Vulda afghanica ( COIFFAIT 1982 ), 2010

Assing, V., 2010, On some Palaearctic Xantholinini, primarily from Kazakhstan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 42 (1), pp. 477-484 : 480-482

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Carolina (2021-08-28 17:10:30, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 08:28:34)

scientific name

Vulda afghanica ( COIFFAIT 1982 )

comb. nov.

Vulda afghanica ( COIFFAIT 1982) , nov.comb. ( Figs 1-5 View Figs 1-5 , Map 1)

Xantholinus (Leptophallus) afghanicus COIFFAIT 1982: 75 View in CoL f.

Sylea afghanica: BORDONI (2001) View in CoL : 413 f.

T y p e m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Holotype: " / J. Klapperich, Kandahar, 950 m, 18.2.53, S-Afghanistan / Xantholinus afghanicus View in CoL nov. spec. / Typus Xantholinus afghanicus O. Scheerpeltz View in CoL / Holotypus / Xantholinus (Leptophallus) afghanicus H. Coiffait 1981 View in CoL / Sylea View in CoL gen. n. afghanica (Coiff) View in CoL , Bordoni det. 2000 / museum Koenig, Col 2010/42 / Vulda afghanica (Coiffait) , det. V. Assing 2009" ( ZFMK) . Paratypes: 1: " / J. Klapperich, Kandahar, 950 m, 18.2.53, S- Afghanistan / Cotypus Xantholinus afghanicus O. Scheerpeltz View in CoL / Paratypus / H. Coiffait det. 1981 / Museum Koenig Bonn / Sylea View in CoL gen. n. afghanica (Coiff) , Bordoni det. 2000 / Vulda afghanica (Coiffait) , det. V. Assing 2009" ( ZFMK) ; 1: " / J. Klapperich, Bashgultal, 1300 m, Nuristan, 24.5.53, O-Afghanistan / Cotypus Xantholinus afghanicus O. Scheerpeltz View in CoL / Paratypus / Museum Koenig Bonn / Sylea View in CoL gen. n. afghanica (Coiff) , Bordoni det. 2000 / Vulda afghanica (Coiffait) , det. V. Assing 2009" ( ZFMK) ; 1 [aedeagus missing]: " J. Klapperich, Kandahar-Kuna, 950 m, 21.2.53, Afghanistan / Cotypus Xantholinus afghanicus O. Scheerpeltz View in CoL / Museum Koenig Bonn / Xantholinus (Leptophallus) afghanicus, H. Coiffait View in CoL det. 1981 / Muséum Paris / Vulda afghanica (Coiffait) , det. V. Assing 2009" ( MNHNP) .

A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Afghanistan:1, Afghanistan, Kabul env., III.2009, leg. Reuter (cAss).

C o m m e n t: The original description is based on a male holotype from "S. Afghanistan, Kandahar 950 m, 18-2-53" and three paratypes (two males and one male) from the same locality ( COIFFAIT 1982) ; one male paratype is deposited in the Coiffait collection at the MNHNP, the remainder at the Museum Alexander König Bonn. All the type specimens were examined ; in contrast to the details indicated in the original description,

two paratypes, a male and a female, were not collected together with the holotype, the female even in eastern Afghanistan.

COIFFAIT (1982) correctly observed the similarity of this species to Xantholinus anatolicus COIFFAIT 1965 , which is now a junior synonym of Vulda ottomana (CAMERON 1912) ( ASSING 2007) .

Based on an examination of the holotype and two paratypes, BORDONI (2001) attributed X. afghanicus to the new and still monotypical genus Sylea . In the description of this genus, he indicates some differences distinguishing Sylea from Xantholinus , but there is no reference whatsoever to Vulda . A study of the above type material and the additional male from the environs of Kabul, however, revealed that the species is indeed closely related to Vulda ottomana and yielded no significant characters distinguishing it from other species of Vulda on the generic level. Also, the presence of an endemic genus in Afghanistan would not appear plausible from a zoogeographic perspective. Consequently, the following synonymy is proposed: Vulda JACQUELIN DU VAL 1853 = Sylea BORDONI 2001 .

The illustrations of the male sexual characters provided by COIFFAIT (1982) and BORDONI (2001) are based on a deformed aedeagus. The external characters and the aedeagus are figured in Figs 1-5 View Figs 1-5 . The distribution of V. afghanica is ilustrated in Map 1.

Map 1: Distributions of Vulda afghanica (COIFFAIT) (filled circles) and V. kasachstanica (JANÁK).

ASSING V. (2007): On the Xantholinini of Turkey and adjacent regions (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae). - Zootaxa 1474: 1 - 54.

BORDONI A. (2001): Un nuovo genere di Stafilinide dell'Afghanistan (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Xantholininae). - Bollettino del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino 18: 413 - 416.

COIFFAIT H. (1982): Nouveaux Staphylinides afghans du Museum A. Koenig de Bonn. - Bonner zoologische Beitrage 33: 75 - 97.

Gallery Image

Figs 1-5: Vulda afghanica (COIFFAIT): (1) habitus; (2) forebody; (3) head; (4) aedeagus; (5) distal portion of aedeagus. Scale bars: 1-2: 1.0 mm; 3: 0.5 mm; 4: 0.2 mm; 5: 0.1 mm.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig


Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay











