Ilybius discedens Sharp

Hicks, B. J. & Larson, D. J., 2000, Descriptions And Recognition Of Larvae Of Some Northern North American Species Of Ilybius Erichson (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 54 (1), pp. 36-59 : 40-41

publication ID[0036:darolo];2

persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Carolina (2021-06-04 17:23:24, last updated 2021-06-04 17:30:10)

scientific name

Ilybius discedens Sharp


Ilybius discedens Sharp

Instar I. Colour. Head brown with light brown areas; antennae grey with the terminal segment pale. Thorax, abdomen and urogomphi brown to grey. Sterna and legs pale yellow. Head ( Fig. 1B View Fig ). HL 5 0.95 mm, HW 5 0.89 mm. Head widened slightly at eyes. Legs ( Fig 4 View Fig ). Femora with or without ventral spinulae, if present not numerous and located between AV setae; femur with one proximal seta in PV series. Abdomen ( Fig. 2B View Fig ). LAS 0.60 times UT. Siphon long, SI/LAS 5 0.42. Urogomphus with U4 pale and spiniform, U3 and U2 darker and setiform, length of U4/length of U3 5 0.16. Abdomen with terga 1–6 each with two short, pale submedial setiform setae; lateral setae short; segment 7 with two dorsal and two ventral submedial setae and two darker, more elongate lateral setae, these setae much shorter than those of I. biguttulus or I. pleuriticus ; other smaller setae present but not prominent.

Instar III. Colour ( Fig. 6B View Fig ). Head brown with light brown areas; appendages light­brown. Thorax and abdomen brown to grey with pale areas laterally except last three segments of abdomen without pale areas. Sterna light grey. Urogomphus brown. Legs light­brown. Head ( Fig. 7B View Fig ). HL 5 1.73 mm, HW 5 1.53 mm. Sides of head parallel. Legs ( Fig. 9 View Fig ). Femora with secondary dorsal spines as follows: profemur four to six, mesofemur four to five, metafemur five to seven; pro­ and mesofemora with spinulae in the AV series but number and size of spinulae very reduced; metafemur without spinulae in AV series. Abdomen ( Fig. 11B View Fig ). Dorsal surface with relatively few spiniform setae. Primary setae of abdominal segments small and pale. LAS/UT 5 0.86.

Ecology. Adults and larvae of I. discedens where collected in small Sphagnum bog pools where the water level remained constant. Instar I larvae hatched from eggs of field collected females in early and middle September. The incubation time for eggs reared in the lab at 23 8 C 6 1 8 was 13.3 6 1.2 days (n 5 37), similar to that reported by Hicks and Larson (1995). The collection records and hatch dates support the life history proposed by Hicks and Larson (1995) for this species.

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Fig. 1. Dorsal surface of the head of instar I larvae of three species of Ilybius Erichson. A I. biguttulus, B I. discedens, C I. pleuriticus.

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Fig. 4. Ilybius discedens. Instar I, right legs, anterior and posterior aspects.

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Fig. 2. Last three abdominal segments and urogomphi, dorsal aspect, of instar I larvae of three species of Ilybius Erichson. A I. biguttulus, B I. discedens, C I. pleuriticus.

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Fig. 6. Dorsal body surface of instar III larvae of three species of Ilybius Erichson. A I. biguttulus, B I. discedens, C I. pleuriticus.

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Fig. 7. Dorsal body surface of head of instar III larvae of three species of Ilybius Erichson. A I. biguttulus, B I. discedens, C I. pleuriticus.

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Fig. 9. Ilybius discedens. Instar III, right legs, anterior and posterior aspects.

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Fig. 11. Last two abdominal segments and urogomphi, dorsal aspect, of instar III larvae of three species of Ilybius Erichson. A I. biguttulus, B I. discedens, C I. pleuriticus.











