Pedicularis daltonii Prain (1889: 270)

Garg, Arti & Singh, Rajeev Kumar, 2020, Typification of fifty one names in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae), Phytotaxa 430 (2), pp. 61-94 : 80

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.430.2.1

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scientific name

Pedicularis daltonii Prain (1889: 270)


6. Pedicularis daltonii Prain (1889: 270) View in CoL .

Protologue citation:—“ P. aspleniifolia VAR. pubescens Hook. f. , Flor. Brit. Ind. iv, 315. Pedicularis n. 20, Herb. Ind. Or. H. f. and T. T.” ≡ Pedicularis aspleniifolia Flörke ex Willd. var. pubescens Hook. f. ( Hooker 1884: 315) . Protologue citation:—“ Pedicularis n. 20, Herb. Ind. Or. H. f. & T.— Sikkim, alt. 14–17,000 ft., J. D. H.”. Type:— INDIA. Sikkim: Denhint, 17,000 ft., 9 Sept. 1849, ( Pedicularis n. 20) Hook. f. s.n. (lectotype K000739171!, designated here). Syntypes:— INDIA. Sikkim: Kankola, 15,000 ft., 14 Sept. 1849, ( Pedicularis n. 20) Hook. f. s.n. (K000196138!); Sikkim: Kinchinjhow,

17,000 ft., 14 Sept. 1849, ( Pedicularis n. 20) Hook. f. s.n. (K000196137!); Sikkim: 14,000–17,000 ft., s.d., ( Pedicularis n. 20) Hook .

f. s.n. (K000739109!, P02987321!).

Notes:— Hooker (1884) described Pedicularis aspleniifolia var. pubescens based on his gathering Pedicularis n. 20 from Sikkim, India between 14,000 –17,000 ft. altitudes. Five specimens of this gathering were traced (K000739109, K000739171, K000196137, K000196138, K001097546 and P02987321). Of these, the better preserved specimen K000739171 from herbarium Hookerianum, is designated here as the lectotype.

Prain (1889) cited P. aspleniifolia var. pubescens Hook. f. under synonym while describing P. daltonii . He also cited the types of P. aspleniifolia var. pubescens Hook. f. under P. daltonii . According to Art. 6.13 of the ICN ( Turland et al. 2018) “a name not explicitly proposed as a substitute for an earlier name and not covered by Art. 6.12 may be treated either as a replacement name or as the name of a new taxon […]. Decision on the status of such a name is to be based on predominant usage and is to be effected by means of appropriate type designation”. Here we decide to treat the name P. daltonii Prain as a replacement name for P. aspleniifolia var. pubescens Hook. f. by means typification.

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