Spinimegopis bezborodovi Koshkin, 2018

Koshkin, E. S., 2018, A new species of the genus Spinimegopis K. Ohbayashi, 1963 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Prioninae) from South Vietnam, Far Eastern Entomologist 352, pp. 1-8 : 2-6

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.25221/fee.352.1

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scientific name

Spinimegopis bezborodovi Koshkin

sp. nov.

Spinimegopis bezborodovi Koshkin View in CoL , sp. n.

Figs 1–3 View Figs , 7–9 View Figs 7–12 , 13, 15, 17 View Figs 13–18

MATERIAL. Holotype – ♂, Vietnam: Lam Dong province, Lac Duong district ,

Bidoup Núi Bà National Park, 25.IV 2016, local collector leg. ( ZMMU). Paratypes:

1 ♀, same data as holotype ( ZMMU); Lam Dong province, Bidoup Núi Bà National

Park, Hòn Giao, 1500 m, VI 2017, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Van Dang leg. ( CK) .

DESCRIPTION. Male ( Figs 1, 2 View Figs ). Body is relatively light brown-reddish for the most parts. Tips of mandibles, eyes, part of pronotum, scutellum, parts of legs, ends of antennal segments are blackish. Elytra light brownish-yellow margined with distinct black lines. Head, pronotum, scutellum and underside covered with short yellowish hairs.

holotype, 35.3 mm; 2 – male paratype, 42 mm; 3 – female paratype, 44 mm; 4–6 – S. lividipennis : 4 – male, 39 mm (Central Vietnam: Kon Tum province, Dak Glei district, Ng ọc Linh ,

IV 2016); 5 – male, 39 mm (North Thailand: Chiang Mai province, Fang , V 2014) ; 6 – female,

41, 3 mm (North Vietnam: Lao Cai province, Sa Pa , V 2017) .

Head about as long as wide, sparsely granulated ( Fig. 7 View Figs 7–12 ). Antennal tubercles fairly large, granulated at base and very finely punctated in apical part. Median furrow narrow and shallow. Mandibles short, external lines abruptly bent inwards at middle; internal side with large tooth. Eyes fairly large; interspace between eyes slightly wider than a half of each lobe in dorsal view and twice as large in ventral view.

Antennae 11-segmented, slightly longer than body, ratio antenna length (measured from the base of scape to the apex of segment 11) / body length (from the clypeus to the apex of elytra) 1.03–1.11. Segments 1–5 distinctly granulated; segments 1–4 are thick, segments 5–11 slender. Segment 1 (scape) with distinct longitudional groove on inner side. Segment 3 is the longest, its length 0.96–0.98 combined length is next three segments and 2.7 length is scape. Ratio segment 3 / segments 4 +5+6 is 1.15–

1.17. Antennae very sparsely covered with very short setae, which are noticeable only with large magnification power.

Pronotum wide, trapezoidal shape, ratio maximum width / length 0.66–0.67

( Fig. 7 View Figs 7–12 ). On each side of pronotum three straight spines; spine of posterior angle and lateral spine are well expressed and acute, spine of anterior angle is small, not acute. The color of pronotum is brown-reddish with distinct pattern consisting narrow black bordering, big black spot of crescent form at anterior margin and black spot as three-leafed figure in centre of pronotum. Scutellum semicircular with surface covered with fine punctation and sparse hairs.

Elytra flattened, subparallel, long, 2.6–2.7 times longer than its maximum width from humeri to 1/3 from the base, rounded at apexes with very small sutural teeth.

On each elytron with two inner slightly raised costae and two outer very weakly expressed costae. Inner two costae start from humeri, subparallel to each other in basal part and connects in 1/4 from apex elytra. Disc punctured at base and fine granulated in other part.

Legs flattened, slender, length of femur about equal length of tibia. Legs brownreddish, distal ends of femurs (especially profemurs), proximal ends of tibiae and most parts of tarsi are blackish. Lateral side of protibia, medial side of meso- and metatibia densely covered with short yellowish hairs. Medial side of profemur and protibia fine granulated, other parts of legs finely punctuated. Segment 1 of metatarsus longest, segment 2 shortest, segment 3 widest (it long equal wide), claw segment as long as segment 1+2 and half of segment 3. Segments 1 and 2 of pro-

and mesotarsus shorter than in metatarsus.

Gula roughly sparsely granulated. Prosternum weakly granulated with large subvertical process on anterior margin, which constricted towards apex and covered with short hairs ( Fig. 8 View Figs 7–12 ).

Male terminalia. Tegmen slightly curved, shorter than penis; parameres narrowest at apical one fourth, with length about 5 times its width, gradually constricted towards apex, densely covered with long setae in apical part, sparsely covered with short setae in other parts; phallobase about 2 times as long as parameres, abruptly expanded near apical half, and constricted towards base ( Fig. 13 View Figs 13–18 ). Length of tegmen about 3

times as long as parameres. Penis slightly curved; median structs about 4/5 as long as penis, slightly curved in profile, rounded at apex; median lobe with obtuse apex;

penis about 1.6 times as long as tegmen ( Fig. 15 View Figs 13–18 ). Eight sternite broader than long,

rounded at sides and emarginate at apex, with setae which are longs at sides, and shorter and sparser at middle ( Fig. 17 View Figs 13–18 ). The edges of emargination form an angle of about 94°. Spiculum gastrale Y-shaped, slender, distinctly longer than eight sternite,

about 9 times as long as spiculum relictum.

pronotum, dorsal view; 8 – male paratype (the same specimen), prosternum, lateral view; 9 –

the same, female paratype; 10–12 – S. lividipennis : 10 – male ( Central Vietnam: Ngoc Linh) ,

head and pronotum, dorsal view; 11– male (the same specimen), prosternum, lateral view;

12 – female (North Vietnam: Lao Cai province, Sa Pa), prosternum, lateral view.

FEMALE ( Figs 3 View Figs , 9 View Figs 7–12 ). Similar to male, antennae shorter (0.88 of body length);

legs slenderer; pronotum slightly narrower (ratio maximum width / length 0.60–0.62),

spine of anterior angle is more expressed.

MEASUREMENTS (mm). Body length (measured from the clypeus to the apex of elytra): males 35.3–42 mm (holotype: 35.3 mm), females 43–44 mm. Body width:

males 10–12 mm (holotype 10 mm), females 12.2–14 mm.

DIAGNOSIS. The new species is most similar to Spinimegopis lividipennis (Lameere, 1920), but differs by following characteristics: relatively light brownreddish coloration of body, specific black pattern of pronotum (in S. lividipennis body is dark reddish-brown, pronotum without any pattern) ( Figs 1–7, 10 View Figs View Figs 7–12 ); spine of anterior angle of pronotum in males is smaller, not acute; antennae in males is shorter (1.03–1.11 of body length, but in S. lividipennis 1.16–1.25), antennae in females is longer (0.88 of body length, but in S. lividipennis 0.70–0.75); antennal segments 1–3 and profemur less granulated, quantity of granules is about 1.3 times less for same surface than in S. lividipennis ( Figs 7, 10 View Figs 7–12 ). Ratio of lengths of antennal segments close to that of S. lividipennis, but segment 3 / scape is less (in new species 2.7–2.8; in S. lividipennis 3.0–3.1). Median furrow on dorsal side of head narrow and shallow (in S. lividipennis wide and deep between antennal tubercles) ( Figs 1, 2, 4, 5 View Figs , 7, 10 View Figs 7–12 ). Process on anterior margin of prosternum is usually larger on average than that in S. lividipennis ( Figs 8 View Figs 7–12 , 9, 11, 12). In male terminalia

( Figs 13–18 View Figs 13–18 ) parameres of tegmen is shorter, length of tegmen about 3 times as long as parameres (in S. lividipennis about 2.5 times). Eight sternite less emarginated, an angle between edges of emargination about 94° (in S. lividipennis about 81°); spiculum relictum is shorter, its length is 9 times smaller than that of spiculum gastrale (in S. lividipennis only 6 times). Also new species is similar to other South-East Asian species from S. lividipennis species-group, S. fujitai Komiya et Drumont, 2007 and S. delahayei Komiya et Drumont, 2007, but differs from them in the light brownish-yellow elytra (not brown and dark brown), more light color of body, specific pattern of pronotum and larger size of process of prosternum, as well as in sculpture of elytra.

DISTRIBUTION. Vietnam: Lam Dong province, Lang Bian (Dalat) Plateau.

ETYMOLOGY. New species is named in honor of coleopterologist Dr. Vitalii

Bezborodov (Blagoveshchensk, Russia).


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University













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