
Rossi, Luca, Interisano, Maria, Deksne, Gunita & Pozio, Edoardo, 2019, The subnivium, a haven for Trichinella larvae in host carcasses, International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 8, pp. 229-233 : 231

publication ID 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2019.02.007

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2.6. Detection of Trichinella View in CoL larva infectivity and species

Muscle samples of each carcass were digested according to the Regulation (EU) 1375/2015 ( European Commission, 2015). Following digestion, larvae were washed in PBS and counted in triplicate. Ten larvae were preserved in alcohol for species identification by multiplex PCR according to a published protocol ( Pozio and La Rosa, 2010). Then, 200 larvae /mouse were injected per os to 1–3 Swiss CD 1 female mice of 20 g. Mice were euthanized 40 days post infection (p.i.) and skinned and eviscerated carcasses were digested individually. After digestion, larvae were washed in PBS and counted in triplicate. Animals were housed and treated according to the European Directive on laboratory animal welfare ( European Commission, 2010 and L.D. 26/2014) and the protocol was approved by the Italian Ministry of Health (DL 116/ 92).

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