Philonthus arctifrons, Broun, 1880

Herman, Taphylininae Iochini Aorothiini Thiini Latyprosopini Taphylinini Mblyopinina Nisolinina Yptiomina Hilonthina Lee H., 2001, Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1758 to the End of the Second Millennium. V. Staphylinine Group (Part 2) Staphylininae: Diochini, Maorothiini, Othiini, Platyprosopini, Staphylinini (Amblyopinina, Anisolinina, Hyptiomina, Philonthina), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (265), pp. 2441-3020 : 2441-3020

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090.265.1.5

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Philonthus arctifrons


arctifrons Broun, 1880 View in CoL , see: Quedius .

ardoini Levasseur, 1966b: 1495 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Katire-Equatoria , république du Sudan).

— Levasseur, 1968a: 54 ( Philonthus ; Central African Republic).

- DISTRIBUTION: Sudan, Central African Republic.

arenarius Kirshenblat, 1950 , see: Bisnius .

argentinus Bernhauer, 1912d: 43 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Argentinien: Prov. Tucuman). — Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 329 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Argentina.

argus Herman, 2001: 46 ( Philonthus ; replacement name for tucumanensis Bernhauer, 1934 ). - DISTRIBUTION: Argentina.

tucumanensis Bernhauer, 1934a: 118 ( Philonthus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Argentinien: Tucuman: Parque Aconquija ).

— Herman, 2001: 46 ( Philonthus ; synonym of argus ).

argutus Herman, 2001: 46 ( Philonthus ; replacement name for nitens Kraatz ).


nitens Kraatz, 1859: 82 ( Philonthus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Ceylan).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 348 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1932: 96 ( Philonthus ; characters; Ceylon).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1353 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Herman, 2001: 46 ( Philonthus ; synonym of argutus ).

arizonensis Horn, 1884: 203 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Arizona; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]. No locality originally cited).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 329 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

Smetana, 1995e: 374 ( Philonthus ; lectotype designation: Ariz [Arizona]; characters; notes; Arizona; Mexico) .


armatipes Sharp, 1885: 422 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Guatemala, near the city at an elevation of 5000 feet).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 329 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Guatemala.

armeniacus Bernhauer, 1901 , see: diversiceps Bernhauer, 1901 .

armeniacus Hochhuth, 1851: 17 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Armenien).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 329 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1332 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Coiffait, 1967a: 400 ( Philonthus ; note; Armenia).

— Coiffait, 1974: 281 ( Philonthus ; characters; Caucasus; Transcaucasus).


arrowianus Bernhauer, 1931d: 585 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Abyssinia: Mt. Zukwala ,

ca. 9,000 ft.; Mt. Chillalo, ca. 8,000 ft.).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1332 ( Philonthus ; catalog).


asemus Kraatz, 1859 , see: longicornis Stephens, 1832 .

asiaticus Bernhauer, 1902b: 27 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Kanthaley).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 329 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1932: 143 ( Philonthus ; characters; Ceylon).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1332 ( Philonthus ; catalog).


asper Horn, 1884: 185 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Pennsylvania; District of Columbia).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 329 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

Maryland; New Jersey; New York; North Carolina; Ohio; Pennsylvania; South Carolina; Tennessee; Virginia; West Virginia).

— Downie and Arnett, 1996: 377 ( Philonthus ; characters; USA).


asperulus Fauvel, 1875a : XXX [= 1875b: 232] ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Syrie, Jaffa , Jérusalem).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 329 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1332 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Coiffait, 1967a: 413 ( Philonthus ; characters; Syria; Palestine; Turkey).

— Coiffait, 1974: 292 ( Philonthus ; characters; Syria; Palestine; Turkey).

- DISTRIBUTION: Israel, Syria, Turkey.

asphaltinus Erichson, 1840 , see: Jurecekia .

assamensis Cameron, 1932: 100 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Assam: Manipur).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1333 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Coiffait, 1982a: 232 ( Philonthus ; India).


assecla Last, 1968 , see: Hesperus .

assimilis Nordmann, 1837 , see: Quedius .

astutoides A. Strand, 1946 , see: Gabrius .

astutus Erichson, 1840 , see: Gabrius .

ater Ragusa, 1892 , see: sanguinolentus Gravenhorst, 1802 .

ater Ziegler, 1845 , see: Quedius .

aterrimus Marsham, 1802 , see: varians Paykull, 1789 .

atkinsoni Cameron, 1932: 136 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Bengal: Berhampore).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1333 ( Philonthus ; catalog).


atramentarius Erichson, 1840: 440 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Columbia).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 329 ( Philonthus ; catalog).


atratoides Coiffait, 1963: 24 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Corse: environs de Corte, Vallée de la Raconica, 200 m).

— Coiffait, 1967a: 391 ( Philonthus ; characters; Corsica).

— Coiffait, 1974: 249 ( Philonthus ; characters; Corsica).


atratus Gravenhorst, 1802: 21 ( Staphylinus ; Type locality: Brunsvigae).

— Latreille, 1804: 310 ( Staphylinus ; characters; Germany).

— Gravenhorst, 1806: 84 ( Staphylinus ; characters; Germany; France).

— Gyllenhal, 1810: 319 ( Staphylinus ; characters; Sweden).

— Curtis, 1829: 25 ( Philonthus ; catalog; Britain).

— C. Sahlberg, 1830: 321 ( Staphylinus ; characters; Finland).

— Mannerheim, 1830: 28 ( Staphylinus ; Finland; Sweden; Lapland).

— Mannerheim, 1831: 442 ( Staphylinus ; Finland; Sweden; Lapland).

— Stephens, 1832: 232 ( Philonthus ; characters; England).

— Curtis, 1836: pl. 610 ( Philonthus ; characters; Britain).

— Nordmann, 1837: 82 ( Philonthus ; Europe).

— Zetterstedt, 1838: 63 ( Staphylinus ; characters; habitat; Lapland).

— Erichson, 1839a: 450 ( Philonthus ; characters; Germany).

— Heer, 1839: 259 ( Philonthus ; characters; Switzerland).

— Stephens, 1839: 395 ( Philonthus ; characters; England).

— Erichson, 1840: 439 ( Philonthus ; characters; Europe).

— Ménétriés, 1849: 44 ( Philonthus ; Samarkand).

— Hochhuth, 1849: 134 ( Philonthus ; characters).

— Redtenbacher, 1849: 700 ( Philonthus ; characters; Austria).

— Küster, 1853a: 49 ( Philonthus ; characters; Europe).

— Rosenhauer, 1856: 71 ( Philonthus ; notes).

— Fairmaire and Laboulbène, 1856: 517 ( Philonthus ; characters; France).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 586 ( Philonthus ; characters; Germany).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 586 ( Philonthus ; [Note: Misidentification: Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 329 cited “ coerulescens Kraatz ” as a synonym of atratus ; Kraatz did not describe the species as new, he misspelled the name and attributed it to Lacordaire]; synonym of atratus ).

— Redtenbacher, 1857: 190 ( Philonthus ; characters; Austria).

— Thomson, 1860: 158 ( Philonthus ; characters; Scandinavia).

— Hochhuth, 1862: 57 ( Philonthus ; Russia).

— Fauvel, 1865a: 296 [= 1865b: 46] ( Philonthus ; habitat; France).

— Hochhuth, 1872: 137 ( Philonthus ; notes; Ukraine).

— Fauvel, 1874: 230 [= 1874a: 456] ( Philonthus ; characters; France; Caucasus; Iran; Siberia ; central Asia).

— Redtenbacher, 1874: 209 ( Philonthus ; characters; Austria).

— Solsky, 1874: 176 ( Philonthus ; characters; Turkestan).

— Seidlitz, 1875: 274 ( Philonthus ; characters; Baltic region).

— Fauvel, 1876a: 74 [= 1876: 259] ( Philonthus ; Syria; Buchara).

— Mulsant and Rey, 1876: 385 [= 1877: 241] ( Philonthus ; characters; France).

— J. Sahlberg, 1876: 16 ( Philonthus ; Finland).

— Fowler, 1888: 263 ( Philonthus ; characters; Britain).

— Eppelsheim, 1892: 332 ( Philonthus ; Turkmenia; Taschkent).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 446 ( Philonthus ; characters; Palaearctic region).

— Poppius, 1909: 23 ( Philonthus ; Lena Valley, Siberia ).

— Reitter, 1909: 126 ( Philonthus ; characters; Germany).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 329 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Johansen, 1914: 396 ( Philonthus ; characters; Denmark).

— Gridelli, 1922a: 176 ( Philonthus ; Persia).

— Portevin, 1929: 358 ( Philonthus ; characters; France).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1333 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Wüsthoff, 1934: 60 ( Philonthus ; illustration of aedeagus).

— Suomalainen, 1941 ( Philonthus ; characters; Finland).

— V. Hansen, 1952: 52 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Philonthus ; characters; Denmark).

— Smetana, 1953: 117 ( Philonthus ; Turkey).

— Smetana, 1958: 168 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Philonthus ; characters; ecology; Czechoslovakia).

— Smetana, 1959: 147 ( Philonthus ; characters).

— Scheerpeltz, 1961d: 128 ( Philonthus ; Italy).

— Palm, 1963b: 68 ( Philonthus ; characters; Sweden; Denmark; Norway; Finland).

— Lohse, 1964: 177 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Philonthus ; characters; central Europe).

— Smetana, 1964d: 74 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Philonthus ; Czechoslovakia).

— Horion, 1965: 129 ( Philonthus ; Russia; Finland; Sweden; Norway; Britain; Denmark; all central Europe to Mediterranean).

— Sawada, 1966: 258 ( Philonthus ; Afghanistan).

— Coiffait, 1967a: 393 ( Philonthus ; characters).

— Raianu, 1968a: 464 ( Philonthus ; Romania).

— Szujecki, 1968a: 727 ( Philonthus ; Poland).

— Szujecki, 1969a: 255 ( Philonthus ; notes; Poland).

— Coiffait, 1974: 248 ( Philonthus ; characters; Holarctic region).

— Shilov, 1975a: 375 [= 1975b: 98] ( Philonthus ; Komi region of Russia).

— Pace and Zanetti, 1977: 290 ( Philonthus ; Italy).

— Pope, 1977: 29 ( Philonthus ; Britain).

— Coiffait, 1978d: 164 ( Philonthus ; Turkey).

— Coiffait, 1983e: 477 ( Philonthus ; Afghanistan).

— Tóth, 1984: 48 ( Philonthus ; characters; Hungary).

— Lucht, 1987: 104 ( Philonthus ; checklist; Germany; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Austria; Switzerland; France; Benelux; Denmark; Sweden).

— Lohse and Lucht, 1989: 165 ( Philonthus ; characters).

— Whitehead, 1990: 242 ( Philonthus ; collecting notes; England).

— J. Li, 1993: 33 ( Philonthus ; China).

— Smetana, 1993b: 48 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Philonthus ; Czech Republic; Slovakia).

— Ciceroni and Zanetti, 1995: 27 ( Philonthus ; Italy).

— Downie and Arnett, 1996: 376 ( Philonthus ; characters; USA [Note: Probably Misidentified]).

- DISTRIBUTION: Morocco, Europe, Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, China.

metallicus Gravenhorst, 1802: 168 ( Staphylinus ; Type locality: probably from near Brunsvigae).

— Latreille, 1804: 323 ( Staphylinus ; characters; Germany; France).

— Gravenhorst, 1806: 86 ( Staphylinus ; characters; France).

— Erichson, 1839a: 450 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Heer, 1839: 259 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Erichson, 1840: 439 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Redtenbacher, 1849: 700 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Rosenhauer, 1856: 71 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 586 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 446 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 329 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Smetana, 1958: 168 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Coiffait, 1974: 248 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

lucens Mannerheim, 1830: 28 ( Staphylinus ; Type locality: Petropoli ; Scania).

— Mannerheim, 1831: 442 ( Staphylinus ; Russia; Sweden).

— Runde, 1835: 7 ( Staphylinus ; characters; Germany).

— Nordmann, 1837: 81 ( Philonthus ; characters; Sweden; Prussia).

— Heer, 1839: 260 ( Philonthus ; characters; Switzerland).

— Stephens, 1839: 395 ( Philonthus ; characters; England).

— Jacobsen, 1849: 690 ( Philonthus ; characters; Denmark).

— Hochhuth, 1849: 135 ( Philonthus ; characters).

— Redtenbacher, 1849: 701 ( Philonthus ; characters; Austria).

— Küster, 1853a: 51 ( Philonthus ; characters; Germany).

— Fairmaire and Laboulbène, 1856: 518 ( Philonthus ; characters; France).

— Motschulsky, 1858d: 68 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 582 ( Philonthus ; characters; Germany).

— Redtenbacher, 1857: 191 ( Philonthus ; characters; Austria).

— Thomson, 1870: 126 ( Philonthus ; characters; Sweden).

— Redtenbacher, 1874: 210 ( Philonthus ; characters; Austria).

— J. Sahlberg, 1876: 16 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 446 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 329 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Johansen, 1914: 397 ( Philonthus ; characters; Denmark).

— Smetana, 1958: 168 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Coiffait, 1974: 248 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

picipes Stephens, 1832: 221 ( Quedius ; [Note: Preoccupied secondary homonym in Quedius ]; Type locality: London; Suffolk).

— Stephens, 1839: 391 ( Quedius ; characters; England).

— Gemminger and Harold, 1868: 585 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 446 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 329 ( Philonthus ; synonym of atratus ).

aurulentus Horn, 1884: 222 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Vancouver; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]. Originally cited from Washington Territory, British Columbia, Colorado, Michigan and Kentucky). — Blatchley, 1910: 390 ( Philonthus ; characters; Indiana). — Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 330 ( Philonthus ; catalog). — Hatch, 1957: 181 ( Philonthus ; characters; British Columbia; Idaho; Washington; Oregon). — Smetana, 1965a: 8 ( Philonthus ; characters; Alaska). — Smetana, 1995e: 445 ( Philonthus ; lectotype designation: Vanc [Vancouver]; characters; notes; Alberta; British Columbia; Manitoba; Northwest Territories; Saskatchewan; Arizona; California; Colorado; Idaho; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Mexico; North Dakota; Oregon; Utah; Washington; Wyoming). — Downie and Arnett, 1996: 382 ( Philonthus ; characters; USA). — Schmidt, 1999: 108 ( Philonthus ; food for adults and larvae used for rearing species; rearing methods). - DISTRIBUTION: Canada, USA.

pansatus Casey, 1915: 442 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Colorado: Boulder Co.; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]). — Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1355 ( Philonthus ; catalog). — Smetana, 1995e: 445 ( Philonthus ; lectotype designation: Boulder Co., Colorado; synonym of aurulentus ).

ruber Hatch, 1957: 181 ( Philonthus ; aberration of aurulentus ; [Note: Nomen nudum (Articles 1.3.4, 45.5)]; cited from Oregon: L. Abert). — Smetana, 1995e: 445 ( Philonthus ; synonym “in part” of aurulentus ).

austellus Herman, 2001: 46 ( Philonthus ; replacement name for rufipes Boheman ). - DISTRIBUTION: South Africa.

rufipes Boheman, 1848: 284 ( Philonthus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Caffraria interior). — Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 353 ( Philonthus ; catalog). — Scheerpeltz, 1974: 143 ( Philonthus ; South Africa). — Herman, 2001: 46 ( Philonthus ; synonym of austellus ).

australicus Cameron, 1943 , see: Gabronthus .

australis W. J. MacLeay, 1873 , see: Hesperus .

australis Cameron, 1943a: 342 ( Philonthus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Australia: Port Darwin). — Herman, 2001: 46 ( Philonthus ; although a junior primary homonym, prevailing use as valid maintained pending outcome of application to Commission under Article 23.9.5). - DISTRIBUTION: Australia.

autumnalis Cameron, 1932 , see: Gabrius .

avicola Bernhauer, 1942: 25 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Kostarika : Reventzon , Ebene Limon, Hamburgfarm). - DISTRIBUTION: Costa Rica.

azabuensis R. Dvořák, 1958: 137 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Japan: Tokyo, Azabu ). - DISTRIBUTION: Japan.

azuripennis Cameron, 1928c: 563 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Sikkim: Tangu, 14,000 feet; [Note: See lectotype designation by Schillhammer, 2000]. Also cited originally from Tibet: Gantza, 13,000 feet; Jelap La, 12,000 feet. Sikkim: Dentang, 15,000 feet). — Cameron, 1932: 81 ( Philonthus ; characters; Tibet; India). — Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1333 ( Philonthus ; catalog). — Scheerpeltz, 1976: 34 ( Philonthus ; Nepal). — Scheerpeltz, 1976a: 87 ( Philonthus ; Nepal). — Coiffait, 1982: 28 ( Philonthus ; Nepal). — Schillhammer, 1999a: 61 ( Philonthus ).

Schillhammer, 2000: 150 ( Philonthus ; lectotype designation; characters; China; Nepal; Bhutan). - DISTRIBUTION: China, Nepal, Bhutan, India .













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