial plants [ 1, 10]. The massive flowering and fruiting were observed in March and May.

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