Dirhinus kambae Delvare, 2018

Delvare, Gérard & Copeland, Robert S., 2018, Four-horned wasps, description of some remarkable Dirhinus (Hymenoptera, Chalcididae) from Kenya, with a discussion of their taxonomic placement, Zootaxa 4374 (3), pp. 301-349 : 333-335

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Plazi (2018-01-19 09:18:05, last updated 2024-11-27 08:19:21)

scientific name

Dirhinus kambae Delvare

sp. nov.

Dirhinus kambae Delvare sp. nov.

( Figs 31 View FIGURES 31–42 , 86–87 View FIGURES 85–98 , 132–140) ( Tables 3 and 4)

Registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/NomenclaturalActs/A1F8B8E9-7E1B-4B31-8D85-A390345FE734

Material examined. Holotype ♀. KENYA: Eastern Province, base of Ukasi Hill, 613 m, 0.82103°S 38.54443°E, Malaise trap, Acacia-Commiphora savannah, 17-20.XII.2011, R. Copeland leg. [F02] [ NMK]. Paratypes. Same collection data as holotype (1 ♀) [F03] [ BMNH]; Endau Mountain , base of, 531 m, 1.30026°S 38.52805°E, Malaise trap in indigenous forest, 12-26.XII.2016, R. Copeland leg. (1 ♀) [F10] [ NMK]; Mulu Musinglia farm, 689 m, 2.11412°S 38.23989°E, Malaise trap in farmland near small, seasonally wet area, 13-27.XII.2016, R. Copeland leg. (1 ♀) [F11] [ ICIPE]; Rift Valley Province , Olorgesailie National Monument, 1.57930°S 36.44566°E, 982 m, 18.IX-02.X.2007, Malaise trap, Acacia-Commiphora savannah, R. Copeland leg. (1 ♀) [F04] [ BMNH]; GoogleMaps

Condition of holotype. Specimen complete, glued on rectangular card. Left wings, mid and hind legs, and gaster glued separately.

Etymology. The name is in honour of the Kamba people who live in the region where the holotype was collected.

Description of female holotype. Body length 3.65 mm. Identical with D. quadrhinus except as follows.

Head 1.04× as wide as long and 0.87× as high as long; eye 1.32× as long as high; temple 0.52× as long as eye. In dorsal view, apices of the four horns at same level. Frons with preorbital ridges. IHL 1.65× as long as distance from end of scrobal depression to median ocellus and 1.37× as long as ocular-ocellar distance; inner edges of inner horns diverging at an angle of approximately 30° (Fig. 133). Frontovertex 2.61× as wide as IHL. Distance between lateral ocelli 1.84× as long as inter-ocellar distance.

Antenna (Fig. 134). Combined length of pedicel plus flagellum 0.98× as long as head width. Pedicel 2.03× as long as wide. Second flagellomere 0.98× as long as wide, 8th segment 0.56× as long as wide and 1.5× as wide as 2nd flagellomere.

Mesosoma relatively long, 1.61× as long as wide with mesoscutellum 0.74× as long as wide (Fig. 132). Propodeum with anteromedian areola cordiform, as long as wide, with complete irregular ridge crossed by transverse rugae; areola followed by short median adpetiolar carina; secondary areolation present all over; spiracular teeth narrowly rounded at apex and rising markedly upwards. Subcoxal tooth on posterior margin of metepimeron sharp. Some of upper crests on femoral groove of mesepisternum fading anteriorly. Metacoxa and metafemur respectively 1.70× and 1.48× as long as wide. Metatibia with 23 short and adpressed setae in 2 rows along outer edge of tarsal sulcus (Fig. 137). Fore wing 2.71× as long as wide; marginal vein 0.84× as long as costal cell.

FIGURES 132–140. Dirhinus (Dirhinus) kambae . 132–135, 140, holotype ♀ (F02). 136–139, paratype ♀ (F03). 132. Habitus in dorsal view. 133. Head in dorsal view. 134. Antenna. 135. Propodeum. 136. Mesopleuron in laterodorsal view. 137. Metatibia in laterodorsal view. 138. Petiole in posterodorsal view. 139. Petiole in lateral view. 140. Base of metasoma in dorsal view.

Metasoma. Petiole (Fig. 138) with dorsal surface 2.23× as wide as long, sloping strongly backwards (Fig. 139) and emarginate anteriorly, with distinct submedian carinae delimiting a median sulcus; basoventral tooth vestigial (Fig. 139). Gaster 2.04× as long as wide; first gastral tergite 0.67× as long as gaster (Fig. 132) with 6 primary and 10 secondary longitudinal ridges; strigose surface mostly smooth between crests (Fig. 140). Posterior margins of tergites 1–4 slightly concave.

Male. Unknown.

Diagnosis. Inner edges of inner horns diverging at an angle of approximately 30°. Inner horns moderately long. Preorbital ridge present. Flagellum not very clavate. Dorsal surface of petiole approximately twice as wide as long and sloping markedly backwards; petiole with distinct submedian carinae delimiting a median sulcus.

Recognition. This species can be recognized by the absence of the extremely long setae found in D. gigasetosus , the presence of a preorbital ridge (absent in D. leakeyorum ), the inner horns moderately long, their inner edges diverging at an angle of approximately 30° (horns shorter in D. quadrhinus ); petiole sloping strongly backwards with distinct submedian carinae delimiting a median sulcus (submedian carinae and median sulcus absent in D. maasaii ); and strigose area of first gastral tergite mostly smooth between crests (rugulose-reticulate anterolaterally in D. maasaii ).

Distribution. The species is known only from Kenya.

Host(s). Unknown, but probably Diptera based on the behaviour of other species in the subfamily to which it belongs.

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FIGURES 31–42. Characters of Dirhininae (continued). 31–38 and 39–42. Head respectively in dorsal view and lateral views. 31. Dirhinus (Dirhinus) kambae, holotype ♀ (F02). 32. Dirhinus (Dirhinus) himalayanus, ♀. 33. D. claviger, paratype ♀. 34. D. anthracia, ♀. 35. D. aff.ehrhorni, ♀. 36. D. inflexus, ♀. 37. D. aff. schwarzi, ♀. 38. Dirhinus (Hontalia) aff. caeruleus, ♀. 39. Dirhinus (Dirhinus) leakeyorum, holotype ♀ (F08).40. D. aff.hesperidum, ♀. 41. D. aff. ehrhorni, ♀. 42. D. aff.caeruleus, ♀.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 85–98. Characters of Dirhininae (continued). 85, 88, 90, 92, 95. Fore wing with setation enlarged. 87, 91, 93, 94, 96–98. Marginal cell. 86. Submarginal vein. 89. Stigmal vein. 85. D. quadrhinus, holotype ♀ (F01). 86, 87. D. kambae, holotype♀ (F02).88, 89. D.himalayanus, ♀. 90, 91. D.anthracia, ♀. 92, 93. D. aff.ehrhorni, ♀. 94. D.inflexus, ♀. 95, 96. D. aff.schwarzi, ♀. 97. D. 'Patawa', ♀. 98. D. aff.caeruleus, ♀. Abbreviations. fw-Mt, macrotrichia;fw-mt, microtrichia.


National Museums of Kenya











