Gibson, Gary A. P., 2011, 2951, Zootaxa 2951, pp. 1-97 : 19-22
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11755334 |
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Felipe (2021-08-23 15:52:08, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 13:17:52) |
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Eupelmus |
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Key to species of E. ( Eupelmus View in CoL View at ENA ) in North America north of Mexico
1 Female .............................................................................................. 2
- Male............................................................................................... 15
2(1) Brachypterous ( Figs 11, 12)........................................................ E. dryorhizoxeni Ashmead View in CoL
- Macropterous......................................................................................... 3
3(2) Forewing distinctly infuscate from parastigma to beyond apex of postmarginal vein ( Figs 21−23)...................... 4
- Forewing hyaline with only a faint yellowish or brownish tint behind marginal vein (Fig. 49b)........................ 6
4(3) Gaster with inner plate of ovipositor not projecting beyond apex, apparent length of ovipositor sheaths less than 0.75× length of metatibia, and sheath with medial whitish region between black basal and apical regions ( Fig. 23); forewing with basal cell uniformly setose similar to disc ( Fig. 23)..................................................... E. nitifrons n. sp.
- Gaster with strigose inner plate of ovipositor projecting conspicuously beyond apex, apparent length of ovipositor sheaths at least 1.2× length of metatibia, and with about basal quarter to third black, the remaining light-colored or only graduated brownish apically ( Figs 21, 22); forewing with basal cell at least obviously less densely setose than disc and usually bare except for a few dark setae basally and white setae apically below extreme base of parastigma................................... 5
5(4) Head and mesosoma strongly contrasting in color, the head dark but mesosoma yellowish-orange or rarely light brownishorange ( Fig. 22); antenna with at least basal half of scape, often pedicel, and sometimes funicle partly yellowish-orange ( Fig. 22)............................................................................... E. conigerae Ashmead View in CoL
- Head and at least dorsum of mesosoma not strongly contrasting and usually very similar in color, bright green to dark brown with variable metallic lusters ( Fig. 21); antenna often entirely dark but at least pedicel and flagellum dark ( Fig. 21)............................................................................................ E. cynipidis Ashmead View in CoL
6(3) Mesotarsus with ventral pegs restricted to basitarsus and second tarsomere, the basitarsus with asymmetrical pattern consisting of about 4−7 pegs along most of anterior margin and fewer pegs on posterior margin, and second tarsomere with at most 1 peg apically on either side ( Fig. 19); tegula mostly translucent yellowish-brown to dark brown, but with slender, yellow to white region along most of inner margin adjacent to mesoscutum................................... E. microzonus Förster
- Mesotarsus with symmetrical rows of pegs along both anterior and posterior margins of at least basitarsus and second tarsomere, and often third and fourth tarsomeres also with one or more pegs ( Figs 18, 32, 33); tegula often completely dark....... 7
7(6) Forewing without linea calva ( Fig. 20); acropleuron reticulate-alveolate posteriorly ( Fig. 20); tegula brownish-yellow to distinctly yellow; basal tarsomere of mesotarsus in ventral view with single row of different length pegs on either side ( Fig. 33).......................................................................................... E. pini Taylor View in CoL
- Forewing with linea calva (e.g. Fig. 8); acropleuron shallowly meshlike coriaceous to finely coriaceous-reticulate posteriorly; tegula usually dark; basal tarsomere of mesotarsus in ventral view with pegs segregated into longer basal row and shorter, slightly overlapping apical row on either side ( Fig. 32)........................................................ 8
8(7) Mesotibia without black pegs apically ( Fig. 18); ovipositor sheaths short, only about half as long as metatibia and at most slightly brownish apically, without distinctly delineated apical dark region ( Fig. 17); legs yellow beyond coxae excluding mesotarsal pegs, apical tarsomeres and small subbasal brownish region on tibiae ( Fig. 17)........ E. stramineipes View in CoL Nikol’skaya
- Mesotibia with row of black pegs apically ( Figs 32, 33); ovipositor sheaths longer than half length of metatibia and/or often distinctly banded; front leg and often at least hind leg more extensively dark beyond coxae........................... 9
9(8) Apparent ovipositor sheath length greater than half length of body and obviously longer than either gaster or combined length of head and mesosoma ( Fig. 24); frons entirely meshlike coriaceous, shiny ( Fig. 25)................. E. arizonensis n. sp.
- Apparent ovipositor sheath length less than half length of body and usually obviously shorter than gaster and/or combined length of head and mesosoma ( Figs 34–41); frons variable, sometimes similar to above ( Fig. 27) but usually at least somewhat wrinkled or roughened with sculpture in part delineated by raised margins ( Figs 29, 30) and sometimes quite distinctly reticulate ( Fig. 31)........................................................................................ 10
10(9) Ovipositor sheaths, excluding projecting strigose part of inner plate of ovipositor, at least about 1.4× length of marginal vein, sometimes entirely dark brown except for lighter apex but at least dark brown basally for more than one-third length of sheath and medial light-colored region, if present, at most only about half as long as basal or apical dark regions ( Fig. 41); upper face at least finely and usually quite distinctly meshlike reticulate ( Fig. 31)............................ E. curticinctus n. sp.
- Ovipositor sheaths variable in length, often shorter than or only about as long as marginal vein ( Figs 38, 39), but if longer then basal black region of sheath extending for distance obviously less than one-third sheath length and/or medial light-colored region much longer than half length of basal dark region ( Figs 34, 37); upper face sometimes coriaceous ( Fig. 27)........ 11
11(10) Gaster laterally with white, slightly lanceolate setae contrasting with dark cuticle ( Fig. 35) and ovipositor sheaths at least as long as metatibia and at least 1.25× as long as marginal vein ( Fig. 34); protibia variably but quite extensively dark without discrete dorsal and ventral dark bands ( Fig. 34); scape dark....................................... E. utahensis Girault View in CoL
- Gaster laterally with brownish, hairlike setae similar in color to cuticle ( Figs 36−40) and/or ovipositor sheaths less than length of metatibia or marginal vein ( Figs 38, 39); other features variable but not in combination, protibia sometimes entirely or mostly yellowish with at least anterior and posterior surfaces extensively yellowish; scape sometimes partly to entirely yellowish-orange.......................................................................................... 12
12(11) Frons entirely, finely meshlike coriaceous ( Fig. 27); costal cell dorsally with line of dark setae extending at least half and often two-thirds length (Fig. 49a); scape dark and in outer view with ventral margin produced as very slender, thin flange along apical half to two-thirds; ovipositor sheaths at least 0.9× length marginal vein and graduated yellowish-orange to brownish apically ( Fig. 36); forewing disc sometimes with yellowish to light brown tint behind marginal and/or stigmal veins (Fig. 49b)........................................................................................ E. annulatus Nees View in CoL
- Frons usually at least slightly imbricate or scabrous-wrinkled laterally along inner orbits ( Fig. 28) and often more obviously reticulate-roughened ( Figs 29, 30); costal cell dorsally only rarely with setae extending beyond about half length, often within only about apical third below parastigma (Fig. 45, arrows); scape sometimes yellowish-orange ( Fig. 28), but at least in lateral view with inner ventral margin at most abruptly angulate; ovipositor sheaths sometimes obviously shorter than length of marginal vein ( Figs 38, 39) and/or with quite abruptly delineated brown apical band ( Figs 37, 40); forewing disc hyaline..... 13 13(12) Prepectus comparatively sparsely and inconspicuously setose, with only 2 or 3 rows of hairlike setae mediolongitudinally distinctly separated from ventral and apical margins (Fig. 42) and ovipositor sheaths as long as to conspicuously longer than marginal vein ( Fig. 37); scape sometimes entirely to largely yellowish-orange in contrast to flagellum ( Fig. 28); propodeum with lateral surface of callus comparatively sparsely setose (Fig. 50)............................. E. cushmani (Crawford) View in CoL
- Prepectus usually quite conspicuously and extensively setose (Fig. 44) with at least 4 rows of very slightly lanceolate setae (Fig. 43), the apices of setae more or less extending to margins or at least ventral row of setae close to margin; ovipositor sheaths often less than 0.95× length of marginal vein ( Figs 38, 39); scape dark similar to flagellum; propodeum with lateral surface of callus usually comparatively densely setose (Fig. 51)................................................ 14
14(13) Forewing often with linea calva a continuous bare band through mediocubital fold into vanal area, but if closed posteriorly by a few setae then base of forewing obviously less setose than disc with basal cell variably extensively bare apically and often with bare band extending posteriorly from parastigma along basal fold (Figs 45−47); southwestern USA (AZ, CA, NM, TX), associated with Prodoxus View in CoL moth pollinators of Yucca View in CoL .............................................. E. pervius n. sp.
- Forewing with basal cell and region below parastigma more or less uniformly and similarly setose as rest of disc with linea calva an isolated bare band distinctly separated from vanal area (Fig. 48); transcontinental, associated with varied hosts....................................................................................... E. cyaniceps Ashmead View in CoL
15(1) Scape entirely or mostly yellowish to yellowish-orange, usually contrasting distinctly with dark brown flagellum (Figs 54, 57); tegula uniformly though variably dark brown; maxillary and labial palpi usually dark brown though sometimes lighter yellowish-brown in small specimens; legs often mostly yellowish-orange beyond coxae, but if femora distinctly brown then at least pro- and mesotibiae yellowish-orange or at most only very light brownish-yellow (Fig. 54)...................................................................................................... E. dryorhizoxeni Ashmead View in CoL [part]
- Scape usually entirely dark similar to flagellum, but if partly yellowish to white then tegula also yellowish to white and/or maxillary and labial palpi white (Figs 52, 53) or legs with tibiae and/or femora mostly to entirely dark (Figs 58–61)...... 16
16(15) Tegula yellowish to white; maxillary and labial palpi white (Figs 52, 53); legs often mostly yellowish to white, but at least profemur or anterior surfaces of both pro- and mesofemora yellowish to white (Figs 52, 53); scape with at least outer surface light colored over about ventral half and sometimes more extensively yellowish....................................... 17
- Tegula uniformly brown to dark brown; maxillary and labial palpi variably dark brown; legs with femora and at least meso- and metatibiae mostly to entirely dark (Figs 58−61); scape usually entirely dark................................... 19
17(16) Flagellum comparatively short-clavate with very short, dense setae (Fig. 52), with fl1 at least subquadrate and similarly setose as other funiculars, funiculars beyond fl1 only slightly longer than wide basally to transverse apically, and clava broadly oval; scape dark except outer surface lighter colored ventrally over broad micropunctate sensory region extending length of scape (cf. Fig. 80)................................................................... E. stramineipes View in CoL Nikol’skaya
- Flagellum elongate-filiform with outstanding, curved setae (Fig. 53), with fl1 very strongly transverse (disc-like), funiculars beyond fl1 at least about twice as long as wide basally and distinctly longer than wide apically (Fig. 55), and clava lanceolate; scape with inner surface also variably extensively yellowish basally, and outer surface ventrally with slender, inconspicuous micropunctate sensory region (cf. Fig. 79)................................................................. 18
18(17) Marginal vein at least 3× length of stigmal vein; length of flagellum + pedicel at least 2× width of head and fl2 at least 3× as long as wide; legs with tibiae entirely yellow [not yet recorded from region]............................ E. pini Taylor View in CoL
- Marginal vein only about 2× length of stigmal vein; length of flagellum + pedicel only about 1.8× width of head and fl2 less than 2.5× as long as wide; legs at least with subapical brown spot on anterior surface of mesotibia and extralimital specimens usually with more distinct dark band.................................................... E. microzonus Förster
19(16) Lower face above malar sulcus with region of comparatively long, dense, and abruptly or sinuately curved brown setae (Fig. 67); costal cell dorsally with line of setae extending over at least apical half (cf. Fig. 49a), and ventrally with 2 rows of setae mesally; mesotibia more or less extensively dark dorsally and ventrally, but at least anterior and usually posterior surfaces light-colored longitudinally (Fig. 58)........................................................ E. annulatus Nees View in CoL
- Lower face above malar sulcus with setae variable in length, but if quite long then evenly curved and usually quite distinctly white though sometimes brownish (Figs 63−70); costal cell dorsally with line of setae extending over less than apical half, usually only behind parastigma, and ventrally with single row of sometimes widely space setae over most of length; mesotibia almost always dark except for at most extreme base and apex.................................................. 20
20(19) Propodeal plical region quite distinctly reticulate on either side of median carina at least posteriorly and usually completely (Fig. 71); outer surface of scape mostly smooth and shiny ventrally along scapular scrobe except for widely spaced, minute, pinprick-like micropunctures ( Fig. 79); scrobal depression reticulate through scrobes over at least dorsal half of interantennal region above level of toruli (Fig. 70)...................................................... E. curticinctus n. sp.
- Propodeal plical region uniformly finely coriaceous or at most with some slight, shallow reticulation posteriorly (Fig. 72); outer surface of scape variably sculptured, but often appearing pitted or at least more coarsely sculptured ( Figs 76–78) or with lanceolate, micropunctate sensory region ventrobasal to scapular scrobe ( Figs 73, 74); scrobal depression sometimes with at least interantennal region very finely coriaceous to smooth and shiny (Fig. 69).................................... 21
21(20) Flagellum with setae comparatively closely appressed to flagellomeres, hence appearing relatively inconspicuously setose and slender-clavate, the flagellomeres usually increasing slightly in width apically or at least with broadly oval clava with micropilose sensory region over almost entire ventral surface (usually collapsed in air dried specimens) (Figs 64, 66); outer surface of scape with slender, elongate region of distinct, circular to oval micropunctures along length of scapular scrobe ( Fig. 78)............................................................................................ E. pervius n. sp.
- Flagellum with setae distinctly curved and projecting almost at right angle to flagellomeres, hence appearing densely setose and quite distinctly robust-filiform, the basal flagellomeres including setae as wide or slightly wider than clava (Figs 62, 63, 65); outer surface of scape sometimes with different sculpture pattern, either with lanceolate region mostly ventrobasal to scapular scrobe ( Figs 73, 74) or with shallower, more irregular sculpture ( Figs 75, 76).................................. 22
22(21) Reared from gall wasp ( Cynipidae View in CoL ) galls on oaks and roses; outer surface of scape with lanceolate micropunctate sensory region ventrobasal to scapular scrobe (sometimes difficult to see if scape partly yellow), but sensory region at most continued only partly to apex as single row of punctures along scrobe ( Figs 73, 74)......................................... 23
- Reared from other hosts; outer surface of scape ventrally with variably distinct micropunctate sensory band along scapular scrobe but at least not a lanceolate region largely restricted to region ventrobasal of scrobe ( Figs 75–77)................ 24
23(22) Scape entirely dark; legs almost completely dark except some basal tarsomeres white (Figs 59, 61)................................................................................... E. cynipidis Ashmead View in CoL & E. conigerae Ashmead View in CoL
- Scape with outer surface yellowish at least ventrobasally and usually yellowish ventrally along entire length through scapular scrobe, the inner surface sometimes also variably extensively yellowish apically; legs with at least protibia variably extensively yellowish, often distinctly dark only dorso- and ventrolongitudinally with posterior and/or anterior surfaces yellowish, and often with at least metatrochanter and trochantellus whitish....................... E. dryorhizoxeni Ashmead View in CoL [part]
24(22) Outer surface of scape with elongate band of distinct, circular to oval, punctures along entire length of scapular scrobe so as to appear micropunctate to more or less “pitted”, with sculptured area often slightly enlarged ventrobasal to scrobe ( Fig. 77).................................................................. E. cyaniceps Ashmead View in CoL & E. utahensis Girault View in CoL
- Outer surface of scape without elongate band of distinct punctures ventral to scapular scrobe, often with distinct micropunctures only apically ( Fig. 75) or with micropunctures more or less coalesced so as to appear more elongate-strigose ventral to scapular scrobe ( Fig. 76)............................................................ E. cushmani (Crawford) View in CoL
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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