Leandra regnellii (Triana) Cogniaux (1886: 116)

Reginato, Marcelo & Goldenberg, Renato, 2018, Taxonomic notes on Leandra (Melastomataceae, Miconieae) - II, Phytotaxa 371 (2), pp. 84-92 : 87-88

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.371.2.2

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scientific name

Leandra regnellii (Triana) Cogniaux (1886: 116)


6. Leandra regnellii (Triana) Cogniaux (1886: 116) . ≡ Oxymeris regnellii Triana (1871: 91) . Type:— BRAZIL. Minas

Gerais: Caldas, A.F. Regnell III-25 (lectotype S-53356! designated here, isolectotypes C-10014636!, S-53357!).

Additional syntypes: BRAZIL. G. Lindberg 322 (BR-5631018!) ; F. Sellow 817 (not located); F. Sellow 3867 (US-

604155!); F. Sellow 4205 (not located).

= Leandra schwackei Cogniaux (1886: 610) . Type:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: “ad Serra dos Orgãos”, A. Schwacke 4314 (holotype GOET-7957!, isotype R-165992!). Syn. nov.

= Leandra pauloensis Hoehne (1922: 122) . Type:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: Rio Claro, “capoeirão”, 19 Nov 1901, A. Loefgren s.n. (lectotype SP-1158! designated here, isolectotype NY-500658!). Additional syntype: BRAZIL. Santa Catarina: Hammonia, H. Luederwaldt 11389 (GH-338665!, SP-1157!). Syn. nov.

= Leandra balduinii Brade (1957: 369) . Type:— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: São Francisco de Paula, Faz. Englert, “in Araucarieto”, B. Rambo 56295 (holotype PACA-56295!, isotype RB-541393!). Syn. nov.

Specimens examined:— MEXICO. Guerrero: Galeana, G.B. Hinton 14510 (NY); Puerto del Gallo, J.L. Reveal 4345 (NY). Honduras. El Paraíso: L.O. Williams 12188 (NY). Francisco Morazán: San Juancito, P.C. Standley 13735 (NY). Intibucá: A. Molina 10925 (NY); La Esperanza, A. Molina 25552 (NY). La Paz: Guajiquirito, A. Molina 24051 (NY). Ocotepeque: A. Molina 22084 (NY). BOLIVIA. Tarija: Aniceto Arce, J.C. Solomon 11113 (NY); Padcaya, H. Huaylla 1580 (NY); San Vicama, J.C. Solomon 11240 (NY, US). BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Bandeira, W.W. Thomas 13636 (CEPEC); Camanducaia, R.B. Torres 811 (UPCB); Caratinga, P.M. Andrade 486 (SP); Descoberto, D.S. Pifano 195 (UPCB); Paraisópolis, J.A. Lombardi 4403 (UPCB); Viçosa, Y.E.J. Mexia 5221 (CAS, GH, NY). Paraná: Almirante Tamandaré, O.S. Ribas 142 (UPCB); Antonina, G.G. Hatschbach 12772 (UPCB); Bateias, UPCB 50500 (UPCB); Campina Grande do Sul, R. Goldenberg 711 (NY, UPCB); Cerro Azul, J.C. Lindeman 2268 (RB); Curitiba, J.C. Lindeman 2545 (NY, RB); Foz do Iguaçu, J.C. Lindeman 3564 (RB); Guarapuava, J. Cordeiro 50 (UPCB); Guaratuba, R. Kummrow 2974 (RB); Imbaú, V.F. Kinupp 99 (SP); Irati, R. Wasum 4276 (UPCB); Lapa, P.K.H. Dusén 13423 (GH, NY); Laranjeiras do Sul, J.C. Lindeman 4909 (RB); Medianeira, G.G. Hatschbach 22617 (NY); Morretes, G.G. Hatschbach 355 (RB, SP); Paulo Frontin, R. Wasum 3399 (UPCB); Piraí do Sul, O.S. Ribas 2795 (UPCB); Piraquara, M. Reginato 25 (UPCB); Pitanga, G.G. Hatschbach 32850 (UPCB); Ponta Grossa, A.L.S. Gatti 178 (UPCB); Prudentópolis, G.G. Hatschbach 9318 (UPCB); Quatro Barras, E.P. Santos 140 (RB, UPCB); São José dos Pinhais, G.G. Hatschbach 27081 (NY); São Mateus do Sul, R. Wasum 4315 (UPCB); Sapopema, C. Medri 524 (UPCB); Telêmaco Borba, M. Vallejos 16 (UPCB); Tibagi, M.R.B. Carmo 520 (UPCB); Tijucas do Sul, D. Liebsch 392 (UPCB); Tunas do Paraná, R. Goldenberg 739 (NY, UPCB). Rio Grande do Sul: Cambará do Sul, R. Wasum 6365 (CAS); Caxias do Sul, L. Gecchelin 10700 (NY); Farroupilha, R. Meneghel 88 (UPCB); Flores da Cunha, R.A. Wasum 6196 (NY); Montenegro, B. Rambo 2282 (RB); Salvador do Sul, P.J.E. Leite 2132 (NY); São Francisco de Paula, M. Reginato 1076 (RB, UPCB). Santa Catarina: Apiúna, M. Verdi 5708 (RB); Blumenau, M.K. Caddah 698 (UPCB); Ibirama, R. Reitz 1170 (M, NY); Joinville, L.R. Landrum 2607 (NY); Lauro Muller, R. Reitz 6797 (NY); Leoberto Leal, A. Korte 156 (RB); Palhoça, R. Reitz 3927 (M, NY); Papanduva, R. Reitz 13421 (M); Rio do Sul, R. Reitz 6835 (M, NY); São Bento do Sul, F.S. Meyer 501 (UPCB); Vidal Ramos, R. Reitz 5118 (NY). São Paulo: Barra do Turvo, H.F. Leitão Filho 33122 (SP); Biritiba-Mirim, A. Custodio Filho 1638 (SP); Bom Sucesso de Itararé, V.C. Souza 7216 (SP); Cunha, P.G. Windisch 5037 (CAS, SP); Ibiúna, C.B. Toledo 375 (SP); Itapetininga, P.E. Gibbs 3287 (NY); Itararé, V.C. Souza 10618 (SP, UPCB); Jundiaí, H.F. Leitão Filho 3206 (NY); Miracatu, P. Martuscelli 78 (SP); Natividade da Serra, F. Barros 1231 (NY); Piquete, M.K. Caddah 648 (UPCB); Rio Claro, A. Loefgren 11344 (NY); Riversul, J.Y. Tamashiro 689 (SP); Salesópolis, O. Handro 748 (SP, US); Santo André, S.A.C. Chiea 222 (SP); São Miguel Arcanjo, P.L.R. Moraes 1172 (UPCB); São Paulo, S.A.P. Godoy 257 (SP). PARAGUAY. C. Fiebrig 5889 (GH, SP). ARGENTINA. Misiones: Campo Viera, R.A. Pérez-Moreau 21165 (NY); El Soberbio, O. Morrone 700 (NY); Fracrán, R.A. Perez-Moreau 21167 (NY); Guaraní, S.G. Tressens 4723 (GH); San Pedro, M. Rodriguez 664 (CAS, GH); San Vicente, N.B. Deginani 1262 (NY). Salta: Santa Victoria, P.R. Legname 9572 (CAS, GH).

Cogniaux (1888) placed L. regnellii in sect. Carassanae Cogniaux (1886: 110) and described L. schwackei in sect. Chaetodon Cogniaux (1886: 165) . It is possible to notice a pseudolateral inflorescence in the type of L. schwackei , thus the inflorescence position seems to be the difference assumed by the author (see Reginato & Goldenberg 2012 for similar cases). Wurdack (1962) suggested that L. pauloensis would be a synonym of L. regnellii , where he stated that nothing in the original description would differentiate the two taxa. Hoehne (1922) placed L. pauloensis in sect. Secundiflorae Cogniaux (1886: 191), which is characterized by scorpioid inflorescences (vs. non-scorpioid in the remaining sections). Nonetheless, inflorescences are variable in L. regnellii , where the flowers might be arranged in thyrses with lax to congested triads or very often in short scorpioid cymes. Brade (1957) only compared L. balduinii with two distinct species, L. fallax (Chamisso 1836: 41) Cogniaux (1886: 125) and L. mollis Cogniaux (1886: 126) . Despite the fact that the types of L. balduinii and L. regnellii are distinct, especially regarding leaf shape (ovate in L. balduinii vs. predominantly elliptic in L. regnellii ) and acrodromous nerves number (5 vs. usually 7 in L. regnellii ), L. regnellii is a fairly common species and morphologically highly variable. The type of L. balduinii is from Rio Grande do Sul state, but some specimens with similar morphology are found in other states in southern Brazil, where they are sympatric with the usual morphotype of L. regnellii (Paraná: Hatschbach 22275 - NY, Goldenberg 1021 - NY, UPCB; Santa Catarina: Klein 3981 - NY, Reitz 2566 - NY).

Here we report the first records of L. regnellii for Mesoamerica ( Mexico and Honduras), as well as to Bolivia. Some of the Mesoamerican specimens assigned here to L. regnellii have been previously identified as L. multiplinervis (Almeda 2009) . While in eastern Brazil L. regnellii is readily distinguishable from L. multiplinervis , in Mesoamerica the differences between the two taxa are less evident. Nonetheless, it is possible to separate the two species using the following characters: in L. regnellii the leaf base is usually round to obtuse, but sometimes slightly cuneate (vs. decurrent in L. multiplinervis ), the calyx external teeth are subulate and usually reflexed (vs. triangular and upright to outspread in L. multiplinervis ).

Despite being in the same sub-clade in Leandra s.str. ( Carassanae clade following Reginato & Michelangeli 2016), L. regnellii and L. multiplinervis are not sister species. The recognition of L. regnellii in Mesoamerica, as well as in the Andes, was supported by molecular data ( Reginato & Michelangeli 2016). In that study, samples of L. regnellii from those areas clustered with eastern Brazilian ones, as well as a Mesoamerican sample of L. multiplinervis with their counterparts from eastern Brazil.


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève














Leandra regnellii (Triana) Cogniaux (1886: 116)

Reginato, Marcelo & Goldenberg, Renato 2018

Leandra pauloensis

Hoehne, F. C. 1922: )
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