Pangasius kunyit Pouyaud et al., 1999

Gustiano, R., Teugels, G. G. & Pouyaud, L., 2003, Revision of the Pangasius kunyit catfish complex, with description of two new species from South-East Asia (Siluriformes; Pangasiidae), Journal of Natural History 37 (3), pp. 357-376 : 367-369

publication ID 10.1080/713834687

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scientific name

Pangasius kunyit Pouyaud et al., 1999


Pangasius kunyit Pouyaud et al., 1999 View in CoL

Pangasius kunyit View in CoL (in part) Pouyaud et al., 1999: 247 (holotype and all paratypes).

Pangasius View in CoL n. sp. 1 (in part) Pouyaud et al., 2000: 1513 (specimens from Mahakam).


HOLOTYPE. MZB 10009, 627 mm SL, female; village of Sangasanga, 30 km SE of town of Samarinda, delta of Mahakam River , Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia; L. Pouyaud and J. Slembrouck; 12 November 1998.

PARATYPES. Five specimens: MNHN 1999-234, 702 mm SL, female; MNHN 1999-235, 467 mm SL, male; MNHN 1999-236, 416 mm SL, female; MNHN 1999-237, 371 mm SL, male; MNHN 1999-238, 305 mm SL, female; same data as holotype .

Other specimens examined. One specimen: MNHN 2001-0605 About MNHN , 633 mm SL; Samarinda, Mahakam River, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia; A. Pariselle and A. H. Kristanto; July 1997 . Ten specimens: MZB 10849, 307– 408 mm SL; 10 specimens: MZB 10850, 226- 386 mm SL; 14 specimens: MZB 10851, 217– 359 mm SL; Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia; R. Gustiano and A. H. Kristanto; July 2000 . One specimen: MNHN 2001-0606 About MNHN , 636 mm SL; Jambi, Batang Hari River, Sumatra, Indonesia; L. Pouyaud, O. Komarudin and W. Hadie; October 1998 . One specimen: MZB 10852, 529 mm SL; Pontianak, Kapuas River, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia; R. Gustiano, D. Sadili and A. H. Kristanto; March 1999 . Two specimens: MZB 10853, 577 View Materials and 587 mm SL; Kuala Kapuas, Barito River, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia; R. Gustiano and D. Sadili; 27 July 1999 . Three specimens: MZB 10854, 597– 619 mm SL; Banjarmasin, Barito River, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia; R. Gustiano and D. Sadeli; 27 July 1999 .


Pangasius kunyit is distinguished from all other Pangasius (Pangasius) species by the combination of the following characters: a somewhat spatulate (broad and rounded) head with a projected snout (head length 21.2–25.4% SL; head width: 15.7–18.9% SL; head depth 10.3–13.4% SL; snout length 45.9–53.9% HL); the short distance between the snout and isthmus (78.5–96.1% SNL); a robust dorsal spine (width 6.6–9.3% HL); up to 44 strong serrae on the posterior margin of the dorsal spine; more than 40 strong serrae on posterior margin of the pectoral spine; the short palatine toothplates (6.9–14.0% HL); and 24–32 gill rakers on the complete first branchial arch.


Based on the holotype, five paratypes and 42 specimens. The results of measurements taken from the material examined are given in table 3.

Head long, somewhat spatulate, broad and rounded in dorsal and ventral profile compared to body width. Anterior nostrils large and entirely situated on anterior margin of upper lip; posterior nostrils located completely on dorsal surface of head; distance between anterior nostrils smaller than distance between posterior nostrils. Premaxillary toothplate visible when mouth closed; vomerine toothplate large and slender, consisting of two separate patches in young, becoming fused ontogenetically; palatine toothplates small throughout ontogeny; premaxillary and palatine teeth conical; vomerine teeth submolariform. Eyes latero-ventrally placed. Maxillary and mandibular barbels reaching beyond eye but not reaching posterior border of operculum. Post-ocular distance short. Distance between tip of snout and isthmus proportionally short. Gill rakers on complete first branchial arch: 29 in holotype and paratypes, 24–32 in other specimens examined. Swimbladder with two or three chambers, never extending posteriorly beyond anterior half of anal-fin base.

Body very deep, depth about 3.5–4 times in length. Dorsal fin with two spines: first very small; second long and very robust. Dorsal-fin rays: six or seven (six in holotype). Small filamentous extension on first soft fin ray in some specimens. Up to 44 strong serrae on posterior margin of spine and numerous minute serrae on anterior margin. Pectoral spine robust with more than 40 strong serrae on posterior margin and numerous minute serrae on anterior margin. Pectoral-fin rays 10 or 11 (11 in holotype), first soft ray sometimes filamentous. Pectoral fin reaching to level of line extending through base of last dorsal-fin ray. Six soft pelvic-fin rays; pelvic fin reaching as far as base of fifth anal-fin ray in some specimens; first pelvic-ray sometimes filamentous. Anal-fin rays with 29–35 soft fin rays (33 in holotype). Adipose fin of notable size, its length about 1.5 times in eye diameter. Caudal fin short and somewhat lobed.

Maximum observed size 702 mm SL, ± 830 mm total length. Specimens of more than 1000 mm total length commonly reported by fishermen in spawning season.


Live specimens goldish-coloured on fins and lateral sides of head and body when freshly caught in estuarine environment. Specimens collected from upper reaches are more whitish. Lower side of flanks and belly whitish. Upper part of flanks and dorsum darker.


Pangasius kunyit is known from most of the major drainages in Sumatra ( Indonesia), where it was observed in the Musi River (Palembang), in the Batang Hari River (Jambi, Muara Jambi and Muara Tebo) and in the Indragiri River (Rengat). Pangasius kunyit is also present in Kalimantan where it was found in the Kapuas River (Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia), in the Barito River (Kuala Kapuas and Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia), in the Mahakam River (Samarinda and Sangasanga, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia). In Sumatra, P. kunyit was usually identified as P. pangasius or P. djambal .

Habitat and ecology

The species has been collected in fresh and brackish water. Fishermen even report it from plume waters beyond the estuaries. In all environments it lives in deeper waters. Marine invertebrates were found in gut contents of specimens caught in the delta of the Mahakam River. The species is also piscivorous.


Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile














Pangasius kunyit Pouyaud et al., 1999

Gustiano, R., Teugels, G. G. & Pouyaud, L. 2003

Pangasius kunyit

POUYAUD, L. & TEUGELS, G. G. & LEGENDRE, M. 1999: 247
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