Tasmanocaecilius truchanasi, Schmidt & New, 2008

Schmidt, Evan R. & New, Timothy R., 2008, The Psocoptera (Insecta) of Tasmania, Australia, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65, pp. 71-152 : 104

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.24199/j.mmv.2008.65.7

publication LSID


persistent identifier


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scientific name

Tasmanocaecilius truchanasi

sp. nov.

Tasmanocaecilius truchanasi View in CoL sp. nov.

Figures 102 View Figures 102-107 –07

Material examined. Holotype: Tasmania, Cradle Mtn, Cradle Valley above Weindorfers grave, 41 ° 38’S 145 ° 57’E, fogging Nothofagus cunninghamii , 25 Feb 1990 ( R. Coy, P. Lillywhite, A. Yen). Additional record (1, badly damaged): same data as holotype ( MV). GoogleMaps

Description of male. Coloration (after ca 2.5 years in alcohol). Body very dark brown. Eyes and median epistomal suture black. Fore wing (fig. 102) hyaline with brown markings. Hind wing (fig. 103) brown. Abdomen greyish-brown, terminal segments brown. Legs: coxae, femora and claws dark brown, trochanter pale, tibiae and tarsi brown.

Morphology. IO:D = 3.0. Head and thorax very glossy. Vertex rounded. Basal flagellar segment not enlarged, bent. Labrum: stylets small, spiculate; sensilla 5 in total; internal sclerotisation present. Lacinia (fig. 104) broad, expanded preapically on one side, apical margin denticulate; projection on median apical margin; bent midway. Maxillary palps and antennal flagellar segments beyond f 1 missing. Mesothoracic precoxal suture absent. Fore wing (fig. 102); radial and medial veins simple; setae in a single rank; vein cu 2 glabrous; stigmasac absent. Hind wing (fig. 103) with radial vein simple. Microtrichia obvious on the membrane of both wings.

Abdominal adhesive vesicles apparently absent. Epiproct (fig. 105). Paraproct (fig. 105) with small field of papillae and oval field of 15 trichobothria. Hypandrium (fig.106)wellsclerotised, posterolateral margins setose. Phallosome (fig. 107) aedeagus blunt tipped, anterior margin transverse and endophallus basally spiculate.

Dimensions. B 1.9, FW 2.30, HW 1.77, F 0.62, T 0.94, t


0.316, t


0.126, rt 2.5:1, ct 0,0, f



Female. Unknown.

Remarks. The general area where this unusual species was found was well sampled. However, it was not collected in this study.

Etymology. Named for the late Olegas Truchanas, conservationist and nature photographer.



Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


University of Montana Museum

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