Corneriella indica Raj & Manim., 2015

Anil Raj, K. N., Deepna Latha, K. P., Sánchez-García, Marisol & Manimohan, Patinjareveettil, 2015, A new species of the genus Corneriella from India supported by morphological and molecular data, Phytotaxa 213 (2), pp. 102-112 : 107-109

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.213.2.3

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Corneriella indica Raj & Manim.

sp. nov.

Corneriella indica Raj & Manim. View in CoL , sp. nov. Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 2 A–F View FIGURE 2

MycoBank MB 809233

Etymology:—The specific epithet refers to India, the country where this species was first observed.

Diagnosis:—Tricholomatoid basidiomata with a brown pileus with appressed-fibrillose surface, thick lamellae with dark brown edges, a sterile lamella edge composed of projecting tramal hyphae with cystidioid terminal elements, subglobose and amyloid basidiospores, and a cutis-type pileipellis disrupted by trichodermal patches are the diagnostic features of this species. Differing from Corneriella bambusarum (Desjardin & Hemmes) Sánchez-García in having an appressed-fibrillose pileus, adnate to subdecurrent lamellae with a dark brown lamella edge, a sterile lamella edge composed of projecting tramal hyphae with cystidioid terminal elements, and slightly gelatinized pileipellis and stipitipellis hyphae.

Basidiomata small to medium-sized, tricholomatoid.Pileus 16–56mm diam., hemispherical or convex when young, becoming somewhat campanulate and finally plano-convex with a broad umbo; surface dark brown (7 F4 )/( OAC635 About OAC ) at the center and on the fibrils and grayish brown (7 E3 )/( OAC626 About OAC ) elsewhere when young, becoming brownish orange (6 C3 )/( OAC669 About OAC ) or brown (6 F4 )/( OAC636 About OAC , OAC639 About OAC ) at the center and light brown (6D4)/( OAC660 About OAC , OAC661 About OAC ) towards the margin with age ; not hygrophanous, not pellucid-striate, initially slightly recurved-squammulose towards the margin and densely appressed-fibrillose elsewhere, becoming entirely appressed-fibrillose with age; margin slightly incurved and finely appendiculate when young, becoming somewhat straight and crenate with age. Lamellae adnate to subdecurrent, rather thick, occasionally furcate in both directions, crowded, initially orange gray (6 B2 )/( OAC676 About OAC ), becoming brownish gray (6D2, 7 C2 )/( OAC627 About OAC ) or grayish brown (6 E3 )/( OAC723 About OAC ), with lamellulae of 3–6 lengths, up to 4 mm wide ; edge entire when very young, becoming crisped with age, initially concolorous with the sides, becoming dark brown (6 F6 )/( OAC639 About OAC ) or brownish gray (7D 2, 7E 2)/( OAC626 About OAC , OAC627 About OAC ). Stipe 32–67 × 5–11 mm, central, terete or slightly compressed, equal or slightly tapering towards the base, fibrous, solid ; surface grayish brown (5D 3, 5E 3)/( OAC662 About OAC ) or brownish gray (7 E2 )/( OAC627 About OAC ), appressed-fibrillose all over, densely so when young, finely pruinose toward the apex ; base whitish, with scanty basal mycelium. Context soft, up to 6 mm wide, off-white or orange gray (6 B2 )/( OAC676 About OAC ). Odor and taste not distinctive .

Basidiospores 4–7 × 3–5 (5.10±0.81 × 4.33±0.83) μm, Q = 1–1.5, Qm = 1.19, subglobose, thin-walled, hyaline, amyloid. Basidia 18–31 × 5–7 μm, clavate, thin-walled, hyaline or very pale yellow, 4-spored; sterigmata up to 3.5 μm long. Lamella edge sterile, composed of projecting tramal hyphae with cystidioid terminal elements; terminal elements 46–85 × 9.5–17 μm, narrowly clavate, slightly thick-walled, with a grayish brown plasmatic pigment and faint spiral encrustations. Cheilocystidia absent. Pleurocystidia absent. Lamellar trama subregular, broad, inamyloid, composed of a central part made of inflated (5–20 μm), short-celled, hyaline elements flanked on either side by a zone of narrow (2.5–6 μm) hyphae with a brownish wall pigment. Pileus trama interwoven; hyphae composed of inflated elements 41–90 × 5–20 μm, gelatinized, thin-walled, with a pale yellow wall pigment, inamyloid. Pileipellis a cutis disrupted by trichodermal patches; hyphae slightly gelatinized, thin-walled; terminal elements cystidioid, 70–122 × 8–13 μm, narrowly clavate, thin-walled, with a pale yellow wall pigment and yellowish brown plasmatic contents, with faint spiral encrustations. Stipitipellis a disrupted cutis; hyphae 7–9 μm wide, slightly gelatinized, pale yellow or pale yellowish gray, thin-walled. Caulocystidia absent. Clamp connections seen on all hyphae.

Habitat:— scattered or in small groups, on soil, among decaying litter on forest floor, from a moist deciduous forest, on the bank of Peechi Dam reservoir where the major tree species include Terminalia spp. , Tectona grandis L.f. and Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. and the undergrowth consists mainly of Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M. King & H. Rob., Helicteres isora L., and Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC.

Geographical distribution range:—known only from Kerala ( India).

Type:— INDIA. Kerala State: Thrissur District, Peechi Forest, 1 November 2011, K. N. Anil Raj, AR920 (holotype K(M)190587!).

Additional specimens examined:— Corneriella indica : INDIA. Kerala State: Thrissur District, Peechi Forest , 16 June 2011, K. N.Anil Raj, AR633 ( K ( M)190588!) ; Corneriella bambusarum : USA. Hawaii, Oahu, Manoa Valley: Manoa Falls Trail , 8 January 1992, D. E. Desjardin 5462! ( NY: Isotope). Maui , Koolau State Forest Reserve , Na’ili’iliha’ele Trail , 28 August 1996, D. E. Desjardin 6572! ( NY: Paratype) .

Comments:—Phenetically, this agaric enters into the concept of Corneriella as circumscribed by Sánchez-García et al. (2014) owing to its tricholomatoid fruit bodies occurring on soil with smooth, thin-walled, amyloid basidiospores, a hymenium devoid of pleurocystidia, a cutis-type pileipellis disrupted by trichodermal patches and hyphae with clamp connections. However, conspicuous cheilocystidia, one of the defining features of the genus, are missing in the Indian species. Nonetheless, the lamella edges are still sterile and composed of projecting tramal hyphae with cystidioid terminal elements. This microscopic feature of C. indica is unique among the species of the genus.

Corneriella bambusarum View in CoL , originally described from the Hawaiian Islands by Desjardin & Hemmes (2001) and the type species of the genus, has a pileus with somewhat similar size, shape and color, furcate lamellae, amyloid and almost similar-sized basidiospores (5.4–7 × 4.2–5.2 μm) and clamp connections. However, C. bambusarum View in CoL has a granulose pileus, adnexed or sinuate lamellae of different color, ovate to broadly ellipsoid basidiospores, true and versiform cheilocystidia, non-gelatinized pileipellis hyphae devoid of encrustations and a different habitat. Corneriella humicola ( Corner 1994) View in CoL differs in having a fetid odor in mature basidiomata, subtomentose to scurfy-pruinose pilei, distinctly decurrent, narrower (1–2.5 mm) lamellae, and versiform cheilo- and caulocystidia.

In addition, the molecular phylogenetic analysis recovers this taxon as part of Corneriella View in CoL ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ) as an independent lineage separated from other species of the genus and shows that C. indica View in CoL is sister to C. humicola View in CoL and C. bambusarum View in CoL .

As Corneriella View in CoL is a very recently described genus based on previously described species, there is the possibility that someone has recorded the present species under some other name from this region. However, as far as we know, there are no authentic previous records of either Porpoloma View in CoL or Cantharellula View in CoL from both India and adjacent Sri Lanka ( Manjula 1983; Pegler 1986; Natarajan et al. 2005; Farook et al. 2013). Also, extensive searches in the literature on agarics of the region (e.g., Sathe & Daniel 1980; Sathe & Deshpande 1980; Sathe & Kulkarny 1980; Pegler 1986; Mohanan 2011) did not reveal a previously published species description matching that of C. indica View in CoL . Corner (1994) had described only one species of Cantharellula View in CoL , C. humicola View in CoL , from Malaysia.


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Corneriella indica Raj & Manim.

Anil Raj, K. N., Deepna Latha, K. P., Sánchez-García, Marisol & Manimohan, Patinjareveettil 2015

C. indica

Anil Raj & Deepna Latha & Sánchez-García & Manimohan 2015

C. indica

Anil Raj & Deepna Latha & Sánchez-García & Manimohan 2015


Singer 1952


Sanchez-Garcia (2014: 1007


Sanchez-Garcia (2014: 1007

Corneriella bambusarum

Sanchez-Garcia (2014: 1000

C. bambusarum

Sanchez-Garcia (2014: 1000

C. bambusarum

Sanchez-Garcia (2014: 1000
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