Micronycteris (Leuconycteris) schmidtorum Sanborn, 1935

Siles, Lizette & Baker, Robert J., 2020, Revision of the pale-bellied Micronycteris Gray, 1866 (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) with descriptions of two new species, Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 58 (4), pp. 1411-1431 : 11

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1111/jzs.12388



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Micronycteris (Leuconycteris) schmidtorum Sanborn, 1935


Micronycteris (Leuconycteris) schmidtorum Sanborn, 1935 View in CoL

Micronycteris schmidtorum Sanborn, 1935:81 View in CoL .

Micronycteris (Micronycteris) schmidtorum Sanborn, 1949:220 View in CoL .

M. (Schizonycteris) schmidtorum Porter et al., 2007:1212 View in CoL (based on a misidentified specimen).

Holotype Field Museum of Natural History Voucher FMNH 41559 About FMNH . Adult male. Collected December 18, 1933, by F. J. W. Schmidt. Original number 4070 .

Type locality Bobos , Izabal, Guatemala .


Localities confirmed or added in this study are marked with an asterisk* (Figure 1, Table S1). Southern Mexico (Escobedo-Cabrera, LeonPaniagua, & Arroyo-Cabrales, 2006), Belize: Toledo *, Corozal, and Orange Walk ( Simmons, 1996); Guatemala: Izabal * and Santa Rosa *; Honduras: Copan ( Simmons, 1996); Nicaragua: Rivas *; Costa Rica: Heredia *; Panama: Los Santos *; Ecuador: Esmeraldas *; Colombia: Vichada ( Simmons, 1996); Venezuela: Amazonas *, Falcon *, and Lara *; Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad *; French Guiana: Cayenne*; Peru: Madre de Dios ( Simmons, 1996); Brazil: Pernambuco *, Pará ( Simmons, 1996), Amazonas, Amapá, Bahia, Ceará, Minas Gerais, and Tocantins (Nogueira, Peracchi, & Moratelli, 2007), Alagoas, Paraíba, and Sergipe ( da Rocha et al., 2017). Published records from Bolivia were based on a misidentified specimen (MSB 235221) that we determined as M. minuta (Table S1), and on an unvouchered record that we consider invalid, therefore M. schmidtorum is not distributed in Bolivia ( Aguirre et al., 2019). Sampaio, Lim, and Peters (2016) list El Salvador within the species range, but there are no specimens or published records from this country ( Owen & Girón, 2012; Rodríguez & Sánchez, 2015). Museum voucher TTU 103880 from Honduras was listed as M. schmidtorum (Table S1), but we determined it was M. tresamici sp. nov.

Emended diagnosis

Ventral fur is paler than dorsal fur (gray or buff). Skull and dentition in general are more robust than other pale-bellied species, which is evident in multivariate morphometric analyses. Mastoid breadth is shorter than ZB (Appendix 1). Rostrum is triangular and not inflated in the region over the premolars and molars. Postorbital constriction is narrow relative to rostrum and cranium. Sagittal crest is low and present over the parietals ( Sanborn, 1935) and sometimes over the frontals. Cranium is tall in relation to the rostrum forming an angle of 30° to 35°. Palatine bones are long with a convergent or round end anteriorly and the sutura palatomaxillaris located between M1 and M2, or the middle of M1. Lower incisors are hypsodont and bi or trilobed. In lateral view, P3 and P4 are equal in size, or P3 slightly shorter than P4. In occlusal view, P3 is ovoid and smaller than P4, which is triangular. Lower premolars are all robust, p2 and p4 similar in size, and p3 is slightly smaller or ~ 3/4 of p2 (p2≈p4> p3) ( Sanborn, 1935). Cranial characters are shown in Figure 5.

Micronycteris schmidtorum also can be distinguished from its congeners based on DNA sequence data.Maternal (cytochrome -b), nuclear (Fgb -I7), and paternal (Y-chromosome DBY5 and DBY7) sequences position M. schmidtorum in a clade that is divergent and strongly supported from other members of the genus studied thus far.


We recommend the use of cranial characters to confirm species identification (Figure 5). An external character commonly used to identify M. schmidtorum is length of calcar larger than the foot ( Sanborn, 1935), but several authors determined it was not a reliable diagnostic character (Feijó, da Rocha, & Ferrari, 2015; Santos, Nogueira, da Cunha, da Cunha Carvalho, & Fischer, 2010; Siles et al., 2013).














Micronycteris (Leuconycteris) schmidtorum Sanborn, 1935

Siles, Lizette & Baker, Robert J. 2020

Micronycteris (Micronycteris) schmidtorum

Sanborn 1949: 220

Micronycteris schmidtorum

Sanborn 1935: 81

M. (Schizonycteris) schmidtorum

Porter et al., 2007: 1212: 1212
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