Strongylophthalmyia punctata Hennig

Evenhuis, Neal L., 2016, World review of the genus Strongylophthalmyia Heller (Diptera: Strongylophthalmyiidae). Part I: Introduction, morphology, species groups, and review of the Strongylophthalmyia punctata subgroup, Zootaxa 4189 (2), pp. 201-243 : 235-236

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Plazi (2016-11-10 07:10:37, last updated 2024-11-26 04:39:04)

scientific name

Strongylophthalmyia punctata Hennig


Strongylophthalmyia punctata Hennig

( Figs. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 4 , 16 View FIGURES 10 – 17 , 34 View FIGURES 34 – 37 , 42 View FIGURES 42 – 45 , 48, 49 View FIGURES 46 – 49 , 74 View FIGURES 70 – 77 )

Strongylophthalmyia punctata Hennig 1940: 312 . Hennig 1941a: 136. Frey 1956: 131. Steyskal 1971: 142; 1977: 22. Shatalkin 1996: 156; 2007: 360. Yang & Wang 1998: 459. Papp in Papp et al. 2006: 165, 170. Iwasa & Evenhuis 2014: 103.

Diagnosis. Among the cluster of species with an anepisternal tuft of hairs and an S-shaped dorsal antennal process, this new species is similar to S. pappi , n. sp. by the black anterior thoracic color, but it can be distinguished from it by the yellow mid femur and tibia (these segments black in S. pappi ) and the brown propleuron (yellowish brown in S. punctata ).

Hennig’s (1940) original description is extremely vague. A redescription below is based on the only two known verified specimens of this species (the holotype male and paratype female) and follows the format of other descriptions in this paper to allow for easy comparison of characters and character states.

Redescription. Lengths. Ƌ: [holotype missing abdomen; see remarks below]; wing, 3.0 mm. Male. Head ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ): globular; frons shining black, thin yellow margin at ptilinal suture; face yellow; gena black, gray pollinose, row of short black hairs ventrally; occiput black; clypeus thin, dark brown; palpus ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 10 – 17 ) subtriangular with flared, rounded apex, yellowish with stiff black hairs ventroapically, admixed with short white hairs dorsoapically; proboscis black.

Antenna ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 34 – 37 ) scape and pedicel yellowish brown; flagellomere subrhomboid, dorsal margin concave, rounded apically, longer than wide, lateral surface yellow basomedially, brown apically, mesal surface clothed with white hairs, with long, slender, dark brown S-shaped dorsal process densely clothed with white hairs, 2.5 times length of flagellomere; arista three-fourths length of dorsal process, styliform, bare.

Thorax ( Fig. 42 View FIGURES 42 – 45 ): shining; mesonotum and scutellum shining black, sparsely clothed with short hair-like setulae; propleuron brown, remaining pleura black; anepisternum with tuft of silvery white hairs medially, minute white hairs posterodorsally at prealar suture; katepisternum with white hairs ventrally near mid coxa.

Wing ( Fig. 49 View FIGURES 46 – 49 ): hyaline; vein R2+3 nearly straight, ending in costa well beyond level of crossvein dm-cu; crossvein r-m just before middle of cell dm; veins R4+5 and M1+2 parallel distally; crossvein dm-cu sloping to CuA1; last section of CuA1 to wing margin slightly shorter than dm-cu; halter white.

WIP ( Fig. 48 View FIGURES 46 – 49 ): generally bluish to lavender and purple; radial field with dark blue in distal half, some brassy green color basally; medial field with turquoise blue at apex and along R4+5; anal lobe with thin band of brassy golden color subbasally, then blue, indigo, to purple in succession distally.

Legs: legs yellow with mid coxa brown, mid femur black, mid tibia black, yellow at apex [right mid leg broken off and glued to label]; hind femur black, yellow at extreme base, hind tibia black, yellow at extreme apex [right hind leg broken off and missing]; tarsi white; fore coxa with 3 long black hairs; fore femur ( Fig. 74 View FIGURES 70 – 77 ) dorsally with 5 short black thorn-like spicules, scattered stiff brownish hairs laterally and ventrally.

Abdomen: [broken off and missing].

Male genitalia. Not available for study. Hennig’s (1940: fig. 15) illustration is rather simplistic and gives only the general appearance of the male genitalia of this species, which is actually sufficient for any species of the S. punctata subgroup since there are very few notable differences in the male genitalia among its species.

Female (head and fore legs of paratype female broken off and missing): As in male except for lack of leg modifications; abdomen black, tapering to tubular ovipositor.

Material examined: Holotype ♂ and paratype ♀ from TAIWAN: Toa Tsui Kutsu [= Dongya Cui Da; 22.901815°N, 121.196501°E], May 1914, H. Sauter ( SDEI) GoogleMaps .

Distribution: Taiwan.

Frey, R. (1956) Studien uber ostasiatische Dipteren. V. Psilidae, Megamerinidae. Notulae Entomologicae, 35 [1955], 122 - 137.

Hennig, W. (1940) Aussereuropaische Psiliden und Platystomiden im Deutschen Entomologischen Institut. (Diptera). Arbeiten uber Morphologische und Taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem, 7, 304 - 318.

Hennig, W. (1941 a) Verzeichniss der Dipteren von Formosa. Entomologische Beiheft, Berlin-Dahlem, 8, 1 - 239.

Iwasa, M. & Evenhuis, N. L. (2014) The Strongylophthalmyiidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea, with descriptions of five new species. Entomological Science, 17, 96 - 105. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / ens. 12033

Papp, L., Merz, B. & Foldvari, M. (2006) Diptera of Thailand. A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientarum Hungaricae, 52 (2), 97 - 269.

Shatalkin, A. I. (1996) New and little known species of flies of Lauxaniidae and Strongylophthalmyiidae (Diptera). Russian Entomological Journal, 4 [1995], 145 - 157.

Steyskal, G. C. (1971) Notes on the genus Strongylophthalmyia Heller with a revised key to the species (Diptera: Strongylophthalmyiidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 64, 141 - 144. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1093 / aesa / 64.1.141

Yang, C. - k. & Wang, X. - l. (1998) Strongylophthalmyiidae. In: Xue, W. - q. & Chao, C. - m. (Eds.), Flies of China. Volume 1. Liaoning Science and Technology Press, Shenyang, pp. 457 - 463 [In Chinese with English summary]

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1 – 4. Male Strongylophthalmyia, habitus, left lateral. 1. S. borneensis, n. sp.; 2. S. palpalis Papp, holotype, photo: courtesy HNHM; 3. S. punctata Hennig, holotype. 4. S. thailandica, n. sp..

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FIGURES 10 – 17. Male Strongylophthalmyia palpus, left lateral view. 10. S. albisternum, n. sp.; 11. S. borneensis, n. sp.; 12. S. caestus, n. sp.; 13. S. federeri, n. sp.; 14. S. hauseri, n. sp.; 15. S. nigripalpis, n. sp.; 16. S. punctata Hennig; 17. S. thailandica, n. sp..

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FIGURES 34 – 37. Male Strongylophthalmyia, antennae. 34. S. punctata Hennig, holotype; 35. S. sumatrana, n. sp., arrow points to minute dorsal antennal process; 36. S. thaii Papp; 37. S. thailandica, n. sp.

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FIGURES 42 – 45. Male Strongylophthalmyia, thoraces, left lateral view. 42. S. punctata Hennig; 43. S. spinosa Frey, photo: courtesy MZH; 44. S. thailandica, n. sp.; 45. S. ustulata (Zetterstedt).

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FIGURES 46 – 49. Male Strongylophthalmyia, right wing, dorsal view. 46. S. borneensis, n. sp., Wing Interference Pattern (WIP); 47. S. borneensis, n. sp., normal view. 48. S. punctata Hennig, WIP; 49. S. punctata Hennig, normal view.

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FIGURES 70 – 77. Male Strongylophthalmyia, fore femur, left lateral view. 70. S. microstyla Shatalkin,, arrow points ventral thorn-like seta; 71. S. nigripalpis, n. sp., arrow points to tight thorn-like cluster of setae; 72. S. palpalis Papp, holotype, photo: courtesy HNHM, arrow points to tight thorn-like cluster of setae; 73. S. pappi, n. sp.; 74. S. punctata Hennig, holotype; 75. S. spinosa Frey, holotype, photo: courtesy MZH; 76. S. thaii Papp; 77. S. thailandica, n. sp.











