Kema, Kormilev, 1971

Tang, Jin, Zhang, Gongaote, Guo, Junqi, Luo, Lingxuan, Jiang, Jiamei & Pan, Hongbo, 2023, New Acantharadus And Kema Species (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Aradidae) From Halmahera Island, Indonesia, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 69 (2), pp. 151-164 : 162-163

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Felipe (2023-12-06 00:14:07, last updated 2023-12-06 00:26:08)

scientific name



Kema lobulata ( Kormilev, 1953)

( Fig. 30 View Figs 27–30 )

Remarks – Genus Kema was erected by KORMILEV (1955) for the species he described as Acantharadus lobulatus KORMILEV, 1953 , based on a single male from N Celebes (Sulawesi). Its total length (in median line) 11.3 mm. No further specimen has been recorded since. Now three females are available from CEHI, which share the characters given for the male and are considered to represent the opposite sex. Total length: 12.8, 13.2, 13.7 mm, respectively.

Material examined – “PC.Palopo / Gg. Sampung / 800–1050 m // S-Sulawesi / leg. A. Riedel / 15-16 IX 1997 ” (1 f, CEHI and 1f HNHM). “ L. Poso, Tentena / Tonusu Bada-road / 800-1000 m // C-Sulawesi / leg. A. Riedel / 1 IX 1997 ” (1 f, CEHI) .

Key to species of the genus Kema Kormilev, 1971 (Developed from KORMILEV (1971: 115))

1 (4) Width across anterolateral lobes of pronotum less than across humeri (across hind lobes). Anterolateral lobe of pronotum about as wide apically as basally, anterior and posterior margin parallel. Body length shorter than 13 mm.

2 (3) Anterior process of head reaching about basal 1/4 of antennal joint I, latter as long as III. Medio-lateral row of glabrous areas about half as wide as extero-lateral row. All PE angles of abdomen pointed, including II. ( Indonesia: Sulawesi) K. bloetei

3 (2) Anterior process of head reaching about basal 3/5 of antennal joint I, latter much shorter than III. Basolateral lobe of hemelytra hemicircular. Medio-lateral row of glabrous areas wider anteriorly than posteriorly. All PE angles of abdomen blunt, except VII, II only slightly protruding, rounded. (New Guinea) K. papuasica

4 (1) Width across anterolateral lobes of pronotum greater than across humeri. Anterolateral lobe of pronotum about as wide as, or distinctly wid- er apically than basally, anterior and posterior margin parallel or lobe axe-form, dilating apically. Body length 11.6–14.5 mm.

5(6) (mf) Anterolateral lobe of pronotum slightly longer than wide, anteri- or and posterior margins parallel. Medio-lateral row of glabrous areas about half as wide as extero-lateral row. PE angles II protruding, but blunt apically. 12.8–13.7 mm ( Indonesia: Sulawesi) K. lobulata

6(5) Anterolateral lobe of pronotum much longer than wide, anterior and posterior margins diverging apically. Medio-lateral row of glabrous areas about as wide as extero-lateral row. PE angles II protruding, pointed apically.

7(8) (m, f) Antennal joint I club-shaped, about 2 times as thick apically, than basally. Anterolateral lobe of pronotum much longer than wide, anterior and posterior margins diverging apically, 1.3 times as wide apically, than basally. In dorsal view of f PE angles VII posteriorly produced, about as long as wide ( Fig. 24 View Figs 23–26 ). Paratergite VIII more surpassing pygophore posteriorly. Spiracle VIII in male on ventral side near to tip, not visible from above. 14.0 mm. ( Indonesia: Halmahera) K. pamae sp. n.

8(7) (m, f) Antennal joint I subcylindrical. Anterolateral lobe of pronotum much longer than wide, anterior and posterior margins diverging apically, 1.2 times as wide apically, than basally. In dorsal view of f PE angles VII posteriorly produced, about twice as long as wide ( Fig. 26 View Figs 23–26 ). Paratergite VIII less surpassing pygophore posteriorly. Spiracle VIII is near to tip, visible from above only. 12.8–14.5 mm. ( Philippines, Indonesia: Sulawesi) K. acutissima

KORMILEV, N. A. (1953): Notes on Aradidae from the Eastern Hemisphere. - Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel 64: 333 - 346.

KORMILEV, N. A. (1955): Notes on Aradidae from the Eastern Hemisphere VIII - Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel 66: 141 - 146.

KORMILEV, N. A. (1971): Mezirinae of the Oriental Region and the South Pacific. - Pacific Insects Monographs 26: 1 - 165.

Gallery Image

Figs 27–30. Kema spp.: 27 = K. papuasica Kormilev, 1971, holotype male; 28 = K. bloetei Using- er et Matsuda, 1959, holotype male; 29 = K. lobulata (Kormilev, 1953) holotype male (repro-

Gallery Image

Figs 23–26. Kema spp.: 23–24 = K. pamae sp. n., holotype female and paratype male, 25–26 = K. acutissima Kormilev, 1971, 23, 25 = females, 24, 26 = males


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)









