Telephanus atricapillus Erichson, 1846

Ferreira, Raul Nascimento, 2017, Two abnormalities in Coleoptera (Silphidae, Silvanidae) from Connecticut and Ohio (U. S. A.)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 18, pp. 149-151 : 150

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12767355

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scientific name

Telephanus atricapillus Erichson, 1846


Symphysocery in Telephanus atricapillus Erichson, 1846 ( Silvanidae ) ( Fig. 2)

Specimen studied: U.S.A., Ohio, Lucas Co . Toledo, Benore Road, 21 March, 1995, leg. R . N. Ferreira ( RNFC) .

This specimen is 4.50 mm long, slender and elongate, yellowish brown with dense erect setae on the elytra. Head black without grooves, densely punctured and broader than pronotum, with rows of deep punctures and with a dark band on the apical third. This species is found later in spring and summer on vegetation.

This species has been treated as a nomen nudum for more than 150 years but Thomas & Nearns (2008), based on Erich son’s (1846) description, stAte that such description clearly fulfills the requirements of Article 13.4 of the ICZN (1999) and confers availability on each name. Thus, Telephanus atricapillus Erichson, 1846 is the corrected name for the North American species and is the type species of the genus by monotypy.

The symphysocery in this specimen is type 4-5, where the 1 st segment is normal, the 2 nd deformed and narrowed to the tip and forming a small acute angle towards the 3 rd. The 3 rd is slighted reduced but well defined. The 4 th and 5 th are fused and rounded and the rest are normal. ( Fig. 2).

According to Balazuc (1948, 1969) the symphysomelies consist of the fusion of antennomeres (symphysomery) or less frequently the fusion of leg segments (symphysopodies). The fusion, partial or total, of antennomeres from 6 to 11 is common and less so for 4-5 and rare for 3 and 4.

This type of monstrosity occurs especially in Cerambycidae ( Balazuc, 1948; Ortuño & Hernández, 1993; Ferreira, 2015) and Staphylinidae ( Ferreira, 2012) .

The cause for these deformities may be a simple mechanical action or a physical-chemical action during its pupal stage.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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