Lasianthus Jack (1823:125)

Napiroon, Tiwtawat, Chayamarit, Kongkanda, Dawson, Sally, Till, Walter & Balslev, Henrik, 2020, A synopsis of Lasianthus (Lasiantheae, Rubiaceae) in Thailand and two additional new species, Phytotaxa 439 (1), pp. 1-38 : 3

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.439.1.1

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scientific name

Lasianthus Jack (1823:125)


Lasianthus Jack (1823:125) View in CoL , nom. cons. Type: — Lasianthus cyanocarpus Jack (1823: 125) View in CoL , typ. cons.

= Dasus Loureiro (1790:141) View in CoL , nom. rej. Type: ― D. verticillata Loureiro (1790: 141) . ≡ Lasianthus verticillatus (Loureiro) Merrill (1935: View in CoL

372). = Mephitidia Reinwardt ex Blume (1823:51) View in CoL . Type: ― M. hexandra Blume (1823: 51) View in CoL Lasianthus hexandrus (Blume) Blume = Litosanthes Blume (1823:22) View in CoL ; (1826–1827:994). Type: ― L. biflora Blume (1823: 22) View in CoL . = Santia Wight & Arnott (1834:422) View in CoL , nom. illeg., non Santia Savi (1799:479) View in CoL . Type: ― S. venulosa Wight & Arnott (1834: 422) View in CoL . ≡

Lasianthus venulosus (Wight & Arnott) Wight (1846: 508) View in CoL .

Shrubs or rarely treelets, up to 5 m tall; branches and branchlets terete, glabrous or hairy. Stipules interpetiolar, usually persistent, inconspicuous, triangular, lanceolate, ovate or oblong; apex acute or obtuse. Leaves opposite, apex acuminate, acute or cuspidate, base acute, rounded or cordate to rarely oblique, usually thinly coriaceous or chartaceous; midrib flat, depressed or slightly prominent above, usually prominent beneath; lateral veins (5‒) 6 (‒18) pairs, generally prominent beneath, ascending at an angle of more than 45°, curved to the margin or joining veins above at margin; veinlets parallel or reticulate. Inflorescences cymose, axillary, rarely supra-axillary, opposite, sessile, several-flowered; peduncles conspicuous or compressed, stout to extremely congested; bracts linear, lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate or rarely leaf-like, (3–) 5 (‒15) mm, persistent or absent. Flowers small; sessile or pedicels up to 5 mm long. Calyx campanulate or obconical; with 3–6 teeth or lobes, rarely with cupular limb truncate at apex, persistent on fruits. Corolla white, funnel- or salver-shaped, 2–2.5 cm long, glabrous or hairy on the outside; throat usually villous or pubescent inside; lobes 4–6, valvate or imbricate in bud. Stamens (4‒) 5 (‒6), inserted in throat of corolla; filaments short; anthers linear or oblong, innate, included or exserted. Ovary 3–10-loculed, ovule 1 in each locule, basal, erect; style filiform; stigma lobed. Fruits drupaceous, small, pulpy, blue, purple, or rarely white and orange-red or black, globose, subglobose or ovoid, glabrous or with indumentum, rounded or ridged; pyrenes 2–10, fresh fruits smooth, warty or sulcate, usually triangular in transverse section.

A recent revision of the genus Lasianthus include about 180 species in tropical areas of the world. There are more than 160 species in tropical Asia, more than 130 species which have been revised taxonomically in various regions of Southeast Asia, 20 species in Africa, 1 species in Australia and 3 species in tropical America. In Thailand, a total of 57 species, one subspecies, and 11 varieties were reported by Zhu (2001, 2002).












Lasianthus Jack (1823:125)

Napiroon, Tiwtawat, Chayamarit, Kongkanda, Dawson, Sally, Till, Walter & Balslev, Henrik 2020

Lasianthus venulosus

Wight, R. 1846: )


Jack, W. 1823: )
Jack, W. 1823: )


Loureiro, J. 1790: )
Loureiro, J. 1790: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF