Cretobrachygluta, Yin & Kurbatov & Cuccodoro & Cai, 2019

Yin, Zi-Wei, Kurbatov, Sergey A., Cuccodoro, Giulio & Cai, Chen-Yang, 2019, Cretobrachygluta gen. nov., the first and oldest Brachyglutini in mid-Cretaceous amber from Myanmar (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 59 (1), pp. 101-106 : 102-103

publication ID 10.2478/aemnp-2019-0008

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Cretobrachygluta View in CoL gen. nov.

( Figs 1–2 View Fig View Fig )

Type species. † Cretobrachygluta laurasiensis View in CoL sp. nov., here designated.

Diagnosis. Head with small, nude vertexal foveae, lacking sulcus connecting foveae; antennae with club formed by apical three antennomeres; gular region with broad median ridge. Pronotum with small, nude median and lateral antebasal foveae. Each elytron with four basal foveae; subhumeral foveae and marginal striae present; discal striae absent. Metacoxae contiguous, moderately projecting posteriorly; tarsomere 2 distinctly shorter than tarsomere 3; tarsi each with single pretarsal claw. Abdomen with tergite 1 (IV) much longer than 2 (V); tergites 1–4 (IV–VII) with broad paratergites; tergite 1 (IV) with two basolateral foveae, lacking mediobasal fovea; sternite 1 (III) as long as 2 (IV) along midline.

Description. Body length slightly over 1.8 mm; habitus ( Fig. 1 View Fig ) strongly convex dorso-ventrally, in dorsal view strongly broadened posterior to pronotum.

Head ( Fig. 2B View Fig ) roundly quadrate, slightly wider than pronotum; vertex raised, with pair of small and nude vertexal foveae ( Fig. 2A View Fig ; vf); frons shallowly and broadly impressed, impression flanked laterally by widely separated antennal tubercles, and demarcated anteriorly by broad frontal-clypeal ridge; ocular-mandibular carinae ( Fig. 2D View Fig ; omc) distinct; gular region broadly impressed at middle, two close but clearly separated foveae ( Fig. 2C View Fig ; gf) in impression; broad, longitudinally oval median gular ridge present anterior to foveae and extending to mouthparts, demarcated laterally by sulci. Antennae ( Fig. 2A View Fig ) eleven-segmented; club well-developed, formed by apical three antennomeres, with sub-oval and basally truncate antennomeres 11 ( Fig. 2A; a View Fig 11) much wider than preceding antennomeres. Maxillary palpi four-segmented; palpomere 1 minute, elongate, palpomere 2 pedunculate in basal half, strongly broadening toward apex, palpomere 3 subtriangular, approximately as wide and half as long as palpomere 4, palpomere 4 ( Fig. 2B View Fig ; mp4) largest, sub-oval, with elongate apical palpal cone.

Pronotum ( Fig. 2B View Fig ) slightly elongate, widest at apical third; lateral margins rounded, sides convergent toward apex at apical two-fifths and narrowing toward base at basal third; disc with nude median ( Fig. 2B View Fig ; maf) and lateral antebasal ( Fig. 2B View Fig ; laf) foveae subequal in size, lacking additional carinae, sulci or tubercles; paranotal carinae either short, or lacking; lateral procoxal foveae present, moderately separated.

Elytra ( Fig. 2B View Fig ) slightly wider than long, widest point posterior to middle; each elytron with four small but distinct basal foveae ( Fig. 2B View Fig ; bef); sutural striae ( Fig. 2B View Fig ; ss) complete; discal striae absent; subhumeral foveae ( Figs 2B, 2D View Fig ; shef) present; short marginal striae ( Figs 2B, 2D View Fig ; ms) extending from subhumeral foveae to basal third of elytral length; posterolateral clefts ( Fig. 2B View Fig ; plc) broad and shallow. Hind wings fully developed.

Thorax with narrowly separated median mesoventral foveae ( Fig. 2C View Fig ; mmsf); lateral mesoventral foveae ( Fig. 2D View Fig ; lmsf) simple; lateral mesocoxal foveae ( Fig. 2C View Fig ; lmcf) and lateral metaventral foveae ( Fig. 2C View Fig ; lmtf) present; lateral sutures separating meso- and metaventrite well-marked, fully developed; posterior margin of metaventrite with narrow split at middle.

Abdomen ( Figs 2 View Fig A–C) dorsoventrally flattened, with generally rounded lateral margins; segments telescoping. Five tergites (IV–VIII) ( Figs 2A, 2B View Fig ; tIV–VIII) visible, with broad paratergites on segments 1–4 (IV–VII); tergite 1 (IV) much longer than tergite 2 (V), sides narrowing toward base, lacking mediobasal foveae, with pair of basolateral foveae ( Fig. 2B View Fig ; blf), short triangular discal carinae ( Fig. 2B View Fig ; dc), and broad, shallow transverse impression at base. Six sternites (III–VIII) ( Fig. 2C View Fig ; sIII–VIII) visible; sternites 1 (III) and 2 (IV) subequal in length along midline; sternite 2 (IV) lacking mediobasal foveae and basal impression, with small basolateral foveae. Foveal pattern of remaining abdominal segments barely visible based on available specimen, but one pair of basolateral foveae putatively present on each of tergites 2–4 (V–VII).

Legs moderately elongate; all three pairs of coxae contiguous; metacoxae ( Fig. 2C View Fig ; mtc) moderately projecting posteriorly; dorsal margin of all trochanters short, base of femora thus close to coxal-trochanteral articulation. Tarsi three-segmented ( Fig. 2 View Fig box; t1–3), with short tarsomere 1, and longer tarsomeres 2 and 3; tarsomere 2 distinctly shorter than tarsomere 3; tarsi each with one elongate claw ( Fig. 2 View Fig box; tc). Male mesotrochanters and mesotibiae modified on ventral margin and at near apex, respectively; fore and hind legs simple.

Etymology. The generic name is a combination of the prefix ‘ Creto -’ derived from the Cretaceous, and Brachygluta Thomson, 1859 , type genus of Brachyglutini . The gender is feminine.











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