Pilgrimcheles, Fraaije, Krzemiński, Van Bakel, Krzemińska & Jagt, 2014

Fraaije, René H. B., Krzemiński, Wiesław, Van Bakel, Barry W. M., Krzemińska, Ewa & Jagt, John W. M., 2014, New Late Jurassic symmetrical hermit crabs from the southern Polish Uplands and early paguroid diversification, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 59 (3), pp. 681-688 : 685

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.4202/app.2012.0022

persistent identifier


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scientific name



Genus Pilgrimcheles nov.

Type species: Pilgrimcheles karolinae sp. nov; see below.

Etymology: Named after Robert L.C. Pilgrim (1921–2010), whose seminal 1973 paper on the extant Pagurus bernhardus ( Linnaeus, 1758) helped us understand fossil paguroid carapace morphologies.

Diagnosis.—Shield well calcified, length slightly exceeding width, well areolated, with distinct regions, including an anterior and posterior massetic region of equal size, paralleled by a adjacent submassetic region. Rostrum broad based, triangular. Post−ocular spines distinct, triangular. Anterior portion of gastric region delimited by post−rostral ridge, partially crenulate and with central gastric groove; posterior part shaped like a blunt arrowhead. Typically reniform keraial regions anteriorly at widest part of cervical groove, laterally bordered by the anterior branchial areas.

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