Minilimosina (Svarciella) rohaceki, Papp, László, 2017

Papp, László, 2017, Twenty New Species Of Fifteen Genera Of The Afrotropical Sphaeroceridae (Diptera), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (4), pp. 377-427 : 394-396

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.63.4.377.2017

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scientific name

Minilimosina (Svarciella) rohaceki

sp. nov.

Minilimosina (Svarciella) rohaceki View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 66–72)

Holotype ( HNHM): male, RSA: EasternCapeProv., BloukransPass , inasidevalley,

Jan 14–16, 2007, No. 23 – GPS16, S33° 57’ 09.6’’ E23° 37’ 59.4’’, 70 m, L. Papp & M. Földvári. Paratypes ( HNHM): 1 maleand 5 females: samedataasholotype; 1 female: ibid GoogleMaps .,

Hogsback, in a park, No. 8, Jan 8–9, 2007 – GPS05, S32° 35’ 18.0’’ E26° 56’ 56.0’’, 1298 m.

Figs 60–65. Minilimosina (M.) selecta sp. n., male postabdomen and genitalia. 60 = sternite 5, ventralview, 61 = cerciandepandrialsclerite, ventralview, 62 = subepandrialsclerite, anterior (!) view, 63 = phallus and phallapodeme, lateral view, 64 = postgonite, lateral view, 65 =

surstylus, broadest (sublateral) view. Scalebar: 0.2 mmforFig. 60, 0.1 mmforFigs 61–65

Size (inmm): bodylength 1.90 (holotype), 1.88–2.10 (paratypes); winglength 1.80 (holotype), 1.75–2.04 (paratypes); wingwidth 0.71 (holotype), 0.70–0.78 (paratypes).

Description. Abeautifulspecieswithshinyblackbodyandbrightyellowlegs. Head 0.33 (0.31–0.34) mmlong, facialplatedefinitelyconvexinlateralview. Parafacialiavery narrow and with extremely thin white hairs. Posterior fronto-orbital very strong (0.175– 0.19 mm), anterior pair thin and only 0.08 mm. Frontal vitta shiny black. Interfrontal seta minute, only 2 (3) pairsmostanteriorly. Ocellar, outerandinnerverticalpairsstrong, occipitalsandpostocellarsnotdeveloped. Vibrissa 0.20–0.22 mmlong, peristomals 0.08 mm orshorter. Genalsetafine, 0.10 mm, severalshortgenalsetaealsodiscernible. Scapeminute, pedicellarge, longerthan 1stflagellomere, withawreathoflongapicalsetae, long- est one is the ventral one (0.11 mm, dorsal one 0.10 mm). First flagellomere more conical withadistinct (thoughnotsharp) dorsalapex. Aristaverylong, 0.74–0.79 mm, itscilia only 0.02 mmlong, orsomewhatless. Anepisternumandkatepisternumarewithoutany shiningblackspots. Twopairsofverylongdorsocentrals, postpronotalshortandthin, 2 notopleurals (posteriorpaironacallus), 1 longsupra- alar, post-alarandprescutellarpairs hardlyornotdifferentiablefromthoracicsmallsetation. Apicalscutellarseta 0.41 mm (holotype) to 0.56 mm (femaleparatype), basalscutellarseta 0.25 mm (holotype) to 0.23 mm (paratypefemale), bothscutellarsetaeemergingfromasmalltubercle. Acrostichals thin, notarrangedregularly, ca. 6–8 rowsanteriorly. Posterior kepst 0.20 mm, anteriorpair minute. Wing membrane light brown, veins (including C) ochre. Second / third costal sections: 0.70/0.54, ratio 1.3. Firstandsecondcostalsectionswithlongermarginalsetae (0.05 mm vs. 0.04 mm). R 4+5 terminates almost at wing tip. Inter-crossvein section of M 1+2, 0.20, M-M cross- vein 0.10 mm. Discal cell edgy, M 3+4 distinct on a distal section of 0.14–0.15 mm. Alulasmall, verynarrow, narrowlyroundedapicallywith 0.08–0.09 mmlongapicalhair. Halterwax-yellow. Legsentirelyyellow, exceptforforetibiaanddorsalapicalpartsof femora, withsomeobscurebrownishhue. Midtibiawithamoderatelylongantero-dorsal at 18/41 and at 33/41 each, a longer subdorsal at 14/41, a large subdorsal at 35/41, a pos- terodorsal seta at 33/41. Ventro-apical seta of mid tibia short and thick. Hind tibia with a 0.10–0.11 mmlongdorsalpreapicalseta.

Abdomen long, almost as long as head and thorax combined. Male sternite 5 (Fig. 66) medio-caudally with a long sagittal process, without short setae. The body of sternite 5 is withoutacombofflatblackspinebutwithsomelongsetae. Subepandrialsclerite (Fig. 67) ratherlargeanddark. Surstylus (Figs 68–70) broadlybilobed, notpossibletorepresentin asingleview: posteriorlobeatitsbroadestisclosetoasubcaudalview. Postgonite (Fig. 72) wellcaudaltobasiphallus, ratherbroad, withoutlongsetae, slightlybroadenedonits apicalthird, apexrounded, apicalpartwithnumeroussetulae. Phallapodeme (Fig. 71) broadeneddorsally. Basi-anddistiphallusfused (Fig. 71), widelysigmoidinlateralview, apexmembranous.

Etymology. InamethisnewspeciestohonourDrJindřichRoháček (Slezskézemské muzeumOpava, CzechRepublic) forhisunsurpassableachievementsinthetaxonomyof Sphaeroceridaeandinseveralotherdipterousfamilies, andparticularlysoforthespecies of Minilimosina .

Comments. RohÁčeKandMArShALL’s (1988) revisionincluded 27 species of the subgenus Minilimosina (Svarciella) , including 14 new ones from the Palaearctic, Oriental, NeotropicalandNearcticregions, includingPhilippines, PapuaNewGuineaandtheBismarckIslands, butnonefromtheAfrotropical region. ThisnewspeciesfromSouthAfricaischaracterisedbyitsbare, long sagittalprocessonitsmalesternite 5 (Fig. 66), itsS-shapedphallus, onthe fusedbasi-anddistiphallus (Fig. 71), andlarge, widelybilobedsurstylus (Figs 68–70). Thenewspeciesisuniquealsobyitsanepisternumandkatepisternumhavingnoshiningblackspots. Asin M. (S.) vitripennis , themalesternite 5 medio-caudallyhasalongsagittalprocess.

Figs 66–72. Minilimosina (Svarciella) rohaceki sp. n., malepostabdomenandgenitalia. 66 = sternite 5, ventralview, 67 = subepandrialsclerite, anteriorview, 68 = surstylus, broadest view, 69 = posteriorlobeofsurstylusatbroadest, 70 = anteriorlobeofsursylus, subcaudal view, 71 = phallusandphallapodemewithbaseofpostgonite, lateralview, 72 = postgonite,

in broadest (sublateral) view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm for Figs 66, 71, 0.1 mm for Figs 67–70, 72


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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