
Li, Yan-Da & Cai, Chen-Yang, 2024, AlveOderes gen. nov., the earliest fossil of Bothrideridae from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera: Coccinelloidea), Zoologia (e 23084) 41, pp. 1-10 : 2

publication ID 10.1590/S1984-4689.v41.e23084

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Key to extant and extinct genera of Deretaphrini

The identification key herein presented is modified from Heizen (1943).

The tribe as circumscribed here is likely non-monophyletic ( Robertson et al. 2015). Pseudososylus Grouvelle, 1900 and Erotylathris Motschoulsky, 1861 have characters intermediate between Deretaphrini and Bothriderini ( Heinze 1943); they were included in Deretaphrini by Heinze (1943), but in Bothriderini by Ślipiński et al. (1989). The validity of Carbothrus Aoki, 2012 is doubtful, as it does not seem to differ from Sosylus Erichson, 1845 fundamentally.

1. Pronotal disc usually with at most two basal ridges.. 2

1’. Pronotal disc with at least four longitudinal ridges ( Heinze 1943: figs 30, 31, Ślipiński et al. 1989: figs 1, 6). Antennal club 2-segmented ( Ślipiński et al. 1989: fig. 4) ...................................................................................... 7

2. Pronotum usually with parallel or rounded sides; disc without median longitudinal groove ( Aoki 2008: figs 1, 3; Aoki and Narukawa 2013: fig. 1)................................. ................................ Sosylus Erichson View in CoL & Carbothrus Aoki

2’. Pronotum narrowed at base; disc often with a median longitudinal groove ( Heinze 1943: figs 18–22, 29, Lord and McHugh 2013: figs 57–81)...................................... 3

3. Antennal club composed of 2–3 strongly transversely expanded segments ( Westwood 1848: fig. 7c of plate XLI, Pascoe 1863: fig. 9 of plate II).................................. ..................................................... Petalophora Westwood

3’. Antennal club normal, not transversely expanded.... 4

4. Antennae club 3-segmented ......................................... 5

4’. Antennae club 2-segmented ( Heinze 1943: figs 23, 25).. 6

5. Pronotum with an oval cavity at each anterior angle ( Fig. 5 View Figures 5–13 ). Antennomere 11 conical ( Fig. 8 View Figures 5–13 ). Elytra each with a single short ridge ( Fig. 6 View Figures 5–13 ).... Alveoderes gen. nov.

5’. Pronotum without oval cavity at anterior angles. Antennomere 11 short, apically broadly truncate ( Lord and McHugh 2013: figs 44–47). Elytra with multiple longer ridges ( Lord and McHugh 2013: figs 80–131).... ....................................................... Deretaphrus Newman View in CoL

6. Tarsomere 1 of all legs hardly longer than tarsomere 2.......................................................... Asosylus Grouvelle

6’. Tarsomere 1 of mid and hind legs at least as long as tarsomeres 2 and 3 combined ... Craspedophilus Heinze

7. Prosternum not foveate in front of coxae. Scutellum visible. Outer anterior angle of pro- and mesotibiae sharply produced. Tarsomere 1 longer than tarsomere 2 ................................................. Pseudososylus Grouvelle

7’. Prosternum deeply foveate in front of coxae ( Ślipiński et al. 1989: fig. 2). Scutellum not visible. Outer anterior angle of pro- and mesotibiae not produced ( Ślipiński et al. 1989: fig. 3). Tarsomere 1 subequal to tarsomere 2.... ..................................................... Erotylathris Motschulsky











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