
Rosa, Simone Policena, 2011, New species of Triplonychus Candèze and Globothorax Fleutiaux from Brazil (Coleoptera, Elateridae, Cardiophorinae), Zootaxa 2831, pp. 1-22 : 2-3

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Plazi (2016-04-10 11:13:49, last updated 2016-04-10 11:13:51)

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Key to Brazilian species of Globothorax and Triplonychus

1. Prothorax with lateral sides strongly rounded ( Fig. 54), mandibles with lateroventral margin curved 90 o to apex ( Fig. 76)................................................................................ 2 Globothorax Fleutiaux, 1891

- Prothorax with lateral sides subparallel to rounded ( Figs. 3, 21), mandibles with lateroventral margin gradually ( Fig. 74) or abruptly ( Fig. 75) curved to apex................................................. 3 Triplonychus Candèze, 1860

2. Frontal carina present and produced, labrum semielliptical, posterior leg with trochanter convex, tibia slightly widened apicad with long and fine spiniform setae ( Fig. 105–107)..................................... G. chevrolati Fleutiaux, 1891

- Frontal carina absent, labrum trapezoidal with apex acute, posterior leg with trochanter and femur strongly convex, tibia wide with short and stout spiniform setae ( Fig. 88) (MT) ( Figs. 50, 76, 104)............................ G. latidens sp. nov.

3 (1). Prothorax longer than wide............................................................................. 4

- Prothorax as wide as or wider than long.................................................................. 6

4 (3). Frontal carina strongly produced, mandibles tridentate........................................................ 5

- Frontal carina not produced, mandibles unidentate (MS) ( Figs. 35, 75, 103)....................... T. tibialatus sp. nov.

5 (4). Pronotum with double punctation......................................................................... 7

- Pronotum with single punctation (PA, BA)......................................... T. ephipiger Eschscholtz, 1829

6 (3). Pronotum with double punctation....................................................................... 10

- Pronotum with single punctation......................................................................... 11

7 (5). Pronotum dark brown to black with a pair of longitudinal orange stripes (AM, PA, MT)........ T. plagiatus Erichson, 1846

- Prothorax brown to black without orange stripes............................................................ 8

8 (7). Elytra evenly brown or brown with anterior margin reddish-brown.............................................. 9

- Elytra brown with lateral and sutural edges dark brown to black (PA)....................... T. ventralis Candèze, 1860

9 (8). Elytra brown with humeral margin reddish-brown, interstices 3, 5, and 7 carinate at apex, legs yellowish with apex of femur, dorsal margin of tibiae and tarsi darker (BA, PE)...................................... T. longicollis Erichson, 1840

- Elytra evenly colored, interstices 3, 5, 7 not carinate, legs evenly yellowish (PA)................. T. fulvus Candèze, 1865

10 (6). Mandibles unidentate, meso- and metatibiae tibiae broadened, metafemur convex (MS) ( Figs. 35, 75, 84, 85, 103).............................................................................................. T. tibialatus sp. nov.

- Mandibles tridentate, legs slender (PA)................................................... T. rufus Candèze, 1860

11 (6). Mandibles small, legs slender......................................................................... 12

- Mandibles large, metafemur broadened and convex, tibiae widened apicad (MA) ( Figs. 20, 82, 102). T. crassifemoris sp. nov.

12 (11). Antenna reaching hind angles of prothorax, elytral interstices 3, 5 and 7 carinate at apex (PA).... T. costatus Candèze, 1860

- Antenna surpassing the hind angles of prothorax by two or three antennomeres, elytral interstices 3, 5 and 7 not carinate at apex (AM) ( Figs. 101)................................................................ T. cruspinosus sp. nov.

Candeze, E. (1860) Monographie des Elaterides. Vol. 3. Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege, 15, 512 pp.

Candeze, E. (1865) Elaterides nouveaux. Fascicule Premier. Memoires Couronnes par l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Belgique, 17, 1 - 63.

Fleutiaux, E. (1891) Description d'un genre nouveau d'Elaterides. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 35, 232 - 233.









