Adriaphaenops albanicus, Lohaj, Roman, Lakota, Ján, Quéinnec, Eric, Pavićević, Dragan & Čeplík, Dávid, 2016

Lohaj, Roman, Lakota, Ján, Quéinnec, Eric, Pavićević, Dragan & Čeplík, Dávid, 2016, Studies on Adriaphaenops Noesske with the description of five new species from the Dinarides (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechini), Zootaxa 4205 (6), pp. 501-531 : 518-520

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.200269

publication LSID


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scientific name

Adriaphaenops albanicus

sp. nov.

8. Adriaphaenops albanicus View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 8 View FIGURES 5 – 8 , 18 View FIGURES 16 – 19 , 33 View FIGURES 31 – 36 )

Type series. Holotype female labelled: “ ALBANIA, Distr. Shkodër, V. Boga, Mts. Thatë , Grotte No.25, 23.5.1993, P. Beron et B. Petrov leg.” (white label, p)/” HOLOTYPE Adriaphaenops albanicus sp. nov. Lohaj, Lakota, Quéinnec, Pavićević & Čeplík des. 2014” (red label, p) ( CJL) .

Note on the holotype: the specimen was exchanged personally by Lucien Genest with Roman Mlejnek for one specimen of Scotoplanetes arrenstorffianus ( Carabidae , Trechini ). Later on, Jan Lakota exchange it from Roman Mlejnek and now it is preserved in his collection.

Diagnosis. A medium-sized trechine beetle with aphaenopsoid features: head and pronotum elongate; elytra ovoid, strongly narrowed at the base, obviously wider than head and pronotum; body depigmented, strongly flattened ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 16 – 19 ). This new species is mainly characterized by the presence of posterior pair of supraorbital seta, anterior pair missing. This character is present only in A. mlejneki sp. nov.

Description. L: 4.65 mm, TL: 4.3 mm. Head relatively large, elongate, with maximum width behind middle, distinctly longer than wide (index HL/HW 1.32), slightly narrower as pronotum, densely pubescent. Frontal furrows shallow, short, ending before half of head length. Posterior pair of long supraorbital setae present, anterior pair missing; neck constriction weakly marked; genae gently convex. Clypeus and labrum with three pairs of setae, outer pairs longer. Antennae length 2.81 mm, scape as long as pedicel, shorter than terminal antennomere.

Pronotum elongate, as long and wide as head, with maximum width in anterior fifth, basal part distinctly narrower than anterior (index PL/PW 1.38), sparsely pubescent, setae short, suberect; median furrow weakly marked, visible in the middle part of pronotum. Propleura not visible. Anterior angles of pronotum distinctly protruding, acute, posterior angles obtuse. Lateral furrows developed, deep, with one pair of anterolateral setae, situated in apical fifth of pronotal length.

Elytra subovate elongate, distinctly longer than wide (index EL/EW 1.85), with maximum width before middle; elytral surface covered with very sparse, short and erect pubescence; striae absent. Site of stria 3 with three (two discal and one preapical) setae, humeral group of umbilicate pores not aggregated, first anterior pore of humeral group isolated and situated before the level of the first discal seta.

Legs long, slender, densely pubescent.

Female genitalia: as on Fig. 33 View FIGURES 31 – 36 .

Male unknown.

Etymology. Topotypic, refering the country of origin, Albania.

Topographic location and ecology. The North Albanian Alps are a part of the Dinaric Mountains. It is the largest mountains in Albania, which covers an area of 2010 This vast area constitutes a typical karst region in Europe due to its geographical position, its climatic and geological conditions. The North Albanian Alps are built of folded and fissured Mesozoic and Paleogene limestones with maximum elevation of 2694 m a.s.l. at peak Ezerca. Adriaphaenops albanicus , sp. nov. was found during the third expedition of Bulgarian and Albanian speleologists to Northern Albania, which was held between May 19 and June 11, 1993. The main exploration area was located in Bridash massif ( Fig. 39 View FIGURE 39 ). Thirty eight, mainly vertical, caves were surveyed. Cave No.25 is vertical, with depth up to 20 meters. Further data on morphology of this pit as well as details abouth the finding of Adriaphaenops albanicus , sp. nov. are not available ( Zhalov, 2015, Zhalov, pers. comm.).

Distribution. so far known only from the type locality.















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