Nudopella marshalli, Papp, László, 2017

Papp, László, 2017, Twenty New Species Of Fifteen Genera Of The Afrotropical Sphaeroceridae (Diptera), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (4), pp. 377-427 : 399-401

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.63.4.377.2017

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scientific name

Nudopella marshalli

sp. nov.

Nudopella marshalli View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 80–85)

Holotype ( HNHM, abdomenwithgenitaliainaplasticmicrovialwithglycerol): male, RSA: KwaZuluNatal, NDrakensberg, alongeNdumeniRiver – onsedgeandon mud, Jan 31, 2007, No. 45, leg. L. Papp.

Size (in mm): body length 1.28, wing length 1.16, wing width 0.54.

Description. Male. Head. Facestronglyconcave, shiny. Eyebare. Cephalicsetaenot toolongbutthick. Twostrongplusseveralshortinternalorbitalsetulaepresent, i.e. interorbitalsasin N. operta . Twolatero-clinatefronto-orbitalsetae. Parafacialrowofsetulae continued on gena below eye (5–6 thin hairs there). Longitudinal axis of eye 0.19 mm. Postocellarsextremelylongandthick, intra- ocellarsstronganddivergent, morethanhalf lengthofocellarseta. Ocellarpairthick, stronglydivergent; occi stronglyreduced, occe long and thick. Four pairs of strong interfrontals. Gena below eye 0.10 mm, genal seta 0.12 mmlong. Vibrissaprobablystrong (brokenoffontheholotype). Antennamedialscape seta 0.07 mm. Pedicelsetaelong, thoughnotthick. Firstflagellomerewithverylongapicalhairsof 0.03 mm, withlonghairsonentiresurface, longestonesatapex. Aristalcilia very long, 0.03–0.035 mm. Arista (slightly curved) at least 0.55 mm long. About 8 rows of acrotrichalsonsuture, onelongposteriordorsocentralpair, apicalscutellarseta 0.28 mm; onelongposteriorkatepisternalseta 0.14 mm. Medialpostpronotalsetamuchshorterthan lateralpair. Wingmembranelightbrownish, veinslightbrown. Wingbroad, nearlyhalf ofwinglength. Asinglelongcostagialseta 0.125 mm. Cs1 setaein 2 rows; longestones, 0.05 mm. Second costal section incrassate, 0.025 mm broad, 0.39 mm long, third costal section, 0.32 mm, costal ratio, 1.27. Costa beyond tip of R 4+5 by 0.10 mm. M-M crossvein,

0.09 mm, RM-MM section of M 1+2, 0.14 mm, index 1.57. Halter light brown. Mid tibia with

Figs 73–85. Nudopella species. 73–79 = N.erratica sp. n.: 73 = mid basitarsus, ventral side, other setae omitted, 74 = sternite 5, ventral view, 75 = right half of epandrium and subepandrialscleritewithrightcercus, caudalview (somesetaeomitted), 76 = synsternite, ventral view, 77 = postgonite, lateralview, 78 = subepandrialsclerite, ventralview, 79 = surstylus, lateral (i.e. largelythebroadest). 80–85 = Nudopellamarshalli sp. n., holotypemale, postabdomen and genitalia. 80 = right ventral part of epandrium with cercus and subepandrial sclerite, caudalview, 81 = sternite 5, ventralview, 82 = surstylus, lateralview, 83 = surstylus, caudalview, 84 = subepandrialsclerite, ventralview, 85 = postgonite, lateralview.

Scale bar: 0.2 mm for Figs 74, 76, 81, 0.1 mm for Figs 73, 75, 77–80, 82–85 strongmidventralseta. Midtibialarmature: anterodorsalsat 7.5/30 (short), 10.5/30 (long & thick), 22/30 (weak), actuallydorsalsetaeat 22/30 (weak), 24/30 (strong), posterodorsalsat 7/30 (weak), 22/30 (the longest tibial seta). Ventroapical seta extremely long, 0.07 mm. Mid Figs 86–93. Nudopellapseudoperta sp. n., malepostabdomenandgenitalia. 85 = sternite 5, ventral view, 86 = synsternite, subventral view, 87 = right half of epandrium and cercus, caudalview, 88 = leftventralpartofepandriumandleftcercuswithsubepandrialsclerite, anteriorview, 89 = subepandrialsclerite, ventralview, 90 = synsternite, subventralview, 91 = postgonite, lateralview, 92 = surstylus, caudalview, 93 = surstylus, lateralview. Scale

bar: 0.2 mm for Figs 86, 90, 0.1 mm for Figs 87–89, 91–93

basitarsus (cf. Fig. 73), 0.175 mm long, with paired setae ventrally. Hind tibia with a long dorsalpreapicalseta, aslongastibiadiameter.

Tergites 4 and 5 with very long postero-caudal setae. Sternite 4 rather, wide, medial part with a deep broad concavity. Sternite 5 (Fig. 81) with long strong setae also on its medio-caudalmembraneouspart. Sternite 6 portionextremelyshortandbroad: leftside joins subdorsally to sternite 7 portion, right side ends under sternite 5. Sternite 6 parallel to sternite 7 portion, sternite 6 mediallyturnstobeperpendiculartoabdominalaxis, building anterior wall of genital pouch. Epandrium 0.09 mm long dorsally. Male cercus reduced, cercalpart (Fig. 80) withverylongsetae. SubepandrialscleritestrictlyV-shaped, rather thin in ventral view, with two lateral, ventrally directed arms, as seen in caudal view (Fig. 80). Hypandriumthin, verythinsagittally, withoutanytraceofappendage. Phallapodeme slightlymorecurvedthanin N. operta . Distiphallusisrathersimilartothatof N. operta and N. erratica . Postgonite (Fig. 85) very characteristic: basal ½ broader, in profile inner contour morecurvedthanouter, apicalhalfS-curved, apicalpartstronglynarrowedbutapexnot sharp. Surstylus (Figs 82–83) largeandlong: broad-based, medialpartnarrow, endingina triangularlateralprocess, apicalpartmedio-clinate, L-shapedwithextremelylargeblack apical “spine”.


Etymology. ThisnewspecieshasbeendedicatedtoProf. Dr. StephenA. Marshall (GuelphUniversity, Canada) inrecognitionofhisgreatcontributiontothetaxonomyof theSphaeroceridae, includingthespeciesofthegenus Trachyopella (Nudopella) .

Comment. The other two species are very similar, and so only a few fea- turesotherthanthoseofthemalegenitaliaaredescribed. Themalecercusin T. marshalli is reduced as in N. operta , while the setae in the cercal part are very long when compared to N. erratica .


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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