Protodacnusa subparalella, Papp, 2004

Papp, J., 2004, Braconidae (Hymenoptera) From Mongolia Xv. Subfamily Alysiinae: Dacnusini, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 50 (3), pp. 245-269 : 266-268

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586698

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Protodacnusa subparalella

sp. nov.

Protodacnusa subparalella View in CoL sp. n. m

( Figs 92–97 View Figs 92–97 )

Material examined (1 m). – Male holotype: Mongolia, 180 km NW of Baruun Urt, taken with soil trap, 11–18 August 1972, leg. F. MÉSZÁROS. – Holotype is deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum (Department of Zoology), Budapest, Hym. Typ. No. 10700.

Holotype is in good condition: glued on a pointed card by its right side, left hind wing somewhat longitudinally creased.

Etymology. – The species name “subparalella ” refers to the less broadening first tergite.

Description of the male holotype. – Body 1.7 mm long. Antenna about as long as body and with 20 antennomeres. First flagellomere 2.6 times and penultimate flagellomere twice as long as broad. – Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 92 View Figs 92–97 ) transverse, 1.9 times as broad between temples as long, head beyond eyes swollen, temple 1.3 times as long as eye, occiput weakly excavated. OOL twice as long as POL. Eye in lateral view 1.8 times as high as wide, temple beyond eye 1.4 times as wide as eye and ventrally narrowing ( Fig. 93 View Figs 92–97 ). Mandible as in Fig. 94 View Figs 92–97 . Head polished, face laterally uneven.

Mesosoma in lateral view 1.4 times as long as high. Notaulix restricted to declivous part of mesoscutum, relatively wide and subrugulose. Mesoscutum bare, shiny, its declivous part hairy, mesoscutal fovea distinct. Precoxal suture absent. Propodeum smooth and shiny, laterally hair-punctured. – Hind femur four times as long as broad distally ( Fig. 95 View Figs 92–97 ). Hind basitarsus slightly longer than tarsomeres 2–3 combined.

Fore wing about one-fourth longer than body. Pterostigma ( Fig. 96 View Figs 92–97 ) long, ten times as long as wide, parallel-sided, issuing r from its proximal fourth; r as long as width of ptrerostigma, marginal cell short, i.e. 1-R1 one-fifth length of pterostigma. Vein m–cu antefurcal; CU1b of first subdiscal cell present, i.e. cell distally closed.

First tergite ( Fig. 97 View Figs 92–97 ) 1.3 times as long broad behind, less broadening posteriorly, pair of spiracles beyond middle of tergite, pair of keels reaching middle of tergite, tergite smooth and shiny, basally uneven. Further tergites polished. Tergites 2–5 with a row of few hairs along hind margin of tergites, tergites 2–3 fused, border between them absent ( Fig. 97 View Figs 92–97 ).

Head and mesosoma brownish black; tergites brown, first tergite dark brown. Antenna dark brown. Mandible yellowish, palpi pale. Tegula light brown. Fore legs light brown, middle and hind legs brown. Wings hyaline, pterostigma brown, veins brownish, basally depigmented.

The new species, Protodacnusa subparalella , runs to P. litoralis GRIFFITHS, 1964 with the help of the key to the Protodacnusa species compiled by GRIFFITHS (1964: 892):

1 (2) Male: Antenna with 30–32 antennomeres. Precoxal suture present, rugose. Propodeum rugose. First tergite with shallow sculpture, second tergite with four or five rows of fine hairs distributed evenly over its surface. Legs largely testaceous, hind coxa black. m: 2 mm P. litoralis GRIFFITHS

2 (1) Male: Antenna with 20 antennomeres. Precoxal suture absent. Propodeum smooth, laterally hair-punctured. First tergite smooth, second tergite with one row of few hairs along its hind margin ( Fig. 97 View Figs 92–97 ). Legs light brown to brown. m: 1.7 mm P. subparalella sp. n.

Protodacnusa subparalella View in CoL sp. n. runs to P. orientalis TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL with the help of the key to Protodacnusa species of Russian Far East by TOBIAS (1998: 315–316):

1 (2) Male: Pterostigma four times as long as wide, r clearly shorter than width of pterostigma; marginal cell long, 1–R1 more than half as long as pterostigma (Fig. 119: 9 in TOBIAS 1998: 313). First tergite irregularely rugose, pair of spiracles somewhat protruding. Precoxal suture present, rugose. Scape brownish yellow. m: 3.5 mm P. orientalis TOBIAS View in CoL

2 (1) Male: Pterostigma ten times as long as wide, r as long as width of pterostigma; marginal cell short, 1–R1 less than half as long as pterostigma ( Fig. 96 View Figs 92–97 ). First tergite smooth, pair of spiracles not protruding ( Fig. 97 View Figs 92–97 ). Precoxal suture absent. Scape dark brown. m: 1.7 mm P. subparalella View in CoL sp. n.


Acknowledgement – The following four persons promoted my taxonomic work with the Mongolian dacnusine wasps: MISS S. LEWIS (The Natural History Museum, London), Dr. T. OSTEN (Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart), Dr. T. HUFLEJT and Dr. J. SZWEDO (Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii, Warszawa). The four curators gave me the opportunity to study several types as well as authenticated specimens of dacnusine species by G. C. D. GRIFFITHS and G. E. J. NIXON, respectively. My sincere thank should go to them for their kind cooperation .


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics














Protodacnusa subparalella

Papp, J. 2004

Protodacnusa subparalella

TOBIAS, V. I. 1998: 315
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