Tetraphylloidinae Doweld, 2017

Doweld, Alexander B., 2017, Tetraphylloides, a new replacement name for Tetraphyllum C. B. Clarke (Gesneriaceae) non Tetraphyllum Hosius & von der Marck (fossil Magnoliophyta), Phytotaxa 329 (3), pp. 293-295 : 293

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.329.3.13

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Tetraphylloidinae Doweld

subtrib. nov.

Tetraphylloidinae Doweld , subtrib. nov.

Tetraphyllinae A.Weber & Mich. Möller (in Weber & al. 2013: 87), nom. illeg. (Art. 19.6, ICN, McNeill & al. 2012)

Description:—Plants terrestrial perennial caulescent herbs. Stems erect, bearing a tetramerous (pseudo-)whorl of leaves on top; flowers in axillary cymes, condensed, subsessile. Corolla widely funnel-shaped, limb bilabiate to subregular. Stamens 4, didynamous; anthers coherent at the tips, opening by longitudinal slits, nectary largely reduced. Ovary ovoid, style slender, stigma obscurely bilobed. Capsule splitting septicidally and/or loculicidally into 4 valves, leaving the two main ribs united to the style and 4 papery enrolled placentae [modified from Weber & al. 2013: 87).

Monogeneric [ Tetraphyllum C.B.Clarke ].


Tetraphylloidinae Doweld

Doweld, Alexander B. 2017


Weber, A. & Clark, J. L. & Moller, M. 2013: 87
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