Gryne orensis, (SORENSEN, 1879)

Medrano, Miguel, Kury, Adriano Brilhante & Mendes, Amanda Cruz, 2022, Morphology-based cladistics splinters the century-old dichotomy of the pied harvestmen (Arachnida: Gonyleptoidea: Cosmetidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 195, pp. 585-672 : 660-663

publication ID 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab043

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scientific name

Gryne orensis



( FIGS 2E–G View Figure 2 , 48 View Figure 48 , 57 View Figure 57 , 58 View Figure 58 )

Cosmetus Orensis Sørensen, 1879: 217 View in CoL , figs 6, 8, 11–13, 15–17, 19, 21, 24f, 27.

Gryne orensis: Roewer, 1912: 122 View in CoL .

Gryne angustipes Mello-Leitão, 1931: 85 View in CoL [junior subjective synonym of Cosmetus orensis Sørensen, 1879 View in CoL by Ringuelet (1959)].

Paecilaema neglectum Ringuelet, 1957: 30 View in CoL fig. 1, syn. nov.

Type data: Syntypes: Argentina. Formosa: Riacho del Oro , [–25.21667°, –57.75°], 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( ZMUC, examined by photograph) . Holotypes: Argentina: Chaco, Colonia Benítez [–27.33756°, W58.95706°] , A Frers leg., 6.viii.1915, 1 ♂ ( MACN 4520 View Materials , holotype of G. angustipes , not examined) ; Santa Fé, Zotta & Carcelles leg., 18.viii.1930, 1 ♂ ( MACN 4521 View Materials , holotype of P. neglectum , not examined) , Paratypes: Argentina: Chaco, Colonia Benítez [–27.33756°, –58.95706°] , A Frers leg., 6.viii.1915, 1 ♀ ( MACN 4520 View Materials , paratypes of G. angustipes , not examined) ; Santa Fe, Zotta & Carcelles leg., 18.viii.1930, 1 ♀ ( MACN 4521 View Materials , paratype of P. neglectum , not examined) .

Non-type material examined: Argentina. Santa Fé: [–31.610051°, –60.696051°], Mello-Leitão leg., 1 ♂ ( MNRJ 1380 View Materials ); 2 ♂ 3 ♀ ( MNRJ 1381 View Materials ) . Brazil. São Paulo: Pirassununga, Campus da USP, [–21.958615°, –47.466641°], S. García leg., x/2016, 2 ♀ ( MNRJ 9330 View Materials ); Águas de Santa Bárbara, Estação ecológica Santa Bárbara, [–22.8958°, –49.234883°, 639 m], xi/2016, 2 ♀ ( MNRJ 9331 View Materials ); Castilho, No Rio Paraná, [–20.847066°, –51.615127°, 269 m), 30.xi.1964, 1 ♂ 2 ♀ ( MZUSP 16780 View Materials ). Mato Grosso do Sul: Brasilandia, Fazenda Barino, [–21.232037°, –51.919651°, 267 m), AF Bedá & JO Silva leg., 20.ii.1993, 2 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MZUSP 17456 View Materials ). Paraguay. Central: Colônia Thompson, 20 km ao sul de Asunción, [–25.459801°, –57.511398°), 10.xii.1979, dead leaves and rotten wood, 3 ♀ ( MNRJ-HS 818 ); Corumbá: Rio Paraguai, sede do Inst Amolar, [–18.16272°, –57.37408°, 90 m), AB Kury leg., 10.ii.2019, (post-fire material) 3 ♂ ( MNRJ 60503 View Materials ); [–18.78745°, –55.92538°, 93 m), 9.ii.2019, (post-fire material) 5 ♂ 5 ♀ ( MNRJ 60505 View Materials ). Paraguarí: Sapucai [–25.65767°, –56.93975°, 260 m], (post-fire material) 3 ♂ 5 ♀ (USNMENT 1538076), (post-fire material) 1 ♂ 3 ♀ (USNMENT 1538077), (post-fire material) 2 ♂ (USNMENT 1538078).

Records: Argentina, Buenos Aires, Bahía Blanca. Chaco, Colonia Benítez; Picada Guaycurú; Resistencia; Riacho del Oro. Corrientes, Mburucuyá. Formosa, Formosa; Pirané. Santa Fe, Reconquista; Santa Fe. Brazil, Amazonas, Cavalo Cocho. Bahia, Mato Grosso [do Sul], Corumbá: Carandazinho. Pará, Cametá at Tocantins River. Paraguay, Assunción; Central: Colonia Thompson, 20 km S Asunción; Concepción: Colonia Sergente José E. López; Estancia Postillon, near Puerto Max; Colonia Risso, Apa River; San Joaquin; San Pedro; Villa Rica ( Roewer, 1912; 1923; 1925; 1928; Mello-Leitão, 1931; Sørensen in Henriksen, 1932; Ringuelet, 1959; Valentinis de Martínez, 1974; Soares & Soares, 1985).

Diagnosis: Differs from its congeners by having the reticular pattern of spots in DS more marked in ears of chevron, omega stripe and backbone [see Kury & Medrano (2018) for spots terminology]. Spots proximal to the sulcus of mesotergum, not occupying the central region of each area ( Fig. 57A View Figure 57 ).

Distribution: (1) Dry Chaco, Parana flooded savanna and Southern Cone Mesopotamian savanna in Argentina; (2) Humid chaco in Argentina and Paraguay; (3) Alto Paraná Atlantic forest in Paraguay and Brazil; and (4) Cerrado in Paraguay. Records of G. orensis available from Acosta & Vergara (2013) were also included in the map ( Fig. 48 View Figure 48 ). Description of male USNMENT 01538077 (with extra figures from other specimens): Measurements: CL: 1.79, CW: 2.68, AL: 3.28, AW: 4.43, IOD: 0.67, FeIV: 17.26.

Dorsum ( Fig. 57 View Figure 57 ). DS beta-type with attenuate constrictions. Area I with low tubercles and area III with long spines. Dorsal scutum in lateral view rising steadily from posterior and anterior borders to area III where it reaches the highest height. Scutal grooves perceptibles by coloration pattern more marked on them. Anterior edge of dorsal scutum with protoglyphs slightly concave with lateral triangular borders. Ocularium low; with a few granules near the eyes. Posterior border and free tergites each containing a transverse row of minute granules, anal operculum with scattered granules. Coda reduced.

Venter. Coxae I– III triangular, transverse to main body axis. Coxae II – IV connected by tubercular bridges. Coxae I– II with a longitudinal row of granules. Coxa IV pentagonal, greatly developed, oriented obliquely, but almost parallel to the body axis. Stigmatic area T-shaped with stigmata large, unconcealed. Free sternites each with a row of granules.

Chelicerae ( Fig. 58D, E View Figure 58 ). Hand not swollen. Basichelicerite short, with well-marked bulla and uniformly tuberculated dorsally. Meso-distal corner of bulla with one setiferous tubercle larger than dorsal ones. Posterior and ectal margins of bulla fringed with several tubercles. Movable finger of cheliceral hand with ten rounded tubercles. Fixed finger with seven triangular tubercles.

Pedipalps ( Fig. 58H, I View Figure 58 ). Elongate trochanter, foliaceus femur; convex dorsally, with a dorsal row of four fused setiferous tubercles and a ventral row of 14 setiferous tubercles. Tibia only slightly convex in ectal border, with one lateral row of setae in each side, distalmost setae of each side larger than others. Tarsus conical, with scattered dorsal setae and three well-marked ventral rows of subequal setae, prolateroventral row with two larger setae, one apical and one one median region.

Legs ( Fig. 57 View Figure 57 ). Long and unarmed legs, femora straight. Coxa IV convex in dorsal view with few apical granules, no clavi inguines. Pectinate claws in legs II and IV in two rows. Tarsal counts: 7, 13, 9, 9 ( Sørensen, 1879).

Colour (in alcohol, Fig. 57 View Figure 57 ). Dorsal scutum, coxae, pedipalpi and chelicerae deep orange-brown (69). DS with reticulate pattern pale greenish-yellow (104) more marked as omega stripe, backbone and chevron. Appendages podomeres (except coxae) strong yellow (84).

Penis ( Fig. 58A–C View Figure 58 ). Ventral plate short trapezoidal, wider at the base, with straight distal margin. Subdistal lateral margin of VP with three pairs of MS-C, large, curve and flattened. Two pairs of MS-D located in apical half of VP, MS-D1 twice longer than MS-D2 and closer to MS-C2, both MS-D straight and conical. Two pairs of MS-A in the median region in VP, straight, conical and as long as MS-D1 . Two pairs of MS-E in apical portion of latero-ventral surface and one pair of MS-B in the basal portion of ventral surface of VP. Ventral surface with two lateral thick stripes composed with microsetae type 4 ( T4 ) surrounding MS-B and MS-E, not occupying truncus. Glans with rounded dorsal process, stylus with a large wattle with an extended serrate part and without stylar barbs .

Variation. Males with enlarged BaTa in leg I. It is possible to differentiate two types of males: (1) major forms, with long tibiae and short metatarsi and (2) minor forms, with shorter tibiae and longer metatarsi, more similar to females. This can be seen in Figs 50D–H View Figure 50 for G. dimorpha .


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


University of the South Pacific




















Gryne orensis

Medrano, Miguel, Kury, Adriano Brilhante & Mendes, Amanda Cruz 2022

Paecilaema neglectum

Ringuelet RA 1957: 30

Gryne angustipes Mello-Leitão, 1931: 85

de Mello-Leitao CF 1931: 85

Gryne orensis:

Roewer CF 1912: 122

Cosmetus Orensis Sørensen, 1879: 217

Sorensen WE 1879: 217
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