Dasymutillini, Brothers & Lelej, 2017

Williams, Kevin A., Cambra, Roberto. A., Bartholomay, Pedro R., Lopez, Vinicius M., Brothers, Denis J., Martins, Herbeson O. J., Ferreira, Vinina S., Koroiva, Ricardo & Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer, 2024, Two new genera of Neotropical Dasymutillini (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae, Sphaeropthalminae): Goncharovtilla gen. nov. from Brazil and Dasyphuta gen. nov. from Panama, Zootaxa 5538 (2), pp. 127-152 : 147-149

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5538.2.2

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scientific name



Key to American genera of Dasymutillini

The genera Lomachaeta , Neomutilla , and Protophotopsis were excluded from Dasymutillini ( Waldren et al. 2023) and are not keyed here. The key is written in a way that both sexes of velvet ants from the Americas can be checked for exclusion from Dasymutillini or recognized as one of the 13 genera of Dasymutillini .


1. Eye subcircular; mandible unarmed ventrally; head unarmed ventrally; mesosoma widest at pronotum or mesonotum, in dorsal view; tergal fringes composed of simple or brachyplumose setae............................................... 2

- With one or more of the following characters: eye longitudinally ovate; mandible with ventral tooth basally; gena and/or hypostoma armed with distinct ventral tooth; propodeum and pronotum both wider than mesonotum, in dorsal view; tergal fringes composed of distinctly plumose setae........................................ other tribes (not treated here)

2 (1). T6 convex without defined pygidial plate.................................................................. 3

- T6 with flat pygidial plate, usually with differentiated sculpture and defined by lateral carinae........................ 5

3 (2). T1 shape narrowly petiolate, constricted with base of T2, T1 generally widest mesally............................... 4

- T1 shape generally sessile, subsessile, or disciform, width variable, T1 generally widest at posterior margin......................................................................................... other tribes (not treated here)

4 (3). Genal carina and scutellar scale absent; mesosoma convex dorsally; T6 without longitudinal carinae; epaulet scarcely raised ( Panama).............................................. Dasyphuta gen. nov. —one species: D. gorgupea sp. nov.

- Genal carina and scutellar scale present; mesosoma flattened dorsally; T6 with two wavy longitudinal carinae mesally; epaulet usually raised onto smooth tubercle ( Panama).............................................................................................. Frigitilla Williams in Bartholomay et al. 2015 —two species, see Cambra et al. (2016)

5 (2). Pygidium with lateral carinae, with acute erect tooth at posterolateral angle (mesosomal pleura uniformly covered with dense setae; tibial spurs black)................................................................................ 6

- Pygidium with lateral carinae but without erect tooth at posterolateral angle...................................... 7

6 (5). Second labial palpomere mesally expanded, at least twice as wide as long; metasternal process short and truncated, with medial notch of variable depth; mesosomal dorsum with one or two narrow longitudinal stripes of dense whitish setae extending from anterior margin of pronotum to posterior margin of propodeum.............................. Suareztilla Casal, 1968

- Second labial palpomere not expanded, at least as long as wide; metasternal process extended mesally into triangular plate between metathoracic coxae; mesosomal dorsum without narrow longitudinal stripes of whitish setae................................................................................................ Reedomutilla Mickel, 1964

7 (5). Mesosoma broadly violin-shaped, propodeal sides divergent behind propodeal spiracle in dorsal view.................. 8

- Mesosoma pear-shaped, propodeal sides convergent behind propodeal spiracle in dorsal view........................ 9

8 (7). Body uniformly pale yellow-brown; mesosoma with small scutellar scale; T2 disc with basomesal triangular patch of flattened striate setae ( Argentina)................ Gogoltilla Williams et al. 2011 —One species, G. chichikovi Williams et al. 2011

- With one or more of the following characters: body color partly or entirely blackish; mesosoma without scutellar scale; T2 disc without patch of striated setae.................................................... other tribes (not treated here)

9 (7). Dorsal and posterior surfaces of vertex separated by sharp arcuate transverse carina ( Brazil)............................................................................ Goncharovtilla gen. nov. —one species, G. oblomovi sp. nov.

- Posterior margin of vertex rounded or with separated posterolateral tubercles..................................... 10

10 (9). Scutellar scale bilobate; mesonotum armed with four or five dorsolateral tubercles; hypopygium apex with four spines ( Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay).................... Leucospilomutilla Ashmead, 1903 —three species, see Williams et al. (2020)

- Scutellar scale absent or unilobate; mesonotum usually unarmed laterally, rarely with one spine; hypopygium apex lacking spines............................................................................................. 11

11 (10). Head broad and quadrate, vertex width greater than mesosomal width (T2 with large yellow or red integumental spots, paired, with marked edges; widespread in South America).... Cephalomutilla André, 1908 —four species, see Williams et al. (2022)

- Head not so broad, usually rounded posteriorly, vertex width usually less than mesosomal width..................... 12

12 (11). Specimens from North and Central America or Caribbean Islands (excluding Trinidad)............................ 13

- Specimens from South America (including Trinidad)........................................................ 14

13 (12). Body entirely black, except T2 with two or four yellow cuticular spots, these spots mostly bare, with sparse punctures; tibial spurs whitish (rarely encountered, only in Central America and Hispaniola)........................................................................... Traumatomutilla André, 1901 , in part— three species, see Williams et al. (2017)

- With one or more of the following characters: mesosoma reddish-brown; T2 disc without yellow cuticular spots or with spots having similar sculpture to surrounding T2 disc sculpture; tibial spurs black (widespread and common, in North and Central America and Caribbean Islands)................................ Dasymutilla Ashmead, 1899 View in CoL , in part— over 100 species, see Manley & Pitts (2007), Cambra et al. (2018), and Manley et al. (2020)

14 (12). T2 disc cuticle uniformly blackish, lighter markings formed by setae only (genal carina absent)..................... 15

- T2 disc blackish and marked with yellow or reddish cuticular patches, or T2 disc cuticle lighter reddish or yellowish brown. .................................................................................................. 17

15 (14). Setal markings on T2 composed of golden circular spots (Brazilian Atlantic Forest) or T2 mostly covered with dense yellow to orange setae (countries West of Andes)................................................................. 16

- Setal markings on T2 composed of small whitish setal stripes or spots ( Colombia or Brazilian Caatinga and Cerrado).... 18

16 (15). Vertex smooth, without tubercles or projections of any kind; mesonotum and T2 disc with large patches of dense yellow to orange setae ( Chile, Ecuador, and Peru)........................................................................................ Quwitilla Williams et al. in Bartholomay et al. 2019—three species, see Bartholomay et al. (2019b)

- Vertex with large smooth tubercle posterolaterally; mesonotum with contrasting golden and black setae, T2 disc marked with large golden-orange spots composed of thickened bristle-like setae ( Brazil)...................................................... Atlantilla Williams & Bartholomay in Williams et al. 2020 —one species, A. auriculata ( Gerstaecker, 1874)

17 (14). Mesosoma pale reddish-brown; scutellar scale distinct and broad; vertex simple without tubercles or projections of any kind; genal carina present; lateral propodeal surface smooth and defined by irregular carina dorsally and posteriorly; body small, length 5 mm or less (widespread in South America)........ Tobantilla Casal, 1969 —nine species, see Williams et al. (2011)

- With one or more of the following characters: mesosoma black; scutellar scale indistinct or absent; vertex armed with posterolateral tubercle; genal carina absent; lateral propodeal surface distinctly sculptured and not defined by carina dorsally and posteriorly; body length more than 5 mm ............................................................... 8

18 (15, 17). T2 disc with spots composed of setae only or with cuticular spots having similar sculpture to surrounding T2 disc sculpture (rarely encountered, in Colombia only, mesosoma sometimes reddish orange).................................................. Dasymutilla Ashmead, 1899 View in CoL , in part —four species, see Cambra et al. (2018), and Bartholomay et al. (2019b)

- T2 disc with smooth yellow or reddish cuticular spots with sparse setae (common and widespread throughout South America; in Colombia with mesosoma blackish)....... Traumatomutilla André, 1901 —over 100 species, see Williams et al. (2017)


1. Axilla armed with posteriorly directed tooth or lobe; eye subcircular; head unarmed ventrally; T1 shape narrowly petiolate and usually constricted with base of T2; tergal fringes composed of simple or brachyplumose setae ........................ 2

- With one or more of the following characters: axilla unarmed; eye longitudinally ovate and notched; gena and/or hypostoma armed with distinct ventral tooth; T1 broadly sessile, subsessile, or disciform; tergal fringes composed of distinctly plumose setae........................................................................ other tribes (not treated here)

2 (1). Mandible with ventral tooth or lobe basally................................................................ 3

- Mandible unarmed ventrally............................................................................ 4

3 (2). Mandible with bilobate lamella dorsally; paramere posteriorly upcurved with apex pointing antero-dorsally ( Argentina)....................................... Gogoltilla Williams et al. 2011 — One species, G. chichikovi Williams et al. 2011

- Mandible simple dorsally; paramere not upcurved, apex pointing posteriorly.............. other tribes (not treated here)

4 (2). Specimens from North America, Central America, or Caribbean Islands (excluding Trinidad)......................... 5

- Specimens from South America (including Trinidad)......................................................... 7

5 (4). Nearly all erect setae on body, particularly on scape and clypeus, brachyplumose; nearly entire body covered with moderately dense whitish setae; paramere posteriorly upcurved with apex pointing dorsally ( Panama)................................................................................. Dasyphuta gen. nov. —one species: D. gorgupea sp. nov.

- Erect setae on body mostly simple; body setal color variable; paramere shallowly upcurved, apex pointing postero-dorsally. 6

6 (5). Body cuticle entirely black, covered only with black and silvery setae; tibial spurs whitish; free paramere length with relatively sparse setae anteroventrally (rarely encountered in Central America and Hispaniola)......................................................................................... Traumatomutilla André, 1901 , in part— three species

- With one or more of the following characters: at least mesosoma or T2 with cuticle yellowish or reddish-brown; head, mesosoma, or tergites densely covered with golden to reddish setae; tibial spurs blackish; free paramere length with particularly dense brush of pale yellowish setae anteroventrally (common and widespread in North and Central America and Caribbean Islands)................................................................. Dasymutilla Ashmead, 1899 , in part— over 100 species — see Manley & Pitts (2007), Cambra et al. (2018), and Manley et al. (2020) [The male of Frigitilla panamensis Cambra et al. 2016 is not yet known, but will likely key out here with similar characters to those mentioned in couplet 9 below]

7 (4). Mandible thick and somewhat vertically oriented (with distinct dorsal carina continuous to inner apical tooth); parapenial lobe longer than penis valve ( Chile, Ecuador, and Peru)................................................................ Quwitilla Williams, Bartholomay & Cambra in Bartholomay et al. 2019—three species, see Bartholomay et al. (2019b)

- Mandible narrowed and oblique apically (dorsal carina usually becoming obsolete before reaching inner apical tooth); parapenial lobe shorter than penis valve (widespread but rarely found West of the Andes).................................... 8

8 (7). Paramere shallowly upcurved posteriorly, apex pointing postero-dorsally (brachyplumose setae generally rare and inconspicuous on body; head usually uniformly black; clypeus usually densely punctate and bidentate antero-ventrally)............... 9

- Paramere sharply upcurved posteriorly, apex pointing dorsally or antero-dorsally (brachyplumose setae generally abundant and conspicuous, especially on scape and clypeus; vertex often with mesal reddish cuticular spot; clypeus usually with smooth bidentate or truncate shelf antero-ventrally, antero-ventrally unidentate, or antero-ventrally rounded).................. 14

9 (8). S2 mesally convexly swollen, with asetose mesal pit (T2 and S2 with cuticle largely orange-brown; paramere virtually straight, slightly upcurved posteriorly, with especially dense ventral setal brush on basal half; Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru)............................................ Frigitilla Williams in Bartholomay et al. 2015, in part — F. simulatrix ( Smith, 1879)

- S2 flat or simply convex, if mesal pit present, then filled with setae............................................. 10

10 (9). Axillar lobe with posterior margin flat and truncate posteriorly, additionally armed with sharp down-pointed tooth along outer margin ( Brazil).................................................................................................... Atlantilla Williams & Bartholomay in Williams et al., 2020 —one species, A. auriculata ( Gerstaecker, 1874)

- Axillar lobe variable but without down-pointing tooth along outer margin....................................... 11

11 (10). Mesopleuron with lateral tooth-like tubercle; axilla posteriorly truncate and raised above level of depressed mesoscutellum; propodeum with conspicuous dorsolateral tubercle posterior to propodeal spiracle; penis valve with especially large pre-apical tooth, margin anterior to pre-apical tooth serrate ventrally ( Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay)................................................................... Leucospilomutilla Ashmead, 1903 —three species, see Williams et al. (2020)

- Mesopleuron usually without tooth-like tubercle (if mesopleuron armed, then axilla dentate posteriorly or not especially raised above convex mesoscutellum); propodeum without dorsolateral tubercle posterior to propodeal spiracle; penis valve with smooth margin anterior to pre-apical ventral tooth.......................................................... 12

12 (11). S2 mesally flattened, without mesal pit; paramere dorsoventrally flattened basally (widespread in South America).................................................... Cephalomutilla André, 1908 —four species, see Williams et al. 2022

- S2 convex (with or without mesal pit); paramere shape variable............................................... 13

13 (12). Rarely encountered, in Colombia only; with metasomal cuticle mostly reddish-orange and covered with dense red setae or metasoma predominantly black except T2 entirely pale yellow or marked with pale yellow cuticular patch..... Dasymutilla Ashmead, 1899 , in part —four species, see Manley & Pitts (2007), Cambra et al. (2018), and Bartholomay et al. (2019b)

- Common and widespread throughout South America; Colombian species with metasomal cuticle uniformly black or mostly reddish-orange with sparse setae.................................. Traumatomutilla André, 1901 —over 100 species

14 (8). Vertex black with reddish-orange spot mesally; clypeus, frons, and gena usually with extensive black setae (if head setae predominantly whitish, then T2 marked with round yellow cuticular spots)...................................... 15

- Vertex uniformly blackish; clypeus, frons, and gena usually with silvery setae, at most interspersed with a few erect darker setae; T2 disc entirely black, reddish-black or orange (second labial palpomere not expanded, at least as long as wide).... 16

15 (14). T2 disc with cuticle uniformly black; second labial palpomere not expanded, at least as long as wide...................................................................... Reedomutilla Mickel, 1964 —three species, see Casal (1968)

- T2 disc black, marked with two large circular yellow or reddish cuticular spots; second labial palpomere mesally expanded, at least twice as wide as long.................................. Suareztilla Casal, 1968 —Nine species, see Casal (1968)

16 (14). Clypeus with longitudinal elevated crest medially, with anteromedial margin strongly projected medially ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7–12 ); body cuticle entirely black (Caatinga region of Brazil)................. Goncharovtilla gen. nov. —one species, G. oblomovi sp. nov.

- Clypeus without longitudinal elevated crest medially, with anteromedial margin projected in a single raised tubercle or shallowly emarginate (see Figs 35–36 View FIGURES 33–36 in Williams et al. 2011); metasomal cuticle largely reddish-orange, at least on T2 (widespread in South America, but absent from Caatinga)............... Tobantilla Casal, 1969 —nine species, see Williams et al. (2011)













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