Rhyparus jakli, Minkina & Anichtchenko, 2022

Minkina, Ÿukasz & Anichtchenko, Alexander, 2022, Studies on genus Rhyparus Westwood, 1845 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) with description of two new species from Southeast Asia, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 22 (1), pp. 175-183 : 178-181

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Felipe (2024-08-03 04:22:23, last updated 2024-08-03 15:23:36)

scientific name

Rhyparus jakli

sp. nov.

Rhyparus jakli View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 4–6 View Figs 4–6 , 8 View Figs 7, 8 , 10, 12 View Figs 9–12 , 16 View Figs 13–16 )

Type locality. Indonesia, W Timor, 50km S of Kupang, Buraen.

Type material. Holotype (): Indonesia, W Timor, 50km S of Kupang, Buraen , 350m., 26.i.­ 09.ii.2006, leg. Stanislav Jakl [ Ÿ MCN].

Description. Dorsum ( Fig. 4 View Figs 4–6 ). Body length of holotype 8.4mm. Large in size as member of the genus. Elongate, except of 1/3 preapical parts of elytra and strongly convex elements as costae – weakly shiny, brownishblack; except punctures, tops of costae and legs glabrous.

Studies on genus Rhyparus Westwood, 1845 ( Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae : Aphodiinae ) with description...

Head ( Fig. 8 View Figs 7, 8 ) trapezoidal, clypeus anteriorly weakly sinuate, with relatively distinct teeth on sides, laterally distinctly emarginated and next with widely rounded angles, relatively not so relatively distinctly separated from distinctly protruding, rounded genae. Clypeocentral disc relatively large, distinctly convex, ringed by not so deep grove, with pair of indistinct, weakly convex, shiny, longitudinal tubercles. Clypeocentral disc densely punctate. Frons with four short, longitudinal costae. Punctation of head relatively regular, all punctures bearing short macrosetae.

Epipharynx ( Fig. 12 View Figs 9–12 ) distinctly transverse, rather distinctly sinuate at middle, corypha with several long celter, with two lateral lobes bearing tuft of smaller and finer celtes. Epitorma broad, somewhat rectangular, with dense chaetopedia laterally. Tormae long.

Pronotum transverse, with six distinct, costae and seven longitudinal intercostae; on each side of costae there is row of short and small yellowish macrosetae. Lateral margin with two distinctly protruding lobes; anterior lobes sharply triangular with relatively rounded top, somewhat less developed than broadly triangular posterior which have somewhat rounded top too. Paramedian costae continuous, parallelogram. Discolateral costae interrupted in apical half. All intercosta with dense, medium sized punctures.

Minkina Ł., Anichtchenko A.

Scutellum almost imperceptible.

Elytra elongate, relatively narrow, widest before the middle. Each elytron with five distinct costae and five intercostae; on each side of costae there is row of short and small yellowish macrosetae. Fourth costae widened basally; covered by relatively dense, moderately large punctures. Intercostae flat, all of them with two rows of medium sized punctures; sometimes simple additional punctures are visible between them – especially basaly on second intercosta; third intercosta with distinct row of relatively small punctures between two rows of medium sized punctures. Postdiscal bulbs relatively moderate in size. Caudal bulbs moderately strongly developed; external protrusion quite distinctly divided from median and internal which are fused into one and visible as transverse, elongate bulb; only very week sinuation between them. Pygidium with elevated area basally; medially with relatively deep grooves on sides.


Venter weakly shiny, brownishblack ( Fig. 5 View Figs 4–6 ). Meso­metaventral plate concave, with distinct, relatively shallow, relatively thin, somewhat arrow­shaped median impression in basal 4/5; densely covered by medium sized punctures bearing very thin macrosetae; punctures here distinctly variable in size. Abdomal ventrites separated by not so large, but deep, quite regular in shape impressed sutures.

Legs sturdy, shiny, with a lot of small punctured with eracted short setae. Mesofemora with distinct teeth on basal border, metafemora without teeth there. All femora with very dense, not so fine, quite regular punctation bearing very thin macrosetation. Protibia tridentate apically, straight, with rather distinct, relatively small basal dent. Mesotibiae narrow at base, widest in basal third of length, and next narrowed to apex; at apex with widened apical projection. Metatibiae with similar structure as mesotibiae, but with more distinctly developed apical projection. Metatibiae as general relatively straight.

Aedeagus ( Fig. 10 View Figs 9–12 ) Phallobase much longer than parameres, moderately de­curved toward apex in lateral view. Parameres small, thin, semitransparent, visible as weak protrusion of each side of median lobe.

Variability. Unknown.

Sexual dimorphism. Unknown.

Etymology. Patronymic. Dedicated to its collector: Stanislav Jakl.

Affinity. Because of combination of features: large size of body, dense punctation of all intercostae of pronotum and external protrusion of caudal bulbs quite distinctly divided from median protrusion R. jakli sp. nov. can be confused only with two Oceanian species: R. denticollis (see fig. 13) and R. philippinensis Arrow, 1905 (see: Anichtchenko et al., 2021: figs 6a­c, 12, 18, 24, 30a­b). However R. denticollis has: smaller size of body; lateral lobes of pronotum much more distinct, anterior lobe larger than posterior; elytra proportionally shorter and wider, with distinct sinuation between median and inner protrusion of caudal bulb (compare figs: 4 and 13). R. philippinensis has: smaller size of body (moderate in size species); lateral lobes of pronotum widely rounded. Median and internal protrusions of pronotum differently directed – less transverse (compare figs: 4 and 6a from Anichtchenko et al., 2021). However when we base on distributional data, size of body, general proportions, shape of ventral side of body (similar meso­metaventral plate and abdominal ventrites) we can suspect that most closely related to R. jakli sp. nov. is R. verrucosus Schmidt, 1916 (see Fig. 14 View Figs 13–16 ). Both species are very easily distingushable by punctation of intercostae of pronotum ( R. verrucosus have densely punctate only median intercosta), shape of lateral lobes of pronotum ( R. verrucosus have somewhat rounded lobes), shape of caudal bulb (clearly less developed in R. verrucosus ) (compare figs: 4 and 14) and different shape of last abdominal ventrite and pygidium (compare figs: 15 and 16).

Anichtchenko A., Minkina Y., Vasiljeva A., Medina M. N. D. 2021. A review of the genus Rhyparus in the Philippines, with descriptions of two new species from Mindanao (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 61 (1): 99 - 111.

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Figs 4–6. Rhyparus jakli sp. nov., (scale lines: 1.0 mm).

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Figs 7, 8. Heads: 7 – Rhyparus merkli sp. nov., 8 – R. jakli sp. nov. (scale lines: Fig. 7: 0.5mm, Fig. 8: 1.0mm).

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Figs 9–12.Aedeagi and epipharyngi:9 – aedeagus of Rhyparus merkli sp. nov., 10 – aedeagus of R. jakli sp. nov., 11 – epipharynx of R. merkli sp. nov., 12 – epipharynx of R. jakli sp. nov. (scale lines: Figs 9, 10: 0.5mm, Figs 11, 12: 1.0mm).

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Figs 13–16. Dorsal views and abdominal apexes: 13 – dorsal view of Rhyparus denticollis, 14 – dorsal view of R. verrucosus (Bali Island), 15 – abdominal apex of R. verrucosus (holotype, Sumatra), 16 – abdominal apex of R. jakli sp. nov. (scale lines: 1.0 mm).











