Nothybus longicollis (Walker)

Lonsdale, O. & Marshall, S. A., 2016, Revision of the family Nothybidae (Diptera: Schizophora), Zootaxa 4098 (1), pp. 1-42 : 25-26

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Plazi (2016-04-05 09:13:31, last updated 2024-11-29 12:47:48)

scientific name

Nothybus longicollis (Walker)


Nothybus longicollis (Walker) View in CoL

Figures 1–4 View FIGURES 1 – 4 , 11–14 View FIGURES 11 – 14 , 22–30 View FIGURES 22 – 30 , 67 View FIGURES 67 – 78 , 102–106 View FIGURES 102 – 106

Cardiacephala longicollis Walker 1856: 135 .

Nothybus longithorax Rondani 1875: 439 View in CoL . Enderlein 1922: 175 [key, genus review]; Aczél 1955: 13 [family revision, key, description, illustration of head and terminalia, Sumatra]; Frey 1958: 39 [Sumatra]; Steyskal 1977: 30 [Oriental catalogue, suggests that N. longicollis and N. longithorax View in CoL are conspecific]. Syn. nov.

Nothybus longicollis View in CoL . Steyskal 1977: 30.

Description. Head: Pale yellowish-orange in base colour. Distal 2/3–3/4 of first flagellomere black. Face with dark brown velvety patch on ventral half, with patch slightly wider than high; dorsal half of face with black setulae. Gena and ventral half of parafacial silvery tomentose. Velvety anterolateral patches on frons comma-shaped, separate, not reaching anterior margin; posteromedial patch on frons relatively small, subquadrate with posterior margin narrower. Ocellar tubercle dark brown. Labellum with one pair of brown anterolateral spots. Buccal cavity, gena and venter of parafacial whitish.

Thorax: Bright yellowish-orange, becoming deeper orange on dorsum except for postpronotum, which is light yellow ventrally and dark brown and iridescent dorsally; subscutellum yellowish, sometimes with dorsomedial region brownish or with discrete brown subtriangular spot. Halter knob faintly brownish. Four irregular rows of presutural acrostichal setulae in medial patch; lateral patch of 4 additional rows of setulae clearly delimited by gap.

Wing: ( Fig. 67 View FIGURES 67 – 78 ) Wing length 8.0–9.6mm. Yellow-tinted in cell r1, slightly yellow-tinted in r2+3, dusky along dmcu and adjoining CuA1; r-m without surrounding infuscation; wide, faint clouds along R2+3, R4+5 and M1 distal to dm-cu, with pigment nearly touching or broadly suffused across distal ¼ of wing. R1 with several apical setulae on dorsal surface.

Legs: Mostly light yellowish-orange; mid femur narrowly dark brown apically, hind femur dark brown apically for length nearly equal to width of femur apex; tarsi dark brown with fore basitarsomere white on basal 2/3–3/4.

Abdomen: Deep yellowish-orange in ground colour, becoming paler on tergite 1 and terminalia. Tergites 2–4 brown dorsally, lateral margin of tergites 3 and 4 brown; posterior-most tergites darker and more broadly marked; tergite 4 sometimes entirely dark or tergites 3 and 4 evenly brown with lateral margin darker. Tergite 5 black and velvety. Female tergite 6 with brown tint that becomes darker dorsally and laterally; lateral margin of tergite 7 less commonly brownish.

Male terminalia: ( Figs 102–106 View FIGURES 102 – 106 ) Tergite 6 short, wide, band-like, with setae at posterolateral margin. Sternite 6 wider than long, tapering slightly to base, setose on distal half and without outstanding setae. Sternite 7 membranous, evident by one pair of sensory setulae. Sternite 8, bare, tapering laterally. Epandrium small, setose on distal half, articulating with separate surstylus. Surstylus small, slightly longer than wide, rounded apically and with inner surface confluent with subepandrial sclerite; setae on inner surface of distal and anterodistal margins apically spatulate. Cercus subconical, densely setose. Hypandrium with anteroventral margin narrow, weak, nearly divided medially; subtriangular in outline when viewed ventrally, with margin broadly joining pregonite; lateral lobe broad, produced anteromedially, with ventral and lateromedial setae, and with transverse band of dense setulae. Phallapodeme separate from hypandrium; ventromedially with thin carina that expands into broad, weak M-shaped plate. Pregonite broad at base, flatter and inset apically; one long ventromedial seta. Basiphallus with broad, minutely-setulose base and with long, carinate posterior process; with small teardrop-shaped fossa ventrally behind darker, sclerotized anteroventral margin. Distiphallus with narrow ribbon-like basal section nearly as long as hypandrium, with one pair of narrow, weakly sclerotized bands; widened on distal section, which is semicircular, clear (excluding apices of paired sclerotized bands), and terminating in one pair of narrow tubules. Ejaculatory apodeme small, narrow, J-shaped, darker towards base and with blade small and clear.

Distribution. Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Pahang, Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor), Papua New Guinea.

Holotype [ longicollis ]: MALAYSIA. Sarawak (1♂, BMNH).

Syntype [ longithorax ]: MALAYSIA. Borneo: Sarawak (1♂, MZUF).

Additional material examined. INDONESIA. Sumatra: N.O. Sumatra, Deli, Dr. Martin S.G., “ Nothybus longithorax Rond. ♂” [handwritten] det. Dr. Enderlein (1♂, ZMHU), Sumatra, Soekaranda, Dr. H. Dohrn S., “ Nothybus longithorax Rond. ♀” [handwritten] det. Dr. Enderlein, G1390 (1♀, ZMHU), “Sum.” (1♀, BMNH). MALAYSIA. Pahang: Krau Wildlife Reserve, Bukit Rengit, 17–24.iv.1995, M. Hămălăinen (1♀, ZMAN), Pahang: King Geo V Nat’l Park, Kuala Tahang, 12–15.xii.1958, T.C. Maa (1♂, BPBM), Pahang Dist.: King George V Nat. Park, Kuala Tahang, 7–14.xii.1958, J.L. Gressitt (2♂, BPBM), Sabah (Borneo): Crocker Range N.P., HQ Station Road, 9.viii.2003, Whiting, Svenson, Bybee (1♀, NCSU), Penampang Distr., Crocker Range, Kipandi Butterfly Park, 720m, 5˚52ʹ20ʺN, 116˚14ʹ53ʺE, [SDG11-15], S. Gaimari & M. Hauser, 21.x.2011 (3♂ 6♀, CSCA), 14.x.2011 (1♂ 2♀, CSCA), 15.x.2011 (4♀, CSCA), 17.x.2011 (1♂ 4♀, CSCA), 18.x.2011 (9♂ 7♀, CSCA), 19.x.2011 (1♂ 1♀, CSCA), Penampang Distr., Crocker Range, Kiulu (bamboo forest), 570m, 5˚52ʹ34ʺN, 116˚15ʹ00ʺE, [SDG11-20], S. Gaimari & M. Hauser, 18.x.2011 (12♂ 5♀, CSCA), 24.x.2011 (8♂ 5♀, CSCA), Crocker Range, Kisada, 5˚50′44ʺN, 116˚16′21ʺE, 10.iii. 2013, 820m, S. Gaimari (1♂ 3♀, CSCA), 24.x.2011, M. Hauser, S. Gaimari (2♂ 3♀, CSCA), [SDG11-24], S. Gaimari & M. Hauser (3♂ 3♀, CSCA), [SDG11-24], 23.x.2011, S. Gaimari & M. Hauser (2♂, CSCA), Penampang Distr., Sabah: Penampang Dist., Crocker Range, Ulu Selangong, 900m, 5˚51′38ʺN, 116˚15′31ʺ, [SDG11-22], 20.x.2011, S. Gaimari & M. Hauser (1♀, CASC), Penampang Distr., Crocker Range, Ulu Selagang, 900m, 20.x.2011, 5˚51ʹ38ʺN, 116˚15ʹ31ʺE, M. Hauser & S. Gaimari (1♀[with larva, photographed], CSCA), Penampang Distr., Crocker Range, Moyog, Moyog River, 28.iii.2013, 5˚53′02ʺN, 116˚14′48ʺE, 300m, S. Gaimari & M. Hauser (6♂ 6♀, CSCA), 6.iii.2013, M. Hauser (5♂ 3♀, CSCA), 11.iii.2013, M. Hauser (1♂ 3♀, CSCA), Penampang Distr., Crocker Range, Moyog, Moyog river, 300m, 5˚53ʹ02ʺN, 116˚14ʹ48ʺE, [SDG11-19], S. Gaimari & M. Hauser, 17.x.2011 (1♂, CSCA), Penampang Distr., Crocker Range, Kiulu (bamboo forest), 570m, 5˚52′34ʺN, 116˚15′00ʺE, 12.iii.2013, M. Hauser (9♂ 3♀, CSCA), 27.ii.2013, S. Gaimari & M. Hauser (4♂ 32♀, CSCA), Penampang Distr., Crocker Range, Kipandi Butterfly Park, 720m, 5˚52′20ʺN, 116˚14′53ʺE, 4.iii.2013, S. Gaimari (37♂ 45♀, CSCA), 5.iii.2013, S. Gaimari & M. Hauser (4♂ 6♀, CSCA), 2.iii.2013, S. Gaimari & M. Hauser (13♂ 16♀, CSCA), Sabah: Gunung Kinabalu, SAYAP, 950– 1000m, 06˚10ʹN, 116˚34ʹE, trail to waterfall, primary forest, 9.iii.2001, J.P. Duffels & M.A. Schouten (1♀, ZMAN), Borneo (Brit. N.), Sandakan Bay (NW), 5˚50ʹ0ʺN, 118˚07ʹ0ʺE, Sepilok For. Res., 1–10m, 31.x.1957, J.L. Gressitt (1♂ 1♀[with larva], CNC), Borneo (Brit. N.), Sandakan Bay (NW), Sepilok For. Res., 1–10m, 26.x.1957, J.L. Gressitt (2♂ 1♀, BPBM), 27.x.1957 (1♀, BPBM), 29.x.1957 (3♀, BPBM), 30.x.1957 (1♀, BPBM), 31.x.1957 (5♀, BPBM), Borneo (Brit. N.), Sandakan Bay (NW), Sapagaya lumber camp, 2–20m, 4.xi.1957, J.L. Gressitt (2♂, BPBM), 3.xi.1957 (1♀, BPBM), North Borneo (SE), forest camp, 9.8km SW of Tenom, 19.xii.1962, Y. Hirashima (1♂, BPBM), N Borneo: Sandakan Dist.: Gomantong Caves, 22–26.xi.1958, L.W. Quate & T.C. Maa (1♂, BPBM), Sarawak: Mt. Matang, W Sarawak, G.E. Bryant, G. Bryant Coll. 1919-147 (1♀, BMNH), Sarawak: Gunong Matang, 120m, 14.ix.1958, secondary forest, T.C. Maa (1♂, BPBM), Sarawak: Sarikei Dist., Rejang Delta, 15– 26.vii.1958, T.C. Maa (1♀, BPBM), Selangor: West Malaysia, Sgtuaulu, C.I.E coll. A15881, Mardi M11794, 22.ix.1983, Hanifah col. (1♀, BMNH). PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Lake Murray, 25.vii.1957, W.W. Brandt (1♀, BPBM).

Comments. Nothybus longicollis is encountered with relative frequency in Malaysia and Sumatra, and one new record from Papua New Guinea suggests that it may also be considerably more widespread than previously thought. The species is larger and brighter than congeners, the thorax is more anteriorly elongate, the wing lacks clear iridescent spots or transverse stripes, the facial spot is not bordered by silvery tomentose patches, R1 is dorsally setulose, the surstylus is small and with spatulate setae and the phallus is unusual.

The holotype of Nothybus longithorax is in poor condition, with the mid and hind legs missing, the wings destroyed apically and the abdomen broken off (currently preserved with cotton in gel capsule). The two BMNH females from Sarawak and “Sum.” [likely Sumatra] were labeled by Walker with the unpublished manuscript name “ coloratus ”.

Aczel, M. L. (1955) Nothybidae, a new family of Diptera. Treubia, 23, 1 - 18.

Enderlein, G. (1922) Klassifikation der Micropeziden. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, (A), 88, 140 - 229.

Frey, R. (1958) Studien uber ostasiatische Dipteren. VI. Nothybidae, Micropezidae, Opomyzidae. Notulae Entomologicae, 38, 37 - 50.

Rondani, C. (1875) Muscaria exotica Musei Civici januensis. Fragmentum III. Species in Insula Bonae Fortunae (Borneo), provincia Sarawak annis 1865 - 1868, lectae a March. J. Doria et Doct. O Beccari. Annali Del Museo Civico Di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria, 7, 421 - 464.

Steyskal, G. C. (1977) Family Nothybidae. In: Delfinado, M. C. & Hardy, D. E. (Eds.), A Catalog of the Diptera of the Oriental Region 3: Suborder Cyclorrhapha (Excluding Division Aschiza). University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu, pp. 30 - 31

Walker, F. (1856) Catalogue of the dipterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo, by Mr. A. R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology, 1, 105 - 136. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1096 - 3642.1856. tb 00964. x

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1 – 4. Nothybus longicollis (Walker), Borneo, Sabah; 1 – 2: male and female, © M. Ng; 3 – 4: male (?), female © S. Gaimari.

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FIGURES 11 – 14. Nothybus longicollis (Walker), male; 11: head, anterior; 12: habitus, right lateral; 13: habitus, dorsal; 14: habitus, ventral.

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FIGURES 22 – 30. Nothybus longicollis (Walker), first-instar larva; 22: anterior end, left lateral; 23: same, ventral; 24: habitus, left lateral; 25: habitus, ventral; 26: detail, ventral creeping welts, thoracic segment 2; 27: same, abdominal segment 2; 28: same, terminal segments; 29: venter, detail, thoracic segment 2 to abdominal 3; 30: posterior segment, left lateral.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 67 – 78. wings, photos; 67: Nothybus longicollis (Walker), with relevant veins listed; 68: N. biguttatus Wulp; 69: N. kempi (Brunetti), with relevant cells listed; 70: N. procerus spec. nov., holotype; 71: N. kuznetsovorum Galinskaya & Shatalkin; 72: N. cataractus spec. nov.; 73: N. lineifer Enderlein, syntype; 74: N. decorus Meijere [syn. nov. of N. lineifer], syntype; 75: N. lineifer, CNC specimen; 76: N. triguttatus Bezzi; 77: N. sumatranus Enderlein, syntype; 78: N. sumatranus, Thai specimen.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 102 – 106. Nothybus longicollis (Walker), male abdomen; 102: external components, segment 6 to cercus, left lateral; 103: same, ventral; 104: ejaculatory apodeme; 105: internal components, ventral; 106: same, left lateral.


Museo Zoologico La Specola, Universita di Firenze


Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt Universitaet


Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Zoologisch Museum


Bishop Museum


North Carolina State University Insect Museum


California State Collection of Arthropods


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


University of Newcastle











