Ingensala xiai Luo, Song et Szwedo, 2022

Luo, Cihang, Song, Zhishun, Liu, Xiaojing, Jiang, Tian, Jarzembowski, Edmund A. & Szwedo, Jacek, 2022, Ingensalinae subfam. nov. (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoroidea: Inoderbidae), a new planthopper subfamily from mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber from Myanmar, Fossil Record 24 (2), pp. 455-465 : 457-461

publication ID 10.5194/fr-24-455-2022

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scientific name

Ingensala xiai Luo, Song et Szwedo

sp. nov.

Ingensala xiai Luo, Song et Szwedo sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–4 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 View Figure 3 View Figure 4 )


The specific name is dedicated to Fangyuan Xia, Director of the Lingpoge Amber Museum in Shanghai, for his contribution to the study of this amber specimen.


Holotype. Specimen no. BA19006, deposited in the Lingpoge Amber Museum in Shanghai. To avoid any confusion and misunderstanding, all authors declare that the fossil reported in this study was collected before 2016 and was not involved in armed conflict and ethnic strife in Myanmar. This specimen is deposited in a public collection permanently that is always accessible to scientists by contacting the corresponding author, in full compliance with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and the instructions of the International Palaeoentomological Society ( Ride et al., 1999; Szwedo et al., 2020). Burmese amber, cabochon, 12 × 10 × 5 mm.

Locality and horizon. Kachin amber, near Tanai Village in the Hukawng Valley of northern Myanmar, lower Cenomanian (mid-Cretaceous).


Vertex about 4 times wider than long at mid line, trigons absent, frons about 3 times wider than long at mid line. Pronotum almost as wide as mesonotum, mesonotum in mid line 3 times as long as pronotum in mid line. Tegmen basal cell about twice as long as wide, with 12 transverse veinlets in costal area, ScP single, RA with two terminals, RP with four terminals, MP with three terminals, CuA with six terminals; tegmen with one prenodal mp-cua veinlet, apical row of veinlets arcuate, composed of rp-mp veinlet, two mp-cua veinlets, and five icua veinlets; cell C 1 longest, cell C 3 shortest, cell C 1 nearly twice as long as cell C 3, cell C 5 slightly shorter than cell C 1.


Adult (male). Tegmen uniformly brownish with darker brown “pseudostigma” and larger, semicircular, transparent, light area posteriad of “pseudostigma”. Total length ca. 7.2 mm (wings + body), body 4.2 mm long ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ). Head with compound eyes 0.58 mm long and 1.20 mm wide, about 2 / 3 times as wide as pronotum ( Fig. 2a View Figure 2 ). Vertex wider than long, lateral margins converging anteriad, carinate, anterior margin almost straight, posterior margin strongly arched, median carina absent ( Fig. 2b View Figure 2 ). Trigons absent. Frons only visible in ventral view, wider than long, without median carina, converging anteriad; anterior margin curved and posterior margin arched; no fastigium, median carina absent. Frontoclypeal suture slightly arcuate. Clypeus swollen, converging ventrad, with two distinct, subfoliate lateral carinae also converging ventrad ( Fig. 2c View Figure 2 ). Rostrum partly visible, with tip not exceeding metacoxae. Presence of median ocellus and lateral ocelli not confirmed. Antennal scapus longer than wide, pedicel barrel-like with a few sensory plaques visible, 0.22 mm long and 0.15 mm wide; flagellum swollen in basal part, whip-like distally, about 0.44 mm long ( Fig. 2d View Figure 2 ).

Pronotum 0.42 mm long in mid line and 1.70 mm wide, saddle-shaped, with disc elevated, postocular carinae distinct, no median carina, anterior margin exceeding level half of compound eyes length, arcuate, posterior margin shallowly arcuate ( Fig. 2a, b View Figure 2 ). Mesonotum 1.22 mm long and 1.73 mm wide, slightly convex; with three indistinct, incomplete carinae; no distinct mesoscutellum ( Fig. 2a, e View Figure 2 ).

Tegulae relatively large (0.40 mm long and 0.25 mm wide), carinate ( Fig. 2f View Figure 2 ).

Tegmen ( Fig. 3a–f View Figure 3 ) very large, translucent, with clear dark and pale pterostigma, shallowly tectiform ( Fig. 3c View Figure 3 ). Tegmen broadest near half of its length, about twice as long as wide (6.55 mm long, 3.10 mm wide at broadest point). Costal area developed. Anterior angle widely arcuate, costal margin arcuate, anteroapical angle widely arcuate, apex rounded, posteroapical angle widely arcuate, shifted slightly basad than anteroapical angle, tornus well developed, straight, not extending beyond line of posterior claval margin Costal margin slightly thickened, appendix narrow, shifting to transversely corrugated appendix from apex of costal area to claval apex; clavus closed with apex blunt, at about 3 / 5ths of tegminal length from base. Costal area about as wide as costal cell, reaching level of claval apex, with few transverse veinlets. Basal cell relatively short, triangular, about twice as long as wide (0.61 mm long and 0.32 mm wide at broadest point) ( Fig. 3d View Figure 3 ), basal section of stem ScP + R + M + CuA slightly thickened. Veins Pc + CP subparallel to costal margin (vein CA), reaching margin at about 3 / 5ths of tegminal length from base, with 12 transverse veinlets between stem Pc + CP and costal margin (vein CA). Stems ScP + R and MP leaving basal cell at the same point, basal portion of CuA (arculus) almost perpendicular to base of stem MP. Stems of ScP + RA and RP with a common stalk, slightly shorter than basal cell, then forked at 1 / 3 of tegminal length from base; branch ScP + RA slightly arched, subparallel to stem Pc + CP, then forked terminally slightly apicad of costal area apex; terminal ScP recurrent; terminals RA 1 and RA 2 reaching margin basad of anteroapical angle, branch RA reaching margin with two terminals; branch RP branched on membrane, apicad of claval apex, unilaterally branched, with four terminals reaching margin slightly basad of anteroapical angle. Stem MP long, slightly curved at base, then almost straight, subparallel to RP, forked posteriorly, slightly apicad of nodal line, apicad of terminus of costal area and claval apex, at level of line of apical line veinlets; branch MP 1+2 slightly arched, then forked again on membrane distinctly apicad of apical line of veinlets, reaching wing margin with two terminals (MP 1 and MP 2); branch MP 3+4 single, slightly sinuate; three terminals of MP reaching margin at tegmen’s apex. The common stalk of stem CuA slightly shorter than basal cell, then forked at basad 1 / 3 of tegmen’s length, at level of ScP + R forking; branch CuA 1 arched, single; branch CuA 2 forked again unilaterally, reaching margin with five terminals; six terminals of CuA occupying margin from apex to tornus. Claval vein CuP straight, then bent at apex, making apex of clavus blunt, reaching margin at about 3 / 5ths of tegminal length. Claval veins Pcu and A 1 fused slightly apicad of half of claval length; Pcu + A 1 distinctly shorter (by ca. 1 / 3) than A 1; Pcu sinuate; A 1 curved; Pcu + A 1 slightly sinuate, reaching claval margin (vein A 2) slightly basad of claval apex ( Fig. 3e View Figure 3 ). Wing-coupling fore-fold (WCFF) present, subparallel to postclaval margin, reaching end of Pcu + A 1 ( Fig. 3f View Figure 3 ). Nodal line absent, apical line single, arcuate. Two prenodal veinlets intersecting costal cell and single prenodal veinlet mp-cua present, apical rows of veinlets pc + cp-scp, rp-mp, mp-cua and icua distinctly arcuate. Cell C1 longest (3.95 mm long and 0.31 mm wide), open; cell C3 shortest (2.16 mm long and 0.28 mm wide); cell C5 delimited posteriorly by a transverse veinlet (crossvein) icua, 3.51 mm long and 0.27 mm wide. Radial section of terminals well developed, covering twice area of median section, median section very narrow, cubital section the largest, covering nearly half of margin from apex to end of tornus. Third section of costal cell near apex of costal area, pc + cp-scp and terminal, preforking section of stem ScP + R more sclerotized, forming submarginal “pseudostigma”.

Hind wing ( Fig. 3g, h View Figure 3 ) membranous, transparent, shorter than tegmen, at least 4.74 mm long and 1.96 mm wide. Costal margin sinuate, anteroapical angle broadly rounded, posteroapical angle also rounded, like apical margin. Stem ScP + R long, slightly sinuate, subparallel to costal margin, then forked at about 1 / 3 of hind wing length basad of stem MP forking, slightly apicad of branch CuA 2 forking; terminal ScP + RA single reaching margin well basad of apex; branch RP also slightly arched, single, reaching margin at anteroapical angle. Stem MP long, slightly sinuate, then forked distinctly apicad of stem ScP + R fork, with two terminals MP 1+2 and MP 3+4 reaching margin slightly apicad of apex. Stem CuA long, partly visible, forked at about half of hind wing length, branch CuA 1 single, branch CuA 2 forked slightly basad of ScP + R forking, with two terminals. Transverse veinlets rp-mp 1 + 2, mp 3+4 - cua 1 and cua 1 - cua 2 a present, arranged in line, slightly apicad of stem MP fork.

Proleg ( Fig. 4a, b, d, f View Figure 4 ): procoxa elongate, profemur laterally compressed, carinate, with margins covered with numerous very short setae, at least 1.17 mm long and 0.27 mm wide; protibia narrow and long, about as long as profemur, subquadrate in cross section, with margins carinate, and covered with numerous very short setae along margins, 1.14 mm long and 0.15 mm wide; protarsomeres partly covered, I 0.17 mm long, widened towards apex, II 0.15 mm long, indistinct, III 0.22 mm long, cylindrical; without distinct claws and arolium. Mesoleg ( Fig. 4c–f View Figure 4 ): mesofemur similar to profemur, flattened, carinate, with margins covered with numerous very short setae, 1.41 mm long and 0.22 mm wide; mesotibia slightly longer than protibia, narrow and long, subquadrate in cross section, with margins carinate and covered with numerous very short setae, 1.27 mm long and 0.18 mm wide; mesotarsomeres partly covered; without distinct claws and arolium ( Fig. 4f View Figure 4 ). Metaleg ( Fig. 4g – j View Figure 4 ): metafemur compressed laterally, shorter than metatibia, covered with numerous very short setae, more robust than metatibia; metatibia narrow and long, carinate, and covered with numerous very short setae, thinnest near the mid part, then widened towards apex, with at least five apical teeth, lacking lateral armature, 1.71 mm long and 0.09 mm wide at thinnest part; basimetatarsomere slightly longer than combined length of mid and apical metatarsomeres, cylindrical, dorsally deeply excavated and widened apicad, with a few (5?) apical teeth, 0.72 mm long and 0.08 mm wide near the mid part; midmetatarsomere shorter, about half of basimetatarsomere length, excavated dorsally, widened apicad with a few (5?) apical teeth, 0.52 mm long and 0.07 mm wide near the mid part; apical metatarsomere narrow, gradually widened apicad, 0.24 mm long and 0.03 mm wide; arolium present, claws not visible.

Abdomen with nine segments, wide, flattened, 2.27 mm long including terminal, and 1.83 mm wide at broadest part, pregenital segments gradually contracted; posterior margin of last pregenital segment strongly arched ( Fig. 4k View Figure 4 ). Male pygofer tubular, slightly longer than wide in ventral view (0.53 mm long and 0.49 mm wide), genital styles fused medially, male anal tube subquadrate and long, exceeding apices of genital styles in length ( Fig. 4i View Figure 4 ). Female unknown.













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