Eupoa, Zabka, 1985

Marusik, Yu. M. & Omelko, M. M., 2018, First record of Eupoa pulchella (Araneae: Salticidae) in Laos with description of previously unknown female, Far Eastern Entomologist 354, pp. 19-22 : 20-22

publication ID 10.25221/fee.354.3

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scientific name



Eupoa View in CoL View at ENA pulchella Logunov et Marusik, 2014

Figs 1‒9 View Figs 1–9

Eupoa pulchella Logunov & Marusik, 2014: 83, figs 87‒88, 91‒96 (holotype – ♂,

Thailand: Chiang Mai Prov., Chiang Dao Distr., Doi Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary; in

Museum d’Historie Naturelle, Geneve, Switzerland).

MATERIAL EXAMINED. Laos: Vientiane Prov. environs of Nam-Lik Eco Village,

18°38'N 102°19'E, litter sifting in forest, 19.XI 2013, 2♂, 3♀, 3 juv. (M.M. Omelko)

( ZMMU).

DIAGNOSIS. Female differ from congeners by having broken dark median band on abdomen (vs. light median band in other species) and shape of epigyne with kind of tonque-

shaped scape (Sc) (either lacking or very large in other species) and weakly sclerotized posterior part with transversal wrinkles (Pw) unknown in congeners. Eupoa lehtineni Logunov et

Marusik, 2014 has weakly sclerotized part with wrinkles but it located in anterior part and wrinkles are arch-shaped.

DESCRIPTION. Female (previously unknown). Total length 1.94. Carapace 0.93 long,

0.83 wide and 0.68 high at PLE. Ocular area 0.56 long, 0.81 wide anteriorly and 0.78 wide posteriorly. Diameter of AME 0.26. Clypeus 0.03 high, chelicera 0.24 long. Abdomen 1.02

long, 0.81 wide. Carapace black around eyes, light brown between posterior lateral eyes and dark brown on the sides of thoracic part. Abdomen yellow-gray, with broken dark median band; sides dark colored or yellowish; venter uniformly light coloured.

Length of legs segments (mm) in female are as follow:

Spination of female legs are as follow:

pattern; 3 – prosoma, frontal view; 4‒5 – habitus, lateral view, showing variation of pattern;

6 – epigyne, ventral view; 7 – vulva, 8 – macerated epigyne, ventral view; 9 – the same,

dorsal view. (Cd – copulatory duct; Co? – copulatory opening?; Pw – wrinkled part of epigynal plate; Re – receptacle; Sc – scape). Scale bars = 0.2 mm.

Epigyne as in Figs 4, 7‒9 View Figs 1–9 , epigynal plate very wide, wider than long, as wide as epigastral furrow; atrium indistinct, anteriorly with tongue-shaped kind of scape (Sc), posterior half of the plate weakly sclerotized and covered with transversal wrinkles (Pw); receptacles (Re)

small, transversal, visible through integument, spaced by about width of scape; copulatory openings (Co?) seems located below the scape; copulatory ducts (Cd) thin.

DISTRIBUTION. Thailand, Laos (new record) ( Fig. 10 View Fig ).


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University











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