Lasianthus marginatus Craib (1933:23)

Napiroon, Tiwtawat, Chayamarit, Kongkanda, Dawson, Sally, Till, Walter & Balslev, Henrik, 2020, A synopsis of Lasianthus (Lasiantheae, Rubiaceae) in Thailand and two additional new species, Phytotaxa 439 (1), pp. 1-38 : 22

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.439.1.1


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Lasianthus marginatus Craib (1933:23)


37. Lasianthus marginatus Craib (1933:23) View in CoL . Type: ― THAILAND. Chanthaburi, Makham district , 4 December 1924, A. F. G. Kerr 9551 (holotype K000777017!; isotype BK257390!).

T hailand: ―Only known from the type collection.

Distribution: ―Endemic to Thailand (South-Eastern).

Ecology: ―Evergreen forest in shaded places. Fruiting in December.

Notes: ― Lasianthus marginatus is similar to L. helferi but it differs by having branches and branchlets that are sparely hirsute (not glabrous), leaves oblong to oblong-oblanceolate, 5‒8 × 2‒2.5 cm, sparely hirsute (not narrowly oblong-lanceolate, 9‒13 × 3‒3.5 cm, densely hispid), stipules lanceolate, persistent, 8 mm long, sparely hirsute (not stipules triangular-lanceolate, persistent, 5‒6 mm long, glabrous), leaf apex acute, base oblique-rotunded (not apex acuminate, base acute), calyx campanulate, minutely 4‒5 toothed or truncate, 6 mm long, densely pilose (not calyx tubular, truncate, 4‒5 mm long, puberulous) and drupes have 5 hirsute, pyrenes (not 6 glabrous pyrenes).

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