Surirella tayronarum, Tombé & Sala & Vouilloud & Restrepo, 2016

Tombé, Mario Fernando Medina, Sala, Silvia E., Vouilloud, Amelia A. & Restrepo, John Jairo Ramírez, 2016, Surirella tayronarum spec. nov. (Surirellaceae, Bacillariophyta) from Colombia, Phytotaxa 278 (1), pp. 39-47 : 41-42

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.278.1.4


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Surirella tayronarum

sp. nov.

Surirella tayronarum spec. nov. ( Figs 1–31 View FIGURES 1–17 View FIGURES 18–25 View FIGURES 26–31 )

LM ( Figs 1–17 View FIGURES 1–17 ): Frustules isopolar in valve and girdle views. Valves parallel, with round apices in girdle view ( Figs 1–2 View FIGURES 1–17 ). Valve outline panduriform, gently constricted—less evident in smaller specimens—with cuneate apices ( Figs 3–15 View FIGURES 1–17 ). Valve face strongly undulated transapically, with scattered small granules ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 1–17 ); axial area straight with a conspicuous median ridge that does not reach the apices ( Figs 3–4, 6, 7, 9, 10–12, 14, 16–17 View FIGURES 1–17 ). Wings well developed. Under high magnification, striae ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 1–17 ) and long tendrils on the inner side of wings ( Figs 9, 16 View FIGURES 1–17 , arrowheads) are visible at median area. Girdle with few, broad bands, valvocopula open near the valve center ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–17 , arrow). SEM ( Figs 18–31 View FIGURES 18–25 View FIGURES 26–31 ): Valve face transapically corrugated ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 18–25 ). In external view, the median area is elevated at mid-valve and sunken at the poles ( Figs 19–20 View FIGURES 18–25 ). In internal view, the axial area is markedly sunken but does not reach the apices that are bulky ( Figs 26–27 View FIGURES 26–31 ). Striae are uniseriate, with circular areolae irregularly arranged, difficult to see even with SEM ( Figs 27–29 View FIGURES 26–31 ). External valve face covered with small scattered granules ( Figs 19, 20, 22, 23 View FIGURES 18–25 ). Wings well developed ( Figs 19–21, 24–25 View FIGURES 18–25 , 30–31 View FIGURES 26–31 ), fenestrae with 2–8 fenestral bars ( Figs 21, 24, 25 View FIGURES 18–25 , 31 View FIGURES 26–31 ). On the base of the fenestrae there are solitary or eventually paired long ribbon-like tendrils with sharp ends ( Figs 18–22 View FIGURES 18–25 ). Raphe canal smooth ( Fig. 20, 22 View FIGURES 18–25 ), raphe externally interrupted at both ends, curved towards the mantle and with terminal small elongated pores ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 18–25 ). Internally, the mantle and the valve face have the same structure ( Figs 28–29 View FIGURES 26–31 ) and the alar canals open in simple portulae ( Figs 26–29 View FIGURES 26–31 ). On the external side, the mantle edge is thickened in a narrow flange with parallel slits and silica plaques ( Figs 24–25 View FIGURES 18–25 ). Girdle with few, broad, non-perforated bands, valvocopula open near the valve center ( Figs 30–31 View FIGURES 26–31 ). Morphometric data (n=40): length (μm): 76.5–200.0, average 121.9 ± 28.9 SD; width (μm): 22–31, average 26.2 ± 2.3 SD; l/w: 2.4–6.6, average 4.7 ± 1.1 SD; maximum width (μm): 22.5–44.0, average 32.1, ± 4.6 SD; pervalvar axis (μm): 28.5–36.5; alar canals in 100 μm: 14–22, average 19 ± 1.9 SD; striae in 10 μm: 30–31, average 30.5 ± 0.7 SD; areolae in 10 μm: 45–50, average 47.5 ± 3.5 SD.

Type:— COLOMBIA. Magdalena: Ciénaga, Congo River, 10° 59’ 21.6” N, 74° 4’ 1.6” W, 749 m a.s.l., M.F. Medina Tombé , 2 February 2015 (holotype LPC! 5567 slide 5567(1), finder K 28(3), here illustrated as Figs 12–13 View FIGURES 1–17 ).

Etymology:— the specific epithet refers to the “Tayrona” indigenous habitants of the region.

Ecological data:— the sites where this species was collected are located between 724 and 939 m a.s.l., at an average temperature of 20 °C, pH of 7.9, conductivity of 110.62 μS cm-1, dissolved oxygen ranging from 6.5 to 8.0 mg L- 1 and a flow of 0.04–1.67 m 3 sec-1.

Distribution:— the species was only found in the five samples collected at the Congo River Basin, Caribbean Region (LPC 5567, 5568, 5569, 5570 and 5571).

Habitat:— epilithic in rivers and streams located between 724 and 939 m a.s.l., at an average temperature of 20 °C, pH of 7.9, conductivity of 110.62 μS cm-1, dissolved oxygen ranging from 6.5 to 8.0 mg L- 1 and a flow of 0.04–1.67 m 3 sec-1.

Remarks:— this taxon belongs to the Robustae group; the most similar taxon is S. rafaelii described from Antioquia, Colombia ( Sala et al. 2013). These two species are isopolar and have the same type of ribbon-like tendrils. Under LM they clearly differ in valve outline ( S. rafaelii is no or poorly constricted at mid-valve) and morphometric data ( Table 2). In addition, they differ in fine valve morphology: externally in the mantle structure with irregular areolation, raphe canal with transversal ribs and eventually grouped tendrils in S. rafaelii ; internally this species does not present the bulky apical areas always seen in S. tayronarum .


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