Salvia brachyloba Urban (1912: 362)

Zona, Scott, Finch, Kristen, Clase, Teodoro & Jestrow, Brett, 2016, A synopsis of Salvia sect. Gardoquiiflorae (Lamiaceae), with a note on the origins of Caribbean Salvia species, Phytotaxa 255 (3), pp. 214-226 : 218-221

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.255.3.3


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scientific name

Salvia brachyloba Urban (1912: 362)


Salvia brachyloba Urban (1912: 362) View in CoL

Type (lectotype, designated here):— DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. La Vega: near Constanza on exposed hillside, March 1910, H. von Tuerckheim 3000 ( K barcode K000479229 !, isolectotype NY barcode 00000226!; syntype B [destroyed]) .

Shrub 1.5–2.5 m tall, branches densely white tomentose; leaves ovate-lanceolate to narrowly elliptical, with a finely serrate margin along distal two-thirds, base acute, apex acute, petiole 1.0– 1.8 cm long, blade 4.9–9.2 cm long by 1.3– 2.5 cm wide, abaxial surface obscured by dense white pubescence and golden glandular trichomes (turning dark amber upon drying), adaxial surface sparsely pubescent, not obscuring the lamina; inflorescence of dense terminal panicles, divaricating, branched to two orders, flowers and bracts obscuring the inflorescence axes, verticillasters comprising up to 20 flowers, subtending bracts caducous, narrowly ovate with a caudate apex to obovate with a caudate apex and additional marginal lobes, 9.0– 9.5 mm long and 4.0–6.0 mm wide, violet to purple; pedicel 1.2–3.0 mm long; calyx 7.3–11.0 mm long and 2.3–2.4 mm wide, lobes 2.4–3.5 mm long, violet to purple; corolla 8.4 mm long, pale blue to pale pink; filament 1.0 mm long; connective 5.7 mm long, the posterior arm of the connective paddle-shaped, 3.2 mm long; anthers 1.2 mm long by 0.5 mm wide, dorsifixed, not versatile; style 8.3 mm long; mericarps 1.5–1.6 mm long by 0.8–1.1 mm wide.

Distribution and habitat:—The species has been collected across a wide area of southern Hispaniola (fig. 1), at 1100–1400 m elevation, in montane forest/pine forest ecotone, over limestone rocks.

Etymology:—The epithet, meaning “short lobe,” refers to the short lip of the corolla.

Taxonomic remarks:—Kew’s specimen bears the label of Tuerckheim 2997 (“ Pilea setigera ”), but an annotation by Carl Epling says that the specimen is Tuerckheim 3000. Hans Freiherr von Tuerckheim (also spelled Türckheim) (1853–1920) was a German lawyer and coffee planter in Guatemala, who upon retirement collected widely in the Dominican Republic in 1909–1910.

Additional specimens examined:— DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Azua: 2–3 km above El Aguacate, Duvergé , 26– 27 July 1973, A.H. Liogier & P. Liogier 19739 (JBSD!) ; about 1 km above El Aguacate, Duvergé , 3 January 1972, A.H. Liogier 18319 ( GH!, NY!). La Vega: Cordillera Central , Constanza , Loma Chinguela , 12 December 1929, E. Ekman H13739 ( K!, US!). Peravía : Cordillera Central , between La Horma and Las Cayas, 18°37’N 70°33’W, 27 July 1984, M. Mejía et al. 965 ( FTG!, JBSD!), Cordillera Central, slopes of Loma Arroyo Hondo, 18°37’N 70°41’W, 23 July 1985, T. Zanoni & J. Pimentel 35308 (JBSD!). HAITI. Dept. de l’Ouest: Massif des Matheux, Pétionville, l’Archaie, 14 November 1927, E. Ekman H9317 (GH!, K!, US!) GoogleMaps .


Royal Botanic Gardens


Harvard University - Gray Herbarium


Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden


Jardín Botánico Nacional Dr. Rafael M. Moscoso














Salvia brachyloba Urban (1912: 362)

Zona, Scott, Finch, Kristen, Clase, Teodoro & Jestrow, Brett 2016

Salvia brachyloba

Urban, I. 1912: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF