Lophocoryza araticeps araticeps Fairmaire, 1892

Balkenohl, Michael, 2001, Revision of the genus Lophocoryza Alluaud, 1941 with descriptions of three new species and one new subspecies (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Clivinini), Belgian Journal of Entomology 68, pp. 1-26 : 1-26

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13272697

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scientific name

Lophocoryza araticeps araticeps Fairmaire, 1892


Lophocoryza araticeps araticeps Fairmaire, 1892 View in CoL

( Figs 1 View Figs 1-8 , 9, 16)

Coryza araticeps FAIRMAIRE, 1892: 84 View in CoL ;

Coryza araticeps Fairmaire, 1892 View in CoL , ALLUAUD, 1919: 102;

Lophocoryza araticeps Fairmaire, 1892 View in CoL , ALLUAUD, 1941: 6;

Lophocoryza araticeps Fairmaire, 1892 View in CoL , BASILEWSKY, 1973: 202 (a);

Lophocoryza araticeps Fairmaire, 1892 View in CoL , BASILEWSKY, 1973: 248 (b);

Lophocoryza araticeps Fairmaire, 1892 View in CoL , LORENZ, 2005: 148;

Lophocoryza araticeps Fairmaire, 1892 View in CoL , BALKENOHL, 2017: 258.

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype: ♂, with labels and data: light blue, printed “MUSÉUM PARIS COLL. CH. ALLUAUD” and handwritten in black ink “ Obock ” / red, printed “TYPE” / beige, handwritten with black ink “ Coryza? araticeps Fairm. Obock ” / white, handwritten “ Lophocoryza araticeps (Fairm.) Type Coll. Aubert ” ( MNHN).

Remarks: In FAIRMAIRE (1892) there is no indication given on the number of specimens. According to my knowledge there is no other material available.

The three terminal tarsalia are missing on the right hind leg.

DIAGNOSIS. A sturdy looking medium sized species, with maximum width of the elytra behind middle, with pronotum vase-like in dorsal view and lateral margin smooth and convex

5 throughout its length, and the surface covered with rough but flattened coreaceate-like wrinkles. The transverse costa at the neck is slightly convex, the eyes are somewhat flattened, and the supraantennal plates are straight at middle. The most distinguishing characters from other species in the genus are the dark colour (it is the darkest species of the genus) with the costae on the frons and the head showing the same colour. Moreover the aedeagus is small, of stout shape, and with the tip of apex broadly rounded.


Measurements: Body length 3.51 mm, width 0.98 mm, ratio length/width of pronotum 0.77, ratio length/width of elytra 1.8.

Colour: Head opaque, costae on frons of the head glossy, of same colour as head; body and legs shiny. Body and front legs fuscous, elytra leoninus, with indistinct dark line like a triangle at base; antennae testaceous; supraantennal plates translucent flavus; mandible darker apically.

Head: A fifth narrower than pronotum. Clypeus with short longitudinal costa at middle, with two projecting tubercles anteriorly, wings broad, surface smooth, with a projecting tubercle on each wing, as advanced as tubercles of clypeus, separated from clypeus by a costa at each side, tubercles of clypeus and wings somewhat flattened on top; supraantennal plates wide, attenuating anteriorly, margins distinctly reflexed; supraantennal plates with conspicuous costae running from clypeal wing up to posterior-eye level. Frons with six conspicuously raised longitudinal costae, two of them running paramedian in parallel from neck to clypeus, with a second pair of costae running laterally to the central costae from the neck up to the eye midline, distinctly converging anteriorly, with a third shorter pair of costae located laterally at anterior of eye each in parallel to the costae of the supraantennal plates, distinctly interrupted posteriorly. Supraorbital setae located at posterior of eye. Neck composed of a transverse conspicuously raised slightly convex costa, not joined with other costae. Surface of head covered with distinct isodiametric reticulation. Eyes moderately convex, somewhat higher than supraantennal plates. Genae indistinct. Antenna of moderate length, reaching distinctly over lateral tooth of pronotum, segments five to ten longer than wide. Labrum slightly excised anteriorly, with irregular to isodiametric reticulation, seven-setose. Mandible moderately long, straight at middle part, arcuate nearly hook-like at apex, margin reflexed. Apical segment of maxillary palpomere distinctly elongate, securiform, pointed at apex, terminal segment of labial palpomere bottle like, slender apically. Mentum dentate latero-apically, lateral lobes slightly carinate, surface with indistinct reticulation. Medial tooth as prolonged as dents of lateral lobes.

Pronotum ( Figs 1 View Figs 1-8 , 9): Slightly convex on disc (lateral view). Distinctly convex in frontal view. Outline vase-like, transverse, margins contracted anteriorly, distinctly wider than long. Lateral margin convex, converging anteriorly. Anterior angles rounded off by reflexed lateral margin. Reflexed lateral margin nearly smooth, with six to seven indistinct scar-like notches (100 times), margin running from posterior angle to base as a convex line. Lateral channel wide from anterior angles to posterior angle, separated from disc by a fine carina. Anterior setigerous puncture situated in marginal channel, posterior puncture removed from channel by diameter of pore. Posterior angle marked as small tooth. Pleura not visible in dorsal view. Anterior margin slightly excised. Anterior transverse line wide, not reaching anterior angles, with conspicuous transverse carina between anterior margin and anterior transverse line, distinctly interrupted at middle. Median line wide, valley-like, joining with anterior transverse line and basal constriction, with bilateral carina nearly reaching basal declivity. Basal constriction of moderate size, flange with sharp carina. Disc glossy, covered with rough coreaceate-like wrinkles, with indistinct longitudinal basal impression bilaterally and indistinct paralateral impression parallel to lateral channel.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Elytra ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1-8 ): Slightly transversally depressed in anterior third (lateral view). Subelongate, sides moderately convex in anterior two thirds, maximum width behind middle. Base truncated, nearly straight. Marginal channel moderately wide, continuing over rounded humerus up to level of fifth stria without joining striae at base, series of umbilical setigerous punctures not interrupted, punctures of same short distance. Reflexed margin smooth. Humeral tooth distinct. Striole distinct, elongated. Basal tubercle with setigerous puncture distinct, situated at declivity of first stria, tubercle at declivity of interval three distinct. Striae one to four free at base, all striae deep, punctuate-striate. Intervals distinctly convex, carinate apically. Interval three with four setigerous punctures, all approaching stria three. Surface of intervals glossy.

Hind wings: Fully developed.

Ventral description: Pleura slightly swollen postero-laterally, not visible in dorsal view, with transverse wrinkles and indistinct reticulation. Proepisternum and abdomen smooth, shiny. Last five abdominal sternites with two rows of setae. Abdominal sternum with the two marginal setae separated.

Legs: Profemur dorsally covered densely with transverse parallel wrinkles and isodiametric reticulation, ventrally with eight transverse carinae. Protibia with the three upper spines elongated, the basal one shorter and rounded off, surface with longitudinal reticulation, movable apical spur shorter than terminal spine, movable spur not sharp, rounded apically, basal tarsomere as long as tarsomeres two to five together. Mesotibia without preapical spine, with four strong setae distally arising from tubercles.

Male genitalia (Fig. 16): Median lobe of stout shape, small, slightly to moderately arcuate in dorsal view, slightly curved in lateral view, tip of apex broadly rounded. Internal sac with four bunches of bristles. Parameres moderately arcuate, somewhat distorted, each with two long setae arising close together.

Female genitalia: Unknown.

Variation: The surface of intervals shows at one side a few indistinct transverse rugae towards apex.

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality in Obock, Djibouti .


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle














Lophocoryza araticeps araticeps Fairmaire, 1892

Balkenohl, Michael 2001

Lophocoryza araticeps

BALKENOHL M. 2017: 258

Lophocoryza araticeps

LORENZ W. 2005: 148

Lophocoryza araticeps

ALLUAUD C. 1941: 6

Coryza araticeps

ALLUAUD C. 1919: 102

Coryza araticeps FAIRMAIRE, 1892: 84

FAIRMAIRE L. 1892: 84
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF