Dacryopinax spathularia (Schwein.) G.W. Martin (1948: 116)

Castro-Santiuste, Sandra, Sierra, Sigfrido, Guzmán-Dávalos, Laura, Cifuentes, Joaquín, Evans, Thomas, Martínez-González, César Ramiro, Sizzo, Hernán Alvarado- & Luna-Vega, Isolda, 2020, Dacryopinax (Fungi: Dacrymycetales) in Mexico, Phytotaxa 446 (1), pp. 6-22 : 15-16

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.446.1.2

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scientific name

Dacryopinax spathularia (Schwein.) G.W. Martin (1948: 116)


Dacryopinax spathularia (Schwein.) G.W. Martin (1948: 116) View in CoL Figs. 1d View FIGURE 1 and 5 View FIGURE 5

Basidiome 5–30 mm long, pileate-stipitate, gelatinous-cartilaginous, yellowish orange, golden yellow (5B7), light orange (5A3) to dark orange (5A8), mature specimens darkening to brownish orange (6C6–6C8), with the base remaining whitish. Pileus up to 23 mm wide, cylindrical when young to spathulate-flabelliform or half infundibuliform when mature; margin lobulate in mature specimens; sterile side velutinous, with whitish hairs. Stipe 4–12 × 1–3 mm, cylindrical, eccentric, velutinous, with whitish hairs, more evident on the base. Hymenium unilateral, smooth or striate. Sterile areas of the basidiome with whitish marginal hyphae visible also without a magnifying lens.

Basidiospores 7–12 × 3–6.5 µm, Q = 1.8–2.3, oblong to subcylindrical, phaseoliform, aseptate to transversely uniseptate, with thin septum, hyaline to yellowish, smooth, guttulate; germination by conidia 3–6 × 3 µm, globose to ellipsoid, hyaline. Probasidia 22.5–27 × 3 µm, cylindrical to subclavate, hyaline, guttulate. Metabasidia 24–30 (–31.5) × 3–4.5 µm, becoming bifurcate; sterigmata 9–16.5 × 1.5–4.5 µm, cylindrical, attenuated at the apex, hyaline, guttulate. Marginal hyphae (hairs) of abhymenium and stipe bigger than 100 × 3–5 µm, cylindrical, flexuose, septate, hyaline to yellowish, very thick-walled, content dyeing with phloxine.

Specimens examined:— MEXICO. Campeche: Municipality of Escárcega, Campo Experimental Forestal El Tormento , 50 m, 18°36’37’’ N, 90°46’03’’ W, 24 October 1978, E. Molar & M. Rodríguez 9 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; Municipality of Calakmul, Archeological Zone of Calakmul, 260 m, 18°06’35’’ N, 89°48’17’’ W, 2 November 2001, S. Sierra 991 ( FCME 18815 !). Municipality of Carmen , Ciudad del Carmen , Muelles Semarnat, 0 m, 18°39’17’’ N, 91°50’37’’ W, 4 November, S. Sierra 992 ( FCME 18761 !). Chihuahua: Municipality of Urique , region of Barrancas del Cobre , NE of Cerocahui, Cerro del Gallego, 2000 m, 27°14’13’’ N, 107°56’23’’ W, 12 August 2008, L. Guzmán-Dávalos 10392 (IBUG!) GoogleMaps ; Barrancas del Cobre region, Divisadero Barrancas to Piedra Volada road, 2500 m, 27°13’29’’ N, 108°0’59’’ W, 13 August 2008, L. Guzmán-Dávalos 10402 (IBUG!). Durango: Municipality of Súchil , La Michilía Biosphere Reserve , Piedra Herrada, 2500 m, 22°46’55’’ N, 104°13’34’’ W, 15 August 1984, G. Rodríguez 3896 (IBUG!). Guanajuato: Municipality of Villagrán , Camino Viejo al Puerto, 22 September 1996, Sierra 619 ( FCME 27779 !). Guerrero: Municipality of Chilpancingo , highway Atoyac-Filo de Caballo , deviation towards Edén, 8 July 1982, J. Cifuentes 1220 ( FCME 12217 !) GoogleMaps ; Rincón Viejo, near Chilpancingo , 17°18’09’’ N, 99°29’10’’ W, 23 September 1962, H. Kruse s/n ( MEXU 3402 About MEXU !) GoogleMaps ; Municipality of Chichihualco , km 4.5 between El Carrizal and Atoyac, 17°36’34’’ N, 99°49’34’’ W, 2August 1980, M.Muñoz Carreto ( FCME 10021 !) GoogleMaps ; Municipality of Mochitlán , El Rincón dam, 17°17’41’’ N, 99°29’42’’ W, 17 July 1982, A. Silva ( FCME 11022 !) GoogleMaps ; Municipality of Tlapa, km 128 highway Chilpancingo- Tlapa, bridge before the junction with the road towards Zapotitlán , 17°34’47’’ N, 98°57’21’’ W, 10 July 1981, A. Casas s/n ( FCME 1434 !) GoogleMaps ; Municipality of Tixtla de Guerrero, highway Chilpancingo-Chilapa , El Ahuejote, 17°34’42’’ N, 99°16’20’’ W, 11 July 1981, A. Casas ( FCME 1439 !) GoogleMaps ; R. Sierra ( FCME 1490 !) ; Municipality of Zihuatanejo, Zihuatanejo beach, 17°37’44’’ N, 101°32’44’’ W, 3 August 1973, E. Pérez-Silva ( MEXU 9202 About MEXU !). Jalisco: Municipality of Tequila , Tequila volcano, towards the microwave station, km 11, 2169 m, 20°29’9’’ N, 103°31’4’’ W, 31 August 2013, S.J. Montes Lomelí 15 (IBUG!). Municipality of Zapopan , near Guadalajara, Baños La Primavera , 20°42’31’’ N, 103°34’32’’ W, July 1961, G. Guzmán 2849 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; Pinar de La Venta, S side of highway Guadalajara-Tepic , 20°42’54’’ N, 103°31’40’’ W, 15 August 1975, G. Guzmán 12390 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; Bosque Pedagógico del Agua, 1700 m, 20°43’10’’ N, 103°24’30’’ W, 13 September 2014, M.E. Pérez Vázquez 26 (IBUG!). Municipality of Zapotlán El Grande, road Ciudad Guzmán-San Andrés Ixtlán , El Corralito , 19°49’35’’ N, 103°26’52’’ W, 24 August 1974, G. Guzmán 11937 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; Municipality of La Huerta, Estación Biológica Chamela, 100 m, 19°30’0’’ N, 105°3’0’’ W, 18 October 2009, S. Castro-Santiuste s/n ( FCME 27539 !). Michoacán: Municipality of Charo , Parque Nacional Insurgente José Ma. Morelos, 19°39’49’’ N, 101°00’14’’ W, 9 September 1983, A. García Aguayo s/n ( FCME 11531 !). Municipality of Nuevo Parangaricutiro , San Juan Nuevo, 19°25’08’’ N, 102°08’07’’ W, 2 August 1980, R. Sánchez 258 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; deviation towards Angangueo, S hillside cerro La Pirámide , 19°31’04’’ N, 100°22’49’’ W, 28 July 1980, J. Cifuentes 585 ( FCME 1950 !) GoogleMaps ; Pontezuelas, km 219–220 highway Morelia-Toluca , 19°41’03’’ N, 101°00’40’’ W, 14 September 1980, J. Cifuentes 964 ( FCME 01419 !) GoogleMaps ; km 117 highway Zinapécuaro-Maravatío , 19°50’43’’ N, 100°43’58’’ W, 11 September 1983, R.E. Santillán 433 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; R. Valenzuela 2520 (ENCB!). Morelos: Municipality of Cuautla , 18°48’49’’ N, 98°57’54’’ W, July 1966, M. Fernández 110 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; Municipality of Jiutepec, El Texcal , E of Tejalpa , 18°54’01’’ N, 99°09’10’’ W, 28 September 1980, D. Portugal 243 (ENCB!). Municipality of Tepoztlán , highway Cuernavaca-Cuautla , 5 km W of Tepoztlán, 18°58’43’’ N, 99°09’20’’ W, 3 September 1967, F. Hernández- Monter 15 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; 7 July 1968, E. Camacho 38 (ENCB!); G. Guzmán 6685 (ENCB!); 16 August 1970, G. Guzmán 8111 (ENCB!); Tepozteco , 19°00’02’’ N, 99°06’06’’ W, 20 September 1962, E. Pérez ( MEXU 1079 About MEXU !) GoogleMaps ; old highway Mexico City-Cuautla , 3 km S of Amador Salazar, Cañón de Lobos, 18°51’40’’ N, 99°07’06’’ W, 12 September 1973, G. Guzmán 11424 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; 3 km N of Santa Catarina Tlalmantli, 19°00’02’’ N, 98°08’30’’ W, 7 November 1984, D. Portugal 924 (ENCB!). Nayarit: Municipality of Tepic, cerro San Juan, La Noria , 21°29’05’’ N, 104°59’25’’ W, 30 August 1991, S. Sierra 35 ( FCME 4069 !) GoogleMaps ; La Capilla , 21°28’05’’ N, 105°00’23’’ W, 29 August 1991, J. Rodríguez Castañeda & L. Pérez-Ramírez 1467 ( FCME 3903 !) GoogleMaps ; km 28.5 highway Tepic-Mazatlán near the junction with the road towards Junatán and Limón , 21°38’27’’ N, 105°01’17’’ W, 6 September 1983, G. Rodríguez 2698 (ENCB!). Oaxaca: Municipality of Huautla de Jiménez , San Agustín, near Huautla de Jiménez , 18°07’37’’ N, 96°50’22’’ W, 10 July 1969, B. Gómez-Lepe & T. Herrera ( MEXU 7348 About MEXU !) GoogleMaps ; Municipality of Salina Cruz , 16°10’35’’ N, 95°11’32’’ W, 22 September 1960, E.M. Frías (ENCB!; MEXU 1679 About MEXU !) GoogleMaps ; highway Tuxtepec-Ixtlán de Juárez, between La Esperanza and Llano de las Flores , 17°35’32’’ N, 96°23’48’’ W, 4 August 1976, G. Betancourt 63 & 66 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; highway to Chiltepec, near Valle Nacional , 17°45’33’’ N, 96°18’52’’ W, 26 September 1980, G. Guzmán 19016 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; highway Tuxtepec-Oaxaca, Vista Hermosa, 17°37’54’’ N, 96°20’32’’ W, 26 September 1980, R. Suárez 9 (ENCB!). Puebla: Municipality of Zacapoaxtla , rancho San Gabriel , 1928 m, 19°53’58’’ N, 97°32’03’’ W, 3 September 2016, S. Castro-Santiuste s/n ( FCME 27553 !). Querétaro: Municipality of Pinal de Amoles , La Cuesta, 3 km S of Escalerilla, 21°11’25’’ N, 99°33’28’’ W, 15 July 1983, G. Rodríguez 1974 (ENCB!). Quintana Roo: Municipality of Benito Juárez , crocodile hatchery “Croco Cun”, 16 m, 20°52’56’’ N, 86°53’13’’ W, 31 December 1993, L. Guzmán-Dávalos 5820 (IBUG!). Veracruz: Municipality of Atzalán , La Calavera, 19°47’07’’ N, 97°13’35’’ W, 28 April 1978, F. Ventura 15236 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; Municipality of San Andrés Tuxtla, Balzapote , 18°36’56’’ N, 95°04’21’’ W, 17 November 1979, J. Cifuentes 332 ( FCME 1951 !) GoogleMaps ; San Martín Volcano, Los Tuxtlas zone, E slope of Cerro Vaxin , 18°34’28’’ N, 95°12’31’’ W, 11 July 1972, G. Guzmán 10343 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; road from Catemaco to Montepío, Balzapote , 18°36’56’’ N, 95°04’21’’ W, 1 November 1982, G. Rodríguez 1186 (ENCB!) & 1239 (ENCB!, XAL!). Municipality of Catemaco , Limaxtla , 18°27’16’’ N, 95°02’01’’ W, 12 July 1964, T. Herrera s/n ( MEXU 1863 About MEXU !) GoogleMaps ; highway Catemaco-Las Margaritas, 3 km ahead of Coyama, Tebanca , 18°25’51’’ N, 95°00’31’’ W, 2 November 1982, S. Chacón 868 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; R. Valenzuela 955 (ENCB!); Municipality of Uxpanapa, Uxpanapa region , S of settlement 2, X–66 trail, 17°13’54’’ N, 94°37’30’’ W, 14 July 1976, A. López 660 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; 14 July 1976, J. Pérez 39 (ENCB!); near the camp Hermanos Cedillo , 17°15’46’’ N, 94°36’42’’ W, 13 July 1976, G. Guzmán 15741 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; SE from camp Hermanos Cedillo, SW of the 104 trail, 17°13’48’’ N, 94°35’20’’ W, 17 March 1976, G. Guzmán 15567 (ENCB!); E from camp Hermanos Cedillo, NE zone, trail 86, 17°15’26’’ N, 94°34’38’’ W, 18 March 1976, G. Guzmán 15583 (ENCB!); highway between Orizaba and Fortín , 18°53’15’’ N, 97°2’20’’ W, 8 July 1972, G. Guzmán 10134 & 10138 (ENCB!) GoogleMaps ; 3 km N of Jaltipán, 17°59’48’’ N, 94°41’53’’ W, 8 September 1976, J. Pérez 400 (ENCB!). Zacatecas: Municipality of Tlaltenango, sierra de Morones, Los Fresnos , 2622 m, 21°42’20’ N, 103°10’09’’ W, 21 September 2016, J. Briones 6 (IBUG!) GoogleMaps ; Sierra de Morones, 2037 m, 21°43’41’ N, 103°12’44’’ W, 22 October 2017, J. Briones 8 (IBUG!). Municipality of Monte Escobedo, Río Bolaños , 1360 m, 22°07’23.8’’ N, 103°32’36.4’’ W, 15 September 2014, M. Haro s/n (Mycological Collection of the Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas) GoogleMaps .

Habit, habitat, and distribution:—Gregarious to fasciculate, on decaying wood; in oak, oak-pine, cloud, tropical deciduous, and evergreen tropical forests, and in disturbed areas, such as meadows or coffee plantations, ranging from sea level to 2600 m, from March to November. This species has been collected and recorded from Campeche, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Guerrero, Jalisco, Mexico City, Michoacán, Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, Quintana Roo, Sonora, State of Mexico, Tamaulipas, and Veracruz ( Castro-Santiuste et al. 2017). We present a new record for the states of Durango, Guanajuato, and Zacatecas .

Remarks:—In the majority of the studied specimens, the macroscopic morphology is very similar, usually spathulate to flabelliform. The microscopic revision ascertains that all specimens belong to the same species, since they fit the descriptions of Martin (1952), McNabb (1965b), Lowy (1971), and Courtecuisse and Lowy (1990). Lowy (1971) mentioned morphological variations due to the place of provenance of each specimen; in tropical climate zones they are usually spathulate, whereas in temperate climate zones they tend to be cylindrical-ramified. This species presents a wide distribution throughout the American continent ( Alvarenga & Xavier-Santos 2017; Lowy 1959; Mycoportal 2019). McNabb (1965b) makes a reference to its unusual geographic distribution, with a broad distribution in both hemispheres, but it never has been found in Europe.














Dacryopinax spathularia (Schwein.) G.W. Martin (1948: 116)

Castro-Santiuste, Sandra, Sierra, Sigfrido, Guzmán-Dávalos, Laura, Cifuentes, Joaquín, Evans, Thomas, Martínez-González, César Ramiro, Sizzo, Hernán Alvarado- & Luna-Vega, Isolda 2020

Dacryopinax spathularia (Schwein.) G.W. Martin (1948: 116)

Martin, G. W. 1948: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF