Argentinomyia longicornis (Walker, 1836)

Montoya, Augusto L. & Wolff, Marta, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Argentinomyia Lynch-Arribálzaga, 1891 (Diptera: Syrphidae), with description of 16 new species, Zootaxa 5234 (1), pp. 1-157 : 75-80

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5234.1.1

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scientific name

Argentinomyia longicornis (Walker, 1836)


Argentinomyia longicornis (Walker, 1836) View in CoL View at ENA

Proposed standard English name: The longer antennae flower fly.

( Figs 2B–C View FIGURE 2 , 4B, 4L View FIGURE 4 , 7B View FIGURE 7 , 9G View FIGURE 9 , 44 View FIGURE 44 , 45 View FIGURE 45 and 91D View FIGURE 91 )

Pipiza longicornis Walker, 1836: 343 View in CoL . Type locality: “ South America ”. SYNTYPE Male & Female BMNH (Examined). LECTOTYPE Male BMNH here designated. No precise locality was given. Refs.: Hull, 1937a: 176 ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 , head); Fluke, 1945: 3 (redesc.) 26 ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 , head, lateral view, female); 1957: 268 ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 , male genitalia, Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 , surstyle) 278 (Fig. 133 in ventral view, male genitalia); Marinoni & Thompson, 2004: 567 (catalog citation); Borges & Pamplona, 2003: 157 ( Fig. View FIGURE 2 2, right antenna, lateral view) ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 , abdomen, female)

Melanostoma longicornis Williston, 1888: 263 View in CoL (Preoccupied by Walker, 1837). Type locality: Brazil. Mato Grosso, Chapada . SYNTYPE 1 Male and 5 Females BMNH (Examined). LECTOTYPE Male BMNH here designated.

Rhysops longicornis . Curran, 1937: 2 (key)

Rhysops longicornis . Fluke, 1957: 266

Rhysops longicornis . Thompson et al. 1976: 43

Argentinomyia longicornis View in CoL . Marinoni & Thompson, 2004: 567

Argentinomyia longicornis View in CoL . Marinoni et al. 2007: 149

Argentinomyia longicornis View in CoL . Marín-Armijos et al. 2017: 168

Argentinomyia grandis Lynch-Arribálzaga, 1892: 255 (1892c: 156) View in CoL . Type locality: Argentina, Misiones, Fracrao. HOLOTYPE Female MACN Examined from photographs)

Argentinomyia grandis View in CoL . Reemer & Ståhls 2014: 151

Braziliana peruviana Shannon, 1927: 7 View in CoL . Type locality: Perú. Cajamarca, Rio Charape. HOLOTYPE Male USNM ENT (Examined). n. syn.

Rhysops peruviana . Curran, 1937: 2 (key)

Braziliana vittithorax Hull, 1937b: 176 View in CoL . Type locality: Guatemala. Antigua. HOLOTYPE Female USNM ENT 00051376 About USNM (Examined)

Braziliana thiemei Enderlein, 1938: 201 View in CoL . Type locality: Colombia. Cordillera. SYNTYPE 2 Males and 3 Females ZMHU (Examined from photographs and personal unpublished notes of F.C. Thompson). n. syn.

Xanthandrus biguttatus Hull, 1945: 44 View in CoL . Type locality: Paraguay. Molino-Cue. HOLOTYPE Female MCZ (Examined from photo:

Xanthandrus biguttatus View in CoL . Borges and Pamplona, 2003: 156 (Synonym)

Type material. LECTOTYPE. Adult Male , “South America” ( BMNH, Previously SYNTYPE). “ LECTOTYPE / Pipiza longicornis / det. A.L. Montoya 2023” . PARALECTOTYPE Same data as LECTOTYPE except (1#f, BMNH, Previously SYNTYPE). “ PARALECTOTYPE / Pipiza longicornis / det. A.L. Montoya 2023” . LECTOTYPE. Adult Male, BRAZIL. Mato Grosso, Chapada ( BMNH, Previously SYNTYPE). “ LECTOTYPE / Melanostoma longicornis / det. A.L. Montoya 2023” . PARALECTOTYPES Same data as LECTOTYPE except (5#f, BMNH, Previously SYNTYPE). “ PARALECTOTYPE / Melanostoma longicornis / det. A.L. Montoya 2023” .

Length (n= 8): Body, 7.5–9.0 mm; Wings, 5.5–7.1 mm.

Diagnosis. Face punctate, with white pollen, low tubercle, face with two or three quite faint depressions dorsal to the tubercle, scape equal to the pedicel and basoflagellomere together; frontal triangle broad on male; abdomen with a pair of yellow maculae on 3 rd tergum, notopleural tubercle very prominent; profemur black on basal 1/3 or more, mesotarsus with apical three tarsomeres black; surstylus with dorsal and ventral margins approximately of the same width in the whole length; hypandrium narrowed laterally towards the apex; aedeagal lobe with acute apex.

Redescription. MALE. Head ( Figs 2B–C View FIGURE 2 , 4B, 4L View FIGURE 4 , 44A View FIGURE 44 ): Face shining black, white to black pilose, sparse white pollinose; mid-vitta bare and shiny; tubercle low with two or three faint transverse grooves, black, thinly whitish pollinose and brownish pilose; pollen on sides white, with large bare punctate maculae, the outer margin metallic vitta coppery; a heavy white patch next to the eyes which connect narrowly to a brown pollinose spot in the ocular corners of front; the pile of frontal triangle black. Frontal triangle ventral and at the vertex shining metallic, bluish-black; vertex quite swollen, shining. Ocellar triangle blue-black, pile dense and black. Occiput black, heavily pollinose. Antennae long, ratio 2.1:1.0:2.0, light brownish yellow except basoflagellomere brownish on apical 3/4, brown pilose; scape elongate, slightly curved basally, as long or longer than basoflagellomere, pedicel short; basoflagellomere rounded; arista about as long or longer than pedicel, yellow at base and dark on apical third, pilose. Thorax ( Figs 44B–C View FIGURE 44 ): Shining metallic bronze-green, but little shining; postpronotum dark brown to black, yellow whitish pilose; mesonotum with three faint brownish-pollinose vittae on anterior half, the median vitta is slender and dilated triangularly in front of scutellum, running full length, the lateral ones beginning broadly at the suture and attenuated posteriorly, pile longer yellowish, with lateral sides yellowish pollinose; notopleural tubercle very prominent. Scutellum shining metallic blue blackish; highly polished, pile entirely yellowish, with pile longer and scattered around the disc, with about four faint transverse depressions. Pleuron silver dusted except on totally bare and brilliant anterior anepimeron, white-yellowish pollinose on anepisternum, katepisternum, meron, katepimerum and metepisternum, pile long, yellow with black tips. Wing ( Fig. 44C View FIGURE 44 ): Hyaline, tinged with yellow, stigma yellowbrownish, microtrichose, except cell c bare basal 1/3, cells bm and r bare, cell cua bare on anterior 1/3; calypter yellow, border brown, fringe yellow; plumula yellow, halters yellow, capitulum brownish. Legs ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 , 44C View FIGURE 44 ): Yellow, or reddish yellow, pro- and mesofemora brownish on basal 1/3; metafemur deep brown, except the base yellow, with long yellow-brownish pilose on 2/3 of antero-apical surface; pro- and mesotibiae orange, yellow pilose; metatibia fully brown, brown pilose, metatarsus orange to brown, apical segments of other tarsi usually brownish; pile sparse, orange pilose ventrally and black pilose dorsally. Protarsus moderately dilated. Abdomen ( Fig. 9G View FIGURE 9 , 44B View FIGURE 44 ): Abdomen less shining green. 1 st tergum metallic bronze-green, laterally with long pilosity, medially bare; 2 nd to 5 th terga opaque black, laterally with long pilosity; 2 nd tergum approximately two times broader than long, with a thin pollinose line along each side; 3 rd tergum with a pair of oblique yellow macula extending from the base to apical 1/3; 4 th and 5 th terga with a pair of triangular pollinose macula on basal 2/3; 5 th tergum shorter than 4 th; sterna of all segments metallic bronze-green with long yellow pilosity; sterna grey yellow; male genitalia: surstylus in lateral view ( Fig. 45A View FIGURE 45 ) with dorsal and ventral margins approximately of the same width in the whole length; hypandrium in ventral view ( Fig. 45C View FIGURE 45 ) narrowed laterally towards the apex; aedeagal lobe in ventral view ( Fig. 45C View FIGURE 45 ) with apex acute.

FEMALE ( Figs 44D–F View FIGURE 44 , 46A–C View FIGURE 46 ). Similar to male except for usual sexual dimorphism and differing in shining black, sometimes bluish; in the middle and a vitta on gena bare; on sides rather thickly pollinose. Frontal triangle with two maculae of brown pollen just ventral the shining blue ocellar triangle; between the two maculae is a narrow brown pollinose streak reaching to the shining arc dorsal the antennae, this spot of pollen extends toward the antennae as a fine point and is present in a longitudinal groove. The shining facial carina bisected dorsal by a median dash of pollen which reaches the middle depression. Abdomen oval; 2 nd tergum with a pair of small yellow macula on each side; 3 rd tergum with a pair of oval, yellowish macula, pointed at either end, diagonally placed; suggestions of a similar metallic pollinose macula on 4 th and 5 th terga, which cannot be made out very definitely.

Taxonomic notes. Argentinomyia longicornis is similar to A. fastigata and A. CR-19, distinguished externally by the punctate face, with white pollen, low tubercle, face with two or three quite faint depressions dorsal to the tubercle, scape equal to the pedicel and basoflagellomere together; frontal triangle broad on male ( Figs 44A, C View FIGURE 44 , D-F); profemur black on basal 1/3 or more, mesotarsus with apical three tarsomeres black ( Figs 44A, C View FIGURE 44 , D-F); 3 rd tergum with a pair of yellow maculae ( Figs 44B, E View FIGURE 44 ). Based on males, A. longicornis differs from A. catabomba , A. lanei and A. fastigata in having the surstylus in lateral view with dorsal and ventral margins approximately of the same width in the whole length in A. longicornis ( Fig. 45A View FIGURE 45 ) and A. catabomba ( Fig. 25A View FIGURE 25 ) [versus surstylus with dorsal and ventral margins approximately of the same width in the whole length in A. lanei ( Fig. 41A View FIGURE 41 ); surstylus with dorsal margin slightly concave and ventral margin slightly convex in A. fastigata ( Fig. 31A View FIGURE 31 )]; hypandrium in ventral view narrowed laterally towards the apex in A. longicornis ( Fig. 45C View FIGURE 45 ), A. lanei ( Fig. 41C View FIGURE 41 ) and A. catabomba ( Fig. 25C View FIGURE 25 ) [versus hypandrium expanded laterally towards the apex in A. fastigata ( Fig. 31C View FIGURE 31 )]; aedeagal lobe in ventral view with apex acute in A. longicornis ( Fig. 45C View FIGURE 45 ), A. lanei ( Fig. 41C View FIGURE 41 ) and A. catabomba ( Fig. 25C View FIGURE 25 ) [versus aedeagal lobe circular, with apex rounded in A. fastigata ( Fig. 31C View FIGURE 31 )] (see “diagnosis” under each species or key).

Variation. Interestingly, the thorax coloration and the pattern of abdominal macules differed a bit between two morphotypes. The first morphotype from Colombia ( Figs 44E View FIGURE 44 , 41 View FIGURE 41 B-C) had the thorax aeneous-greyish pollinose and the abdominal maculae widened towards the apex, whereas the second morphotype from Costa Rica ( Fig. 46A View FIGURE 46 ) had the thorax yellow-golden pollinose and abdominal maculae considerably narrowed towards the apex. A deep revision of additional material of these morphotypes, as well as the examination of congeners (males) from the same locality, revealed and corroborated that both morphotypes pertain to the same species, A. longicornis .

Remarks. This species has been described under several names but most of them were synonymized subsequently. Braziliana thiemei ( Enderlein, 1938) was described from syntype material, including two males and three females collected in Cordillera Colombia and deposited at the ZMHU. Fluke (1945) established B. thiemei as related to A. longicornis , both characterized by having a punctate face and long antennae, scape five times as long as wide. Apparently, B. thiemei differs from A. longicornis only in the presence of two pairs of yellow abdominal spots. The antennae brownish yellow, the basoflagellomere brown. Female front with two large, dull, velvety black, rounded maculae, which are united behind by a dull gray-black band. Legs golden yellowish, metatibiae and apex of metafemora (on male second and third pairs) one-third brown; in this respect resembles Braziliana peruviana ( Shannon, 1927) . Fluke (1945) was not able to recognize B. thiemei and suggested that the external morphological similarities might indicate a potential synonymy with A. longicornis . We agree with Fluke (1945) that these characters’ combinations resemble and are more consistent with the concept of A. longicornis . Curran characterized the species B. peruviana based on a single male collected in Antigua, Guatemala ( Figs 46D–F View FIGURE 46 ) with the following characteristics: antenna long and slender, scape more than four times as long as wide, slightly curved basally, apical part bent 1/3 downwards; pedicel less than half of the scape length; basoflagellomere near equal to the length of the scape and pedicel together; face black, side with copper-violet reflections, broadly pollinose and punctuated; mesonotum bluish bronze with a pair of broad pollinose lines, covered with brown hairs; metafemur brown, only yellow on basal 1/4, metatibiae shiny dark black, metatarsus yellow; abdomen slightly constricted, dark; 3 rd tergum with a pair of darkened macules; wings brown. The Holotype of B. Peruviana in the USNM collection was reviewed and it was determined that it shares features with the concept of A. longicornis , except for the slightly brown wing and the slightly wider abdomen. Therefore, we concluded that B. thiemei and B. peruviana are new synonyms of A. longicornis based on the morphological evidence presented above, the original description and the revision of the type specimen material.

In the revision of the Neotropical species of Xanthandrus, Borges & Pamplona , synonymized the species Xanthandrus biguttatus ( Hull, 1945) under A. longicornis ( Walker, 1837) . We agree with this synonym.

Pipiza longicornis was described by Walker (1836) based on one male and one female labelled as “South America”, but no precise locality was given. The specimens deposited in the BMNH are labelled as “ Syntype ”. To avoid assuming which specimen is the Holotype and following the recommendations of the International Commission on Zoology , one male specimen from the BMNH, labelled “ Syntype Pipiza longicornis / Walker, 1836 / “ South America ” is hereby designated as the Lectotype and the remaining female syntype is designated as Paralectotype to ensure consistent interpretation of this name and has been labelled as so. The type specimens of Melanostoma longicornis described by Williston, 1888, one male and five females collected in Brazil, are deposited in the AMNH and are labelled as “ Syntype ”. The only male specimen labelled as “ Syntype Melanostoma longicornis / Williston, 1888 / “ Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada” is hereby designated as the Lectotype and the remaining female syntypes are designated as Paralectotypes.

Finally, according to Evenhuis and Pape (2020) Melanostoma longicornis Williston, 1888 is the junior primary homonym of Pipiza longicornis .

Comments. The Holotype specimens of M. longicornis and X. biguttatus are currently in the AMNH and MCZ. The collections provide photos of the types on their website AMNH: iz.html?#details=ecatalogue.10020980 and MCZ: Xanthandrus +biguttatus and non-type material in

Geographical range. Argentinomyia longicornis (n= 108) is one of the most common and widely distributed species in the genus. The species is found in Argentina (Misiones) , Brazil (Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Piracicaba , Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, S„o Paulo ), Colombia (Antioquia, Risaralda, Valle del Cauca), Costa Rica * (Cartago, Guanacaste, Puntarenas, San José), Ecuador (Napo, Puyo ), Guatemala (Antigua, Moca, Zacapa), Mexico * ( San Antonio ) Panamá * (Chiriqui), Paraguay * (Independencia, Molino-Cue, Villarrica), Perú * (Cajamarca, Cuzco, Huanuco, Kcosñipata ) and Trinidad & Tobago* (Morne Blue, TunapunaPiarco) ( Fig. 91D View FIGURE 91 ). The species is present at low, middle and high altitudes (118–3000 m) in the following biogeographical domains and provinces: Mesoamerican (1000–2260 m) : Chiapas Highlands (1000 m) , GuatusoTalamanca (1118–1490 m) , Puntarenas-Chiriquí (1100–2100 m) , Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (2260 m) , Northern Andes (750–1928 m) : Cauca (1150–2470 m) , North Andean Páramo (750–3000 m) , Trinidad (220–230 m) , Central Andes (998–1600 m) : Rondônia (998–1600 m) , Paraná (118–1200 m) : Araucaria Forest (574–1200 m) , Atlantic Forest (553–854 m) , Paraná Forest (118–890 m) , Chacoan (384–745 m) : Cerrado (384–745 m) , Pampa (459 m) .

Non-type material examined. ARGENTINA . Misiones, Fracrao, -26,745786, -54,304782, 574m (1♀, MACN); Dos de Mayo, -27,036282, -54,675561, 482 m, viii.1973, M. Fritz (1♁, USNM ENT 01443761). BRAZIL. Mato Grosso, Maracajú, -21,6144, -55,1683, 384 m, 7.i.1937, M. P. Barretto (1♁, DZUP 45583); Minas Gerais, Passos, -20,7189, -46,6097, 745 m, 11.i.1961, C. Elias (1♁, 1♀, DZUP 45588, 45603); Paraná, Colombo, Caranda DZUP, -25,38561, -49,128354, 858 m, 1.iv.2006, M.N. Morales (1♀, CEUFLA); Guarapuava, Estância Santa Clara, -25,3833, -51,45, 1098 m, 8.xi.1986, PROFAUPAR (1♀, DZUP 43078); Parque Estadual de Vila Velha, Ponta Grossa, -25,255591, -50,037399, 850m; Refugio de vida silvestre dos campos de Palmas, -26,533807, - 51,599 362, 1200 m, A. Couto (6, DZUP); Ponta Grossa, Pq Estadual de Vila Velha-IAPAR, -25,246336, -50,02104, 895 m, 11.v.2001, N. G. Ganho and R. C. Marinoni (1♁, DZUP 48633); Ponta Grossa, IAPAR, -25,1, -50,1, 969 m, 29.ix.1986, PROFAUPAR (1♀, DZUP 43080); Foz do Iguaçu (Iguazú Falls) -25,544167, -54,586389, 164 m, 16.vii.1965, V. Graf and L. Azevedo (1♁, DZUP 45589); Piracicaba, Piracicaba, -22,734286, -47,648064, 550 m, 20.ix.1954, H. H. Laidiaw (1♀, FSCA); Rio de Janeiro, Pico da Tijuca, -22,944201, -43,285921, 900 m, 8.xii.1940, R.S. Shannon (1♀, USNM ENT 01443764); Rio Grande do Sul, Chapada, -28,056342, -53,067038, 459 m, 18xx, S. Williston (2♀, AMNH; Collection Curran, Ace 31144); Santa Catarina, Caúna, -26.350000, -50.883333, 752 m, xii.1945, A. Maller (1♁, AMNH); Nova Teutonia, -27.183334, -52.383334, 300–500 m, 1936, F. Plaumann (1♁, 3♀, AMNH); 1965–1971, F. Plaumann (1♁, 12♀, USNM ENT 014437561141101; 01406277; 01406320; 01406267; 01406313; 01406363); 1938–1952, F. Plaumann (1♁, 1♀, WIRC); 400 m, 29.vii.1938, F. Plaumann (15♀, BMNH); São Paulo, Cássia dos Coqueiros, -21,2828, -47,1697, 890, 11.i.1954, M. P. Barretto (1♁, 1♀, DZUP 45582; 45604); Campinas, -22,9056, -47,0608, 854 m, 4.xii.1986, V.L.V. Arruda (3♁, DZUP 45577–79); Pompeia, -23.525168, -46.683642, 553 m, xi.1939, Barreta (1♁, 2♀, WIRC); São Roque, -23.530755, -47.135400, 793 m, xii.1946, J. Lane (1♁, WIRC); Piracicaba, -22.734286, -47.648064, 550 m, 20.ix.1954, H. H. Laidiaw (FSCA). COLOMBIA. Antioquia, La Ceja, Alto La Unión, 5,983 07, -75,43237, 2470, Net, 10/09/2008, 10.ix.2008, A.L. Montoya (1♁, CEUA 47451); Valle del Cauca, Bet. Queremal and Buenaventura, 3.879211, -76.692300, 1000–1300 m, 1938, Herbert F. Schwarz (1♀, AMNH); Caquetá, San José del Fragua, PNN Alto Fragua Indi-Wasi, 1,288 459, -76,138354, 816 m, Red Entomológica, Bosque Primario, Indi-Wasi Cocal, 26.x.2017, Y. Ramos-Pastrana (1#m, LEUA). Risaralda, Pueblo Rico, Cerro Montezuma Tatamá, 5,190 285, -76,058958, 1928m (2♀, CEUA 103438); …, 5,212 45, -76,092473, 1605m (1♀, CEUA 114296). COSTA RICA. Cartago, 9,699 993, -83,799996, 1850, 9.7N, 83.8W (InBio); Guanacaste, Estación Cabro Muco, 10,718 333, -85,144722, 1118m (INBioCRI); Guanacaste, 10,692 229, -85,089452, 508m (INBioCRI); Brasilia, 11, -85,4, 480m (USN M); Puntarenas, Cerca al cerro Pittier, Jardín, Las Cruces, 6km S. Sanvitoon Rt16, 8,791 182, -82,955355, 1224 m, 29.v.1987,A.L. Norrbom, M.A. Condón; R. Mexzon (1♀, USMN ENT); Gravel Pit near Las Alturas, 8,856 123, -82,850287, 1600 m, 16.viii.1995, M.A. Metz (3♀, INBioCRI 00021698; 00021678; 0021701); Cerca al cerro Pittier, 9,027 956, -82,95087, 1670 m,, L. Agudelo; M. Zumbado (1♀, INBioCRI 002469605; 002323924; 002323348); Cerca al cerro Pittier, Colonia Coto Brus, Cerro Chai, 9,012 884, -82,93312, 2100 m, 12.viii.1995, M.A. Zumbado (1♀, INBioCRI 002427955); Cerca al cerro Pittier, Finca Cafrosa, Tajo 1km Oeste, 8,909 389, -82,964928, 1490 m, 9, 30.ix.1998, E. Navarro (1♁, USMN ENT 000051733); Estación Pitilla, 9 Km S Santa Cecilia, 10,992 609, -85,429477, 1490 m, 30.ix.1998, E. Navarro (1♁, USMN ENT 000051733); A.C.L.A.P, Coto Brus, Zona Protectora Las Tablas, Est. Las Alturas, 1 Km N de Las Alturas, 8,951 251, -82,835532, 1518m (INBioCRI); Guacimo, 8,984 991, -82,998972, 1427m; Puntarenas, San Vito, 8,8, -83, 1280m (INBioCRI); Estación Pittier, 9,027 956, -82,95087, 1670 m,, L. Angulo (1♀, INBioCRI 002349856); Finca Cafrosa, Tajo, 1 Km O. del Tajo, 10,152 89, -84,685125, 1480–1500 m, 30.ix.1998, E. Navarro (1♀, INBioCRI 0003019215); Jardín, Las Cruces, 6 km S San Vito en Rt 16, 8,788 302, -82,968388, 1150 m, 29.v.1987, A.L. Norrbom; M.A. Condón and R. Mexzon (1♀, USMN ENT); San José, Chimirol de Rivas, Alrededores de la casa de Aníbal Picado, 9.433362, -83.623624, 1100 m, 8-9.x.1995, A. Picado (1♁, INBIO CRI 002 428105); Las Nubes, Estación Santa Elena, 10.037651, -83.957495, 1210 m, 5.vii.21-1996, M. Segura (1♀, USNM ENT 00007888). ECUADOR. Napo, Talag, -0.817461, -77.842987, 750 m,, I. Benitez (1♁, QCAZ 103702); Puyo, Oriente, 3000 m, 1.xii.1938, F. M. Café (1♀, AMNH). GUATEMALA. Antigua, 14.55852, -90.729479, 1544m (USNM ENT 00051376); Moca, Guatalon, 14.666658, -89.400184, 1000 m, 3.iv.1931, J. Bequaert (FSCA). Zacapa, Serra de Las Minas, camino a San Lorenzo, 15,055 173, -89,680202, 1000 m, 16xi.2007, J. Monzón, B. Sutton, G. Steck and Allen L. Norrbom (USMN ENT); MEXICO. San Antonio, en Chamaedorea elegans leaf ( Arecaceae ) 25.iii.1958 (Tex. 2829, Lot no. 58 6462) (con a pupa) (1♁, USNM ENT 01443845). PANAMÁ. Chiriqui, Volcán, 8,774 131, -82,588136, 1990 m,, F.S. Blanton (1♀, USNM ENT 01443759); PARAGUAY. Independencia, -25,852535, -56,355673, 118,, J. Foersten (1♁, WIRC); Molino-Cue, -21.966007, -58.133714, 82m (MCZ); Villarrica, -25,749967, -56,4326, 144 m,, F. Schade (A.L. Melander Collection 1961) (2♀, USNM ENT 01443746; 01443751); Fracrao, -26,745786, -54,304782, 574m (1♀, MACN). PERÚ. Cajamarca, Rio Charape, -5.4167, -78.9833, 1199 (USNM ENT); Cuzco, Paucartambo, Puente San Pedro (Ca. 60km NW Pilcopata) -13,040781, -71,559919, 1600 m, 9.iii.1998, A. Freidberg (1♁, 6♀, USNM ENT 01406286; 01406252; 01406391; 01406299; 01406190); …, Puente San Pedro (Ca. 50km NW Pilcopata) -12,779542, -72,292016, 1500 m, 9.iii.1988, Mathes (USNM ENT 01443749); Quincemil, -13,233381, -70,749416, 998 m, 15.vii.1962, L. Pena (1♁, 2♀, CNC DIPTERA 112242–44); Huanuco, 10 mi SW Las Palmas, -9,385742, - 76,004 373, 1000 m, small waterfall, 2.viii.1984, W.M. Mathes (1♀, USNM ENT 01406311); Kcosñipata, Estación Biológica San Pedro, Forest secundario, -13.057344, -71.539000, 1370 m, Net, 7.viii.2010, C. Bota and C. Flórez (1♁, CEUA 69452). TRINIDAD and TOBAGO. Morne blue, Northern range Summit de Morne Bleu, 10,709 407, -61,264721, 230 m, Malaise, (6♀, BMNH); Tunapuna-Piarco, 10,691 803, -61,222503, 220m (1♀, BMNH).


American Museum of Natural History














Argentinomyia longicornis (Walker, 1836)

Montoya, Augusto L. & Wolff, Marta 2023

Xanthandrus biguttatus

Borges, Z. M. & Pamplona, D. M. 2003: 156

Xanthandrus biguttatus

Hull, F. M. 1945: 44

Braziliana thiemei

Enderlein, G. 1938: 201

Rhysops peruviana

Curran, C. H. 1937: 2

Braziliana vittithorax

Hull, F. M. 1937: 176

Braziliana peruviana

Shannon, R. C. 1927: 7
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