Gonitella inornata, Papp, László, 2017

Papp, László, 2017, Twenty New Species Of Fifteen Genera Of The Afrotropical Sphaeroceridae (Diptera), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (4), pp. 377-427 : 388-390

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.63.4.377.2017

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scientific name

Gonitella inornata

sp. nov.

Gonitella inornata View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 43–49)

Holotype: male ( BMSA, genitaliaprepared), Malaisetraps , indigenousforest – RSA: Eastern Cape, Plaatbos forest at: 33°57.863’S 23°54.484’E, 31.iii.-1.iv. 2009, 300 m, A. H. Kirk- Spriggs & S. Otto – [blue] EntomologyDept. NationalMuseum, P.O.Box 266, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa – BMSA (D) 06933. GoogleMaps

Size (in mm): body length 1.78, wing length 1.75, wing width 0.75.

Description. Male. Black, subshiny, bodystronglysclerotised. Legsblackexceptfor yellowishtarsi, threeweakpairsof ifr setae. Outerandinneroccipitalsandpostocellarpair ofsetaearereduced. Anteriorfronto-orbitals, 0.05 mm, i.e. comparativelylong, pro-and latero-clinate. Genacomparativelybroad, 0.08 mm. Vibrissa 0.24 mm. Firstflagellomere with cilia up to 0.05 mm long. Arista 0.98 mm, with 0.035–0.04 mm long cilia. Pedicel setae long, itsventralsetastronglycurved, 0.15 mmfrombasetotip. Presuturalandanterior intra- alarsetae, welldiscernible. Anteriorkatepisternalsetanotdiscernible, posteriorpair normal. Wing membrane light brown, veins ochre. Second costal section 0.69 mm, third section 0.50 mm, ratio 1.375. Discal cell edgy, without vein appendages. Vein M 1+2 continuingbeyonddiscalcellhalfwaytomarginasacolourlessfold. Alulasmall. Ventro-apical seta on mid tibia short, no mid ventral seta, but mid tibia with a complete row of short thickblacksetaeventrally, i.e. nolongsetaeorhairs. Armatureofmidtibia: antero-dorsals at 15/43 (strong), 37/43, postero-dorsals at 19/43 (weak), 35/43. Subdorsal setae at 10/43 and 35/43. There is a long dorsal preapical seta on hind tibia. Hind tibia with long dorsal preapicalsetaof 0.15 mm.

Sternites 2 to 4 large. Tergite 5 normally developed. Sternite 5 with long caudal marginalsetae (Fig. 43), withalargemedio-caudalconcavity, embracinganintricatelysclerotised, divided sclerite (Fig. 44). Sternite 6 + 7 portions of synsternite complex, extending to the right side, reaching edge of sternite 8. Sclerotised parts of penis capsule below sternite 5. Epandrium with a pair of very long subdorsal lateral setae and a pair of long subventralsetae. Ventralstructuresofepandriumsymmetric, aflattrapezoidmedialpartand aventrallyelongatedlateralpart, withfourseparatesetae (Fig. 45). Hypandriumsmall, withoutrod (medialappendage). Subepandrialsclerite (Fig. 45) aboutasbroadashigh, dorsally (sagittally) withadeepincision. Surstylus (Figs 48–49) withatransversebodyand threelobes: abroadroundedlateralcaudallobe, andanarrowercurved, caudallydivided, mediallobewithseveralapicalsetae, andananteriorlobewithaproclinatelarge, black bluntventralthorn. Basiphallusrobust, curvedinlateralview (Fig. 46), distiphallussmall, compact. Postgonitelarge (Fig. 47), longbutwithoutanteriormedialprocess, insteadwith abluntcaudalprocess; ventralprocesssmall.

Figs 43–49. Gonitellainornata sp. n., holotypemale, postabdomenandgenitalia. 43 = sternite 5 and ventral parts of sternite 6 portion, ventral view, 44 = same, in higher magnification, 45 = ventralpartofepandrium, cerciandsubepandrialsclerite, caudalview, 46 = phallus andphallapodemewithcontoursofpostgonite, lateralview, 47 = postgonite, broadest (a sublateralview), 48 = surstylus, ventralview, 49 = surstylus, lateralview. Scalebar: 0.2 mm

for Figs 43, 45–46, 0.1 mm for Figs 44, 47–49

Etymology. Thespecificepithet (Latin: ‘inornatus’ = unadorned, simple) referstoits comparativelysimplebodyandmalegenitalfeatures.

Comments. G. inornata sp. n. is related to the type species of the genus, G. flavipes L. Papp, 2008 . Diagnostingfeaturesaretobefoundinthemalegenita- lia (Figs 43–49, cf. PAPP’s figs 239–240, 242–247). The anterior fronto-orbitals, asinitscongeners, arepro-andlateroclinate. Thepresuturalandanterior intra- alarsetaearewelldiscernible, althoughshorterthanin G. structuralis . The alula is small, as in the other species of Gonitella . There is a long dorsal preapicalsetaonhindtibia, agenericfeatureof Gonitella . Thelargesizeoftergites 2 to 4 is as in G. flavipes . Differently from G. flavipes , the sternite 5 mediocaudalconcavityembracesasclerotiseddividedsclerite. Therobust, curved inlateralviewbasiphallusislikein G. flavipes .Thedistiphallusin G. inornata is small and compact, not bifid, as in G. flavipes .


National Museum Bloemfontein













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