Parapoecilosomella formosa, Papp, László, 2017

Papp, László, 2017, Twenty New Species Of Fifteen Genera Of The Afrotropical Sphaeroceridae (Diptera), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (4), pp. 377-427 : 404-406

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.63.4.377.2017

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scientific name

Parapoecilosomella formosa

sp. nov.

Parapoecilosomella formosa View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 100–107)

Holotype ( IRSNB): male, Malaisetrapslowlandevergreenprimaryforest (disturbed) – D. R. CONGO: Oriental prov., Likombo forest, 2 km SW Bomane, 1.28349, 23.72358, 20–22, v. 2010, A.H. Kirk- Spriggs – [yellow] BoyekoliEbaleCongoExpedition 2010 – BECE00609 . GoogleMaps

Paratypes: 1 male ( BMSA, gen. prep.): ibid., BECE00605 ; 1 male ( HNHM, abdomen with genitalia in a plastic microvial with glycerol): ibid., BECE00816 ; 2 females ( BMSA): ibid., BECE 00819 , BECE00613 .

Size (inmm): bodylength 2.47 (holotype), 2.31–2.49 (paratypes); winglength 2.75 (holotype), 2.36–2.77 (paratypes); wingwidth 1.17 (holotype), 1.04–1.18 (paratypes).

Description. Male. Bodynotparticularlystronglysclerotizedorgranulose. Head, antennaandarmatureoflegssimilartothatof P. lusingana (Vanshuytbroeck) . Onelong latero-clinateupperorbitalseta, 3 pairsofinterfrontalspresent, someminuteadditional lateroclinatesetulaeclosetoorbitals. occe, occi weak, postocellarsetanotdiscernible. Facial platenotprotruding, centrallywithalowcarina. Occipitalsetaeweak. Genalsetalong, 0.15 to 0.20 mm. Prosternum linear. One very strong posterior and one weak anterior pair of dc setae, no prsc. Nosetulaebetweenapicalscutellarsetae; discofscutellumbare. Acrostichalsin 8–10 irregularrows. Twopairsofstrongkatepisternalsetaepresent. Pulvilliand clawsweaklydeveloped; ventroapicalspurofhindtibialargelyreduced. Midtibiawithout ventralpreapicalseta. Malemidtibiaventrallywithoutaventroapicalsetabutwithnu- merous very long (0.4 mm or even longer) white hairs; female mid tibia with the normal 0.15 mmlongventroapicalseta. Nolongventralsetaonmidbasitarsus. Not 1 but 2 ventroapicalsetaeonhindtibia, buttheyareshort (0.06–0.07 mm). Wingpatterncomplex. Costa ending at apex of R 4+5, with longer setae along entire length. Costal setae long from base to apexofR. Rusuallylessstronglybent, Rwithoutaveinappendage. CuAusuallynot 1 2+3 2+3

developed. Rnotbisinuateormuchlessso. Roblique, almoststraight, distalendper- 2+3 2+3

pendiculartocosta ( PAPP 2008 a: fig. 313). Secondcostalsectionslightlylonger. Abdomen wellsclerotised. Tergite 1 pigmentedandsclerotisedonlylaterally, medialpartsclerotised ontwolateralthoughconfluentparts. Tergite 2 desclerotisedantero-mediallyonasmall triangulararea. Sternite 5 wideandshort, only 0.10 mmlong, withsomesevenlongsetae atdistalthird. Sternites 2 to 4 peculiar, onlypartiallywithmarbleirregularspots. Sternite 5 (Fig. 100) withlongsetae, mainlysubcaudally. Caudalmarginofsternite 5 (Fig. 101) with short, but not thin sharp setae. Synsternite (Fig. 103) with sternite 6 portion with more concaverightmembranousarea (Fig. 103), medialpartofsternite 7 darker. Caudaledge Figs 100–107. Parapoecilosomellaformosa sp. n., malepostabdomenandgenitalia. 100 = sternites 4 and 5, ventral view, 101 = caudal part of sternite 5 in higher magnification, ventral view, 102 = subepandrial sclerite, anterior (!) view, 103 = synsternite, ventral view, 104 = surstylus, broadest (sublateral) view, 105 = postgonite, lateralview, 106 = postgonite, cau- dal view, 107 = cercal part of epandrium with contours of subepandrial sclerite and base of surstylus, caudal view. Scale bar: 0.4 mm for Fig. 100, 103, 0.2 mm for Figs 101–102,

104–105, 107, 0.1 mm for Fig. 106

ofsternite 8 portiondesclerotisedanddemelanisedonasectionof 0.04 mm. Epandrium only 0.10 mmlongdorsallyandsagittally. Subepandrialsclerite (Fig. 102) morethantwice widerthanlong. Anallamellaeweaklymembranous, withdorso-lateralextension. Ventral partdemelaniseddesclerotised, includingcercalpartofepandrium (Fig. 107), coveredby short dense setae. Surstylus (Fig. 104) with ventral process longer, with a more slender base. Bodyofsurstyluswithmorelateralsetae (cf. PAPP 2008 a: figs 108, 110), withnumer- ousthickspiniformsetae. Hypandriumsimilartothatof P. lusingana . Theapicalthreadlikeprocessofdistiphallusisveryshort. Postgonitewithnumeroussetae ( Papp 2008 a: figs 105, 107), apicalhalfverythin, apicalhalfstraightinanterior/caudalview, butstrongly sigmoidinbasalhalf.

Female: Asmales, exceptforpostabdomen.

Etymology. Thespecificepithet (Latin: ‘formosus’ = beautiful) referstothespectacular body and wings of the new species.

Comments. Wingpatternusuallymorecomplexthaninmostspeciesof Poecilosomella ( PAPP 2008 a: figs 310, 312–316). Male sternite 5 medio-caudal setoseareasomewhatbroaderthanin P. lusingana . Sternites 2 to 4 marblespot pattern distinct from P. lusingana (Fig. 100, cf. PAPP 2008 a: fig. 103). Synsternite (Fig. 103) in P. formosa withmedialpartofsternite 7 portiondarker, markedly different from that of P. lusingana . Cercal process smaller and more dorsal thanin P. lusingana . Apicalpartofdistiphallusdiffersonbothofthesespecies.


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


National Museum Bloemfontein


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)

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