Nudopella erratica, Papp, László, 2017

Papp, László, 2017, Twenty New Species Of Fifteen Genera Of The Afrotropical Sphaeroceridae (Diptera), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (4), pp. 377-427 : 397

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.63.4.377.2017

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scientific name

Nudopella erratica

sp. nov.

Nudopella erratica View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 73–79)

Nudopellaoperta: PAPP 2008 b, misidentification, not N. operta RoháčeketMarshall, 1986

Holotype ( HNHM): male, EasternCapeProv., ShamwariGameRes[erve], onelephant dung, Jan 11, 2007, No. 14 – GPS10, S33° 24’ 47.0’’ E26° 05’ 45.0’’, 301 m, L. Papp & M. Földvári. GoogleMaps

Paratypes ( HNHM): 4 males, 3 females: samelabelsasfortheholotype ; 1 male: EasternCapeProv., farmlandsnrHappyLands, oncowandhorsedung, No. 15 - Jan 11, GPS 09, S33° 28’ 38.1’’ E25° 35’ 49.7’’, 51 m; 2 females, ibid., SandvlakteFarmnrPaterson, cattle pasture, cow pats, No. 18, GPS 11, Jan 12, S33° 26’ 14.2’’ E25° 56’ 54.8’’, 300 m GoogleMaps ; 4 males: ibid., KwaZuluNatal, SDrakensberg, GardenCastle, alongMlambonjaRiver, Jan 22, GPS21, No. 33, S29° 44’ 59.4’’ E29° 12’ 42.1’’, 1811 m GoogleMaps ; 1 female: KwaZulu Natal: S Drakens- berg, Himeville, Thomas Str., compost & fallen fruits - Jan 22, No. 35, GPS25, S29°44’36.6’’ E29°30’49.5’’, 1541 m.

Size (inmm): bodylength 1.28 (holotype), 1.21–1.67 (paratypes); winglength 1.12 (holotype), 1.12–1.41 (paratypes); wingwidth 0.57 (holotype), 0.55–0.66 (paratypes).

Description. Genabeloweye 0.10 mm, longitudinalaxisofeye 0.15 mm. Genalseta muchlongerthan 1stperistomalseta. Longestsetaonfirstcostalsection 0.09 mm. Halter brown. Other body characters, see under N. marshalli sp. n., including the two parallel rows ofshortthicksetaeonmidbasitarsus (Fig. 73).

Abdomen 0.9 mmlong. Maleabdominalsternite 2 lesssclerotisedandlessthanhalf as broad as sternite 3. Sternite 3 0.15 × 0.40 mm, sternite 4 0.13 × 0.43 mm, i.e., wide (abdomen width 0.56 mm). Tergite 5 with very long latero-caudal pair of setae. Male sternite 5 (Fig. 74), 0.15 × 0.43 mm, nosetaeonmedio-caudalmembranousarea. Synsternite (Fig. 76) ventral part extremely concave, covered by sternite 5. Only sternite 8 part and a small part of sternites 6–7 portions dorsal. Right half of sternite 6 very narrow, sternite 7 portion mostlycurvedanteriorly (betterseenincaudalview); sternite 8 portionsmall, max. 0.20 mmwide. Cercus (Fig. 75) wideandbroadlyroundedventrally. Subepandrialsclerite (Fig. 78), broad, V-shapedinventralview, highanditsventralarmslaterallycurvedwhenseen caudally (Fig. 75). Cercalsetaecomparativelyshort. Surstylus (Fig. 79) withanextremely large, wide, mediallydirectedblackapicalprocess, withoutasubapicallobe. Hypandrium small, rodweaklysclerotised. Distiphallusshort, withawide, apicalpartpartlymembra- nous. Postgonite (Fig. 77) rathersimple, apicalthirdnarrowed, withananteriorapex.

Etymology. Thespecificepithet (Latin: ‘erratica’) referstotheerroneousformeridentificationofthespecimensnowpartofthetype-series.

Comments. PAPP (2008 b) misidentifiedSouthAfricanspecimensofthis newspeciesas Nudopellaoperta RoháčeketMarshall, 1986 whichisaKorean (mostprobablyanOriental) species.

This species occurs together with N. pseudoperta sp. n. (see No. 33 above). Its specimens have been found on compost and also on dung of big hoofers. Differentlyfrom N. pseudoperta , thesurstylushasnosubapicallobe.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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