Minilimosina (M.) selecta, Papp, László, 2017

Papp, László, 2017, Twenty New Species Of Fifteen Genera Of The Afrotropical Sphaeroceridae (Diptera), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (4), pp. 377-427 : 393

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.63.4.377.2017

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scientific name

Minilimosina (M.) selecta

sp. nov.

Minilimosina (M.) selecta View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 60–65)

Holotype: male ( HNHM), RSA: EasternCapeProv., BloukransPass , inasideval- ley, Jan 14–16, 2007, No. 23 - GPS16, S33° 57’ 09.6’’ E23° 37’ 59.4’’, 70 m, leg. L. Papp & M. Földvári. GoogleMaps

Paratypes ( HNHM, 1 malewithgenitaliaprepared): 3 males , samedataasholotype; 1 female: ibid., in a forest nr R102 , Jan 15–16, 2007, No. 25 - GPS19, S33° 56’ 57.3’’ E23° 36’ 20.8’’, 224 m. GoogleMaps

Size (inmm): bodylength 1.87 (holotype), 1.65–2.08 (paratypes); winglength 1.78 (holotype), 1.60–1.87 (paratypes), wingwidth 0.77 (holotype), 0.63–0.80 (paratypes). Description. Male. Entirefacialplateandfrontaltrianglebrightblack. Scutumandscutel- lumshiny, black, pleuranotshiny. Twopairsoflatero-clinatefronto-orbitals, anteriorone slightlylongerthanhalflengthofposteriorpair. Parafacialianarrow, withsomeminute hairs. Lunulelarge, triangular. Fourpairsofmoderatelylonginterfrontalpairs. Antenna withminutemedialscapeseta (0.035 mm). Firstflagellomerewithlong (0.035 mm) cilia. Arista 0.65–0.70 mmlongwithlong (0.025–0.03 mm) cilia. Asinglepairoflongerdorsocentralsetaepresent, secondpairslightlyanteriorly, 0.08 mmonly; onepostpronotal, two notopleural, onelongpostalaratsupra- alarrow, oneshortpresuturalneartonotopleural seta, onelongposteriorpaandsomeshortintra- alarsdiscernible. Onetinykatepisternal setapresent. Acrostichalsrelativelyscarceandlong, in 6–8 rowsbetweendorsocentrals. Prescutellarsetamoderatelylong. Wingmembranegreyish, veinslightbrown. Costalvein extending beyond tip of R 4 +5 by 0.15–0.18 mm; Cs2 section, 0.375 mm, Cs3, 0.49 mm, costal index, 0.77. R2+3 largelyparalleltocosta, apexbentuptowardsC. Discalcelledgy, M1+2 and M 3+4 continuing beyond M-M for 0.07–0.09 mm. RM-MM section, 0.15 mm, MM cross- vein 0.14 mm. Alula not very narrow (0.085–0.09 mm), apex rounded. No mid ventral seta on midtibia, ventro-apicalsetamoderatelylong, norowofthickblacksetaeventrallyonmid tibia. Antero-dorsals on mid tibia at 10/32, 22/32 (weak), 26/32 (large and slightly more dorsal), postero-dorsalssetaat 25/32 .

Epandrium medium large. Sternite 5 (Fig. 60) twice wider than long, medio-caudally withalongrow (comb) offlatblackspines (pegs). Cercalarea (Fig. 61) short, sagittalfusion veryshort. Subepandrialsclerite (Figs 61–62) muchhigherthancercalportion. Surstylus (Fig. 65) broad-based, sub-triangular, withnumerouslongsetaeonitscaudalpart, but withoutalargeblackpeg; apicalpartstronglynarrowed, bareofsetae. Postgonite (Fig. 64) long, slender, withaproclinateapex. Phallapodemelongandslender (Fig. 63), almost straight. Basiphallusratherlargeandcompact. Distiphallusshortandhigh (Fig. 63) apically, withwellsclerotisedsharpprocesses.

Etymology. Thespecificepithet (Latin, ‘selecta’ = chosen) referstothefactthatIhave seenseveralundescribedspeciesof Minilimosina inmaterialsfromtheAfrotropicalregion and I have selected and described one of them in order to demonstrate the occurrence of the genus in the Afrotropical region.

Comments. M. (Minilimosina) selecta sp. n. isaneasilyrecognisablespeciesbyitsmalegenitalia. Itssurstylusiswithoutalargeblackpegandits distiphallushassharpprocessesapically. Ifoundnospecieswiththiskind ofcharactercombinationamongthePalaearcticspecies. Inaddition, thereis acombofflatblackspinesmedio-caudallyonmalesternite 5. Thecercalarea with a very short sagittal fusion is as in some other species of Minilimosina (seee.g., RohÁčeK 1983, fig. 253). Theratherlargecompactbasiphallusisalso as in numerous species of M. ( Minilimosina ) (see RohÁčeK 1983, figs 243, 275).


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


University of Montpellier













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