Shockley, Floyd W. & Vandenberg, Natalia J., 2009, Catalogue of the primary types of Cerylonidae, Endomychidae and Latridiidae (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea) deposited in the National Museum of Natural History, with additional notes and clarification of the status of several types 2229, Zootaxa 2229 (1), pp. 1-64 : 6-13

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.2229.1.1

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name




Acinaces humeralis Tomaszewska, 2007: 250 . [ Lycoperdininae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 ): Peru Satipo X, 1942 Paprzycki / Holotype ♂ Acinaces humeralis n.sp. det. W. Tomaszewska 2007.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: N/ A. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00223362 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Acinaces humeralis Tomaszewska, 2007 .

Acinaces nataliae Tomaszewska, 2007: 250 . [ Lycoperdininae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 ): PERU: Dpt. Ayacucho La Mar, Santa Rosa, 640m 19-25-- IX--1976 Robert Gordon / Holotype ♂ Acinaces nataliae n.sp. det. W. Tomaszewska 2007.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: N/ A. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00223361 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Acinaces nataliae Tomaszewska, 2007 .

Amphisternus bakeri Strohecker, 1957: 281 . [ Lycoperdininae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ): Sandakan Borneo Baker/ Type No. 64340 U.S. N.M./ Amphisternus bakeri ♂ Strohecker Holo-TYPE.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 64340. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678095 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Cacodaemon bakeri (Strohecker), 1957 .

Notes: Aedeagus mounted on a paper point below the type. The USNM type number on the label with the specimen does not match the one published with the original species description (63446). The USNM type accession log book shows both numbers were assigned, but the manuscript number has no data associated with it (the entry in the log book was left blank) .

Amphisternus mastophorus Strohecker, 1957: 282 . [ Lycoperdininae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 ): Sandakan Borneo Baker/9638/ Amphisternus perhamatus Hlly/Type No. 64341 U.S. N.M./ Amphisternus mastophorus Strohecker Holo-TYPE.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 64341. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678096 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Cacodaemon mastophorus (Strohecker), 1957 .

Notes: Aedeagus mounted on a paper point below the type. A putative hymenopteran parasitoid is pointmounted in the unit tray with the type. The USNM type number on the label with the type does not match the one published with the original species description (63448). The USNM type accession log book shows both numbers were assigned, but the manuscript number has no data associated with it (the entry in the log book was left blank) .

Amphisternus nigrellus Strohecker, 1957: 282 . [ Lycoperdininae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 ): Sandakan Borneo Baker/9632/ Type No. 64342 U.S. N.M./ Amphisternus nigrellus ♀ Strohecker Holo-TYPE.

Sex: Female. USNM Type No.: 64342. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678097 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Cacodaemon nigrellus (Strohecker), 1957 .

Notes: The USNM type number on the label with the specimen does not match the one published with the original species description (63447). The USNM type accession log book shows both numbers were assigned, but the manuscript number has no data associated with it (the entry in the log book was left blank) .

Anamorphus pusillus LeConte, 1878: 445 . [ Anamorphinae ]

Lectotype ( Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 ): Enterprise 24-6 Fla/CollHubbard &Schwarz/ LECTOTYPE Anamorphus pusillus Leconte by Strohecker/Collected in 1876 from 'hammocks'-dense hardwood & Palmetto forests from Schwarz, 1878, p. 353 - T. P. Nuhn 2006 .

Sex: Unknown. USNM Type No.: N/ A. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678098 About USNM .

Paralectotypes: 1 with same collection label data as the lectotype.

Valid name and current combination: Anamorphus pusillus LeConte, 1878 .

Notes: Specimen does not have a USNM type number. Paralectotype is housed in the general collection. Lectotype and paralectotype designated by Strohecker (1981) .

Anidrytus pardalinus Strohecker, 1943: 388 . [ Epipocinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 15 View FIGURE 15 ): COSTA RICA F Nevermann 28 IV.26/ HAMBURGFARM REVENTAZON EBENE LIMON /an Debusah nachts trocknem Holz/ Type No. 55888 U S N M/ Anidrytus ♂ pardalinus Type Strohecker.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 55888. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678099 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Anidrytus pardalinus Strohecker, 1943 .

Notes: Aedeagus mounted on paper point below the type. There was one non-type specimen in the same unit tray bearing the following label data: “ COSTA RICA F. Nevermann 2.IV.30/ HAMBURGFARM REVENTAZON EBENE LIMON /an trocknem Holz nachts”. It was moved to the general USNM collection .

* Aphorista ovipennis Casey, 1916: 144 . [ Lycoperdininae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 ): Bayfld, Wis Wickham./ ♂ / CASEY bequest 1925/ TYPE USNM 48776 About USNM / ovipennis Csy. Sex : Male. USNM Type No.: 48776. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678042 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Aphorista vittata (Fabricius), 1787 .

Notes: Type accompanied by a non-type specimen bearing a collection label stating "Penn." The nontype specimen remains housed with the type specimen in Casey’s collection.

Beccaria denticornis Strohecker, 1943: 382 . [ Lycoperdininae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 ): Island Samar Baker / Type / Type No. 55879 U S N M/ Beccaria denticornis Strohecker. Sex : Unknown. USNM Type No.: 55879. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678091 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Beccariola philippinica Arrow, 1920 .

Beccaria septemguttata Strohecker, 1943: 381 . [ Lycoperdininae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 ): Surigao Mindanao Baker/Type/Type No. 55878 U S N M/ Beccaria vii-guttata Strohecker.

Sex: Unknown. USNM Type No.: 55878. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678092 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Beccariola philippinica Arrow, 1920 .

Endomychus flavus Strohecker, 1943: 390 . [ Endomychinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE 19 ): Szechuen CHINA DCGraham/near Mupin Jul.1-3 '29/Type/ Type No. 55890 U S N M/ Endomychus flavus Strohecker.

Sex: Female. USNM Type No.: 55890. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678093 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Endomychus flavus Strohecker, 1943 .

Notes: Genitalia preserved in microvial pinned under holotype.

Engonius angustefasciatus Pic, 1940: 11 . [ Lycoperdininae ]

Neotype ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 ): Szechuen China DC Graham/ShinKalSi 4400ft alt. Aug. 1922 / luteomaculatus dt. Strohecker/ Engonius View in CoL luteomaculatus Pic det. Strohecker/ Sinocymbachus angustefasciatus (Pic) det.H.F.Strohecker/ Engonius View in CoL angustefasciatus Pic Neo-TYPE Strohecker.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 70771. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678094 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Sinocymbachus angustefasciatus (Pic), 1940 .

Notes: Aedeagus mounted on a card pinned under the holotype. Lacks a specific USNM type label. The USNM type number is written on the back of the red neotype label. Fate of the original Pic holotype is unknown. Neotype designated by Strohecker & Chujo (1970).

Engonius excisipes Strohecker, 1943: 383 . [ Lycoperdininae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 ): SzechuenChina DCGraham 8.10.34/SiGiPin China t6-7000Alt/ Type/Type No. 55881 U S N M/ Engonius excisipes Strohecker.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 55881. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678085 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Sinocymbachus excisipes (Strohecker), 1943 .

Notes: Aedeagus is mounted on a second pin in the unit tray with the type.

* Epipocus simplicipes Casey, 1916: 146 . [ Epipocinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 22 View FIGURE 22 ): Mex/ CASEY bequest 1925/ TYPE USNM 48778 About USNM / simplicipes Csy.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 48778. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678044 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Epipocus tibialis (Chevrolat), 1834 .

Eumorphus purpureus Strohecker, 1968: 89 . [ Lycoperdininae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 23 View FIGURE 23 ): PALAWAN PHILIPPINES /W Robinson bequest1929/U S N M Type No 69218/ Eumorphus purpureus Strohecker Holo-TYPE.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 69218. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678086 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Eumorphus purpureus Strohecker, 1968 .

Notes: Aedeagus mounted on a card pinned below the type specimen.

* Eupsilobius politus Casey, 1895: 454 . [ Eupsilobiinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 24 View FIGURE 24 ): DryTortugasFla ne 7-13,Wickha/ CASEY bequest 1925/ TYPE USNM 48837 About USNM / Eupsilobius politus Csy.

Sex: Unknown. USNM Type No.: 48837. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678035 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Eidoreus politus (Casey), 1895 .

Notes: Holotype is damaged and missing the left elytron, as noted by Casey in the original description. Originally housed with the types of Colydiidae . At one time, Eupsilobius was classified within Colydiidae (Ceryloninae) , but is now placed within a subfamily of Endomychidae (Eupsilobiinae) . This type is still located in the Casey collection but has now been placed with the other Endomychidae types.

Geoendomychus punctatus Arrow, 1926: 251 . [ Anamorphinae ]

Lectotype (here designated to promote nomenclatural stability) ( Fig. 25 View FIGURE 25 ): Gunung Singgalang (Sumatra's Westkust) 1000 M. 1925 leg. E. Jacobson./[blank red label]/Cotype No. 51769 U.S. N.M./TypeNo. 64345 U.S. N.M./ Geoendomychus punctatus Arr. det.G.J.Arrow Co-type!

Sex: Unknown. USNM Type No.: 51769. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678087 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Geoendomychus punctatus Arrow, 1926 .

Notes: Originally assigned USNM “co-type” number 51769. Subsequent to that, assigned a second USNM type number (64345). In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the first type number assigned has priority .

Heliobletus philippinensis Strohecker, 1943: 384 . [ Stenotarsinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 26 View FIGURE 26 ): Zamboanga Mindanao Baker/Type/TypeNo 55882 U S N M/ Heliobletus philippinensis Strohecker.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 55882. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678088 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Tragoscelis philippinensis (Strohecker), 1943 .

Lycoperdinella subcaeca Champion, 1913: 115 . [ Merophysiinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 27 View FIGURE 27 ): Livingston 6.5 Guat/ Barber & SchwarzColl /TypeNo. 21530 U.S. N.M./ Lycoperdinella subcaeca Ch. type.

Sex: Unknown. USNM Type No.: 21530. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678089 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Lycoperdinella subcaeca Champion, 1913 .

Notes: Originally housed with the types of Latridiidae (= Corticariidae ). At one time, Lycoperdinella was classified within Latridiidae (Holoparamecinae) , but is now placed within a subfamily of Endomychidae (Merophysiinae) . This type is still located in the Casey collection but has now been placed with the other Endomychidae types.

Milichius impressicollis Strohecker, 1943: 389 . [ Endomychinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 28 View FIGURE 28 ): Mt.Makiling Luzon,Baker/Type/TypeNo 55889 U S N M/ Milichius impressicollis Strohecker.

Sex: Unknown. USNM Type No.: 55889. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678080 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Meilichius impressicollis (Strohecker), 1943 .

Notes: Milichius (used by Gemminger & Harold 1876) is a misspelling of Meilichius Gerstaecker. Strohecker’s use of the incorrectly transliterated name was an error acknowledged in a subsequent publication by Strohecker (1944).

Mycetina cyanescens Strohecker, 1943: 382 . [ Lycoperdininae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 29 View FIGURE 29 ): Szechuen CHINA DCGraham/nrTatsienin July1-8, 1923 8400-12000 ft /Type/ TypeNo 55880 U S N M/ Mycetina cyanescens Strohecker.

Sex: Female. USNM Type No.: 55880. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678081 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Mycetina cyanescens Strohecker, 1943 .

Parasymbius macrocerus Strohecker, 1943: 390 . [ Anamorphinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 30 View FIGURE 30 ): Mt.Makiling Luzon,Baker/Type/TypeNo 55891 U S N M/ Parasymbius macrocerus Strohecker.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 55891. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678082 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Parasymbius macrocerus Strohecker, 1943 .

Rhymbomicrus caseyi Pakaluk, 1987: 458 . [ Anamorphinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 31 View FIGURE 31 ): OKLAHOMA: LATIMER CO. DEC. 1981 K. STEPHAN / HOLOTYPE Rhymbomicrus caseyi J.Pakaluk /Type No 104162 U S N M/ Rhymbomicrus caseyi Pakaluk det. J. Pakaluk 1986.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 104162. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678083 About USNM .

Paratypes: 1 with collection label stating “Ks.”.

Valid name and current combination: Rhymbomicrus caseyi Pakaluk, 1987 .

Notes: Genitalia mounted in a microvial and pinned under the holotype. Although the paratype is from the Casey collection (based on the original species description), it was found in the general endomychid holdings. It has now been returned to the Casey collection.

Rhymbomicrus stephani Pakaluk, 1987: 460 . [ Anamorphinae ]

Neotype (here designated to promote nomenclatural stability) ( Fig. 32 View FIGURE 32 ): OKLAHOMA: LATIMER CO. VIII-85 KARL STEPHAN/IN FLIGHT-TRAP/ HOLOTYPE Rhymbomicrus stephani J. Pakaluk /Type No 104163 U S N M/ Rhymbomicrus stephani Pakaluk det. J. Pakaluk 1986.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 104163. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678084 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Rhymbomicrus stephani Pakaluk, 1987 .

Notes: Genitalia mounted in a microvial and pinned under the specimen. The neotype label data do not agree with the label data published with the species description, despite being deposited in the USNM type collection by the author himself during his term as curator. We take this action as indicative that the holotype was lost or destroyed before it could be placed in the type collection and that one of the paratypes was substituted in its place. The specimen label is consistent with a paratype that was reportedly deposited in KSCC, the private collection of the original collector of this species, K. Stephan. However, no corresponding specimen could be found among the remaining paratypes in the Stephan collection, now housed in the Texas A&M insect collection (E. Riley pers. comm.). Therefore, we conclude that this specimen must be the missing paratype. No additional specimens were located in the general holdings of the USNM. Since the holotype is missing, along with the 2 paratypes with identical label data as the holotype, we felt it necessary to designate a neotype to serve as the primary, name-bearing type for the species, and have selected the specimen above, erroneously labeled as the holotype but identified by the author as this species, to serve as the neotype. The original species diagnosis and key ( Pakaluk 1987) provide characteristics which differentiate this species from congeneric taxa .

Saula lobatipes Strohecker, 1943: 384 . [ Stenotarsinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 33 View FIGURE 33 ): Cuernos Mts. Negros, Baker / Type / TypeNo 55883 U S N M/ Saula ♂ lobatipes det. Strohecker.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 55883. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678075 About USNM .

Paratypes: 1 allotype with same collection label as holotype.

Valid name and current combination: Saula lobatipes Strohecker, 1943 .

Notes: Saula luzonica Strohecker, 1951 is considered a junior synonym of this species ( Strohecker 1958b).

Stenotarsus atripennis Strohecker, 1943: 386 . [ Stenotarsinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 34 View FIGURE 34 ): MA-AO CENTRAL OCC. NEGROS/1/2/28/ LIGHT /Type/TypeNo 55885 U S N M/ Stenotarsus atripennis Strohecker.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 55885. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678077 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Stenotarsus atripennis Strohecker, 1943 .

Stenotarsus flavomaculatus Strohecker, 1943: 387 . [ Stenotarsinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 35 View FIGURE 35 ): Cuernos Mts. Negros, Baker/Type/TypeNo 55886 U S N M/ Stenotarsus flavomaculatus Strohecker.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 55886. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678078 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Stenotarsus flavomaculatus Strohecker, 1943 .

Stenotarsus flavoscapularis Strohecker, 1943: 388 . [ Stenotarsinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 36 View FIGURE 36 ): Dapitan Mindanao Baker/Type/TypeNo 55887 U S N M/ Stenotarsus flavoscapularis Strohecker.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 55887. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678079 About USNM .

Paratypes: 1 paratype with the same collection label data as the holotype .

Valid name and current combination: Stenotarsus flavoscapularis Strohecker, 1943 .

Notes: In addition to the paratype, there were 5 non-type specimens housed with the holotype. Four of these specimens have the same collection label data as the holotype (1 of which has an additional label bearing simply the number “13223”). The remaining specimen has the following collection data: “Lamao, Luzon III-VI.11 PI / CV Piper Collector”. The paratype and non-type specimens have been moved to the general USNM collection .

Stenotarsus monrovius Strohecker, 1943: 386 . [ Stenotarsinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 37 View FIGURE 37 ): MtCoffee Liberia Apr 1894 /Collection OFCook/Type/TypeNo 55884 U S N M/ Stenotarsus monrovius Strohecker.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 55884. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678066 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Stenotarsus monrovius Strohecker, 1943 .

Stenotarsus politus Strohecker, 1958a: 108 . [ Stenotarsinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 38 View FIGURE 38 ): KOROR I., Palau Islds.;limestone ridge S.of inlet 22 Jan. 1948 / Pacific Sci.Board Ent.Surv. of Micronesia H.S.Dybas leg./ TypeNo 63445 U S N M/ Stenotarsus politus Strohecker Holo- TYPE.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 63445. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678067 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Stenotarsus politus Strohecker, 1958a .

Notes: There is an additional specimen in the unit tray with the holotype that is also labeled as a holotype with a USNM type number (61598) and bearing the following label data: “ KOROR I., Palau Islds.;limestone ridge S.of inlet 17 Jan. 1948 /beating vegetation/Pacific Sci.Board Ent.Surv.of Micronesia H.S.Dybas leg./ Type No. 61598 U.S.N.M./ Stenotarsus politus ♂ Strohecker Type”. In addition, there is a note in the box stating the following: "#61598 was lost temporarily. Meantime #63445 was designated by Strohecker. #63445 has no standing as holotype. JMK [= John M. Kingsolver] Jan 4/66”. An examination of the original species description and the USNM type accession log books shows the note included in the box to be incorrect. The label data and type number published with the species description match the holotype (#63445) listed above. The data associated with the erroneously labeled type match a series of 8 paratypes, the location of which was not given and is unknown. Thus, the note was folded in half, indicating that its contents had been evaluated and subsequently dismissed as erroneous. A new note and citation of this checklist will be added upon publication. The secondary “ holotype ” specimen ( USNM type no. 61598) was left in the unit tray, however, to preserve the history of the specimens. It has no formal standing as a type .

* Stenotarsus solidus Casey, 1916: 144 . [ Stenotarsinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 39 View FIGURE 39 ): SouthernPines 1-1C N.C/ CASEY bequest 1925/ TYPE USNM 48777 About USNM / solidus Csy. Sex : Unknown. USNM Type No.: 48777. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678028 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Stenotarsus hispidus (Herbst), 1799 .

* Symbiotes lacustris Casey, 1916: 141 . [ Anamorphinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 40 View FIGURE 40 ): DET MICH/ CASEY bequest 1925/ TYPE USNM 48772 About USNM / lacustris Csy.

Sex: Female. USNM Type No.: 48772. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678036 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Symbiotes duryi Blatchley, 1910 .

Notes: Unit tray in which this specimen is housed in the Casey collection is incorrectly labeled “ Rhymbus lacustris Casey, 1916 ”.

* Symbiotes montanus Casey, 1916: 140 . [ Anamorphinae ]

Lectotype ( Fig. 41 View FIGURE 41 ): Denv. Col./ CASEY bequest 1925/ TYPE USNM 48773 About USNM / Symbiotes montanus Csy / Lectotype Symbiotes View in CoL montanus Casey.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 48773. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678037 About USNM .

Paralectotypes: 8 in all—3 with same label as lectotype, 2 with collection labels stating "L", 3 paralectotypes with collection labels stating "Vessel near Key West".

Valid name and current combination: Symbiotes gibberosus (Lucas), 1846 .

Notes: Unit tray in which this specimen is housed in the Casey collection is incorrectly labeled “ Rhymbus montanus Casey, 1916 ”. Lectotype and paralectotypes designated by Strohecker (1981).

* Symbiotes oblongus Casey, 1916: 142 . [ Anamorphinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 42 View FIGURE 42 ): Penn/ CASEY bequest 1925/ TYPE USNM 48774 About USNM / oblongus Csy.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 48774. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678026 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Symbiotes duryi Blatchley, 1910 .

Notes: Unit tray in which this specimen is housed in the Casey collection is incorrectly labeled “ Rhymbus oblongus Casey, 1916 ”.

* Symbiotes pilosus Casey, 1916: 143 . [ Anamorphinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 43 View FIGURE 43 ): N.Y/ CASEY bequest 1925/ TYPE USNM 48775 About USNM / pilosus Csy.

Sex: Female. USNM Type No.: 48775. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678027 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Symbiotes duryi Blatchley, 1910 .

Notes: Unit tray in which this specimen is housed in the Casey collection is incorrectly labeled “ Rhymbus pilosus Casey, 1916 ”.

Trochoideus coeloantennatus Strohecker, 1943: 391 . [ Pleganophorinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 44 View FIGURE 44 ): Argentina coll. G.L. Harrington / El Quemado Jujuy III-V-26/TypeNo 55892 U S N M/ Trochoideus ♂ coelo-antennatus Type Strohecker.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: 55892. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678069 About USNM .

Paratypes: 2 in all—1 allotype and 1 paratype, both with the same collection label data as the holotype .

Valid name and current combination: Trochoideus coeloantennatus Strohecker, 1943 .

Notes: In addition to the paratypes, there was 1 non-type specimen housed with the holotype and bearing the following collection label data: “on Brazil Nuts Brazil IX.4’ 40 N. Y. 86893”. The 2 paratypes and single non-type specimen have been moved to the general USNM collection .

Xenomycetes laversi Hatch, 1962: 237 . [ Xenomycetinae ]

Holotype ( Fig. 45 View FIGURE 45 ): Seattle,WASH. IV-12-1938 C.H.Lavers / TYPE ♂ Xenomycetes laversi 1958 - M. Hatch.

Sex: Male. USNM Type No.: N/ A. Barcode No.: USNM ENT 00678063 About USNM .

Valid name and current combination: Xenomycetes laversi Hatch, 1962 .

Notes: Genitalia mounted in a microvial and pinned under the holotype. As discussed previously, this specimen was accessioned with the Hatch Collection, after the decision to no longer require USNM type numbers so it does not have one.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Paleontological Institute


Municipal Museum of Chungking













Shockley, Floyd W. & Vandenberg, Natalia J. 2009

Acinaces humeralis

Tomaszewska, K. W. 2007: 250

Acinaces nataliae

Tomaszewska, K. W. 2007: 250

Rhymbomicrus caseyi Pakaluk, 1987: 458

Pakaluk, J. 1987: 458

Rhymbomicrus stephani Pakaluk, 1987: 460

Pakaluk, J. 1987: 460

Eumorphus purpureus

Strohecker, H. F. 1968: 89

Xenomycetes laversi

Hatch, M. H. 1962: 237

Stenotarsus politus

Strohecker, H. F. 1958: 108

Amphisternus bakeri

Strohecker, H. F. 1957: 281

Amphisternus mastophorus

Strohecker, H. F. 1957: 282

Amphisternus nigrellus

Strohecker, H. F. 1957: 282

Anidrytus pardalinus

Strohecker, H. F. 1943: 388

Beccaria denticornis Strohecker, 1943: 382

Strohecker, H. F. 1943: 382

Beccaria septemguttata

Strohecker, H. F. 1943: 381

Endomychus flavus

Strohecker, H. F. 1943: 390

Engonius excisipes

Strohecker, H. F. 1943: 383

Heliobletus philippinensis

Strohecker, H. F. 1943: 384

Milichius impressicollis

Strohecker, H. F. 1943: 389

Mycetina cyanescens

Strohecker, H. F. 1943: 382

Parasymbius macrocerus

Strohecker, H. F. 1943: 390

Saula lobatipes

Strohecker, H. F. 1943: 384

Stenotarsus atripennis

Strohecker, H. F. 1943: 386

Stenotarsus flavomaculatus

Strohecker, H. F. 1943: 387

Stenotarsus flavoscapularis

Strohecker, H. F. 1943: 388

Stenotarsus monrovius

Strohecker, H. F. 1943: 386

Trochoideus coeloantennatus

Strohecker, H. F. 1943: 391

Engonius angustefasciatus

Pic, M. 1940: 11

Geoendomychus punctatus

Arrow, G. J. 1926: 251

Aphorista ovipennis

Casey, T. L. 1916: 144

Epipocus simplicipes

Casey, T. L. 1916: 146

Stenotarsus solidus

Casey, T. L. 1916: 144

Symbiotes lacustris

Casey, T. L. 1916: 141

Symbiotes montanus

Casey, T. L. 1916: 140

Symbiotes oblongus

Casey, T. L. 1916: 142

Symbiotes pilosus

Casey, T. L. 1916: 143

Lycoperdinella subcaeca

Champion, G. C. 1913: 115

Eupsilobius politus

Casey, T. L. 1895: 454

Anamorphus pusillus

LeConte, J. L. 1878: 445
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