Gandheralophus, Missiaen & Gingerich, 2012

Missiaen, Pieter & Gingerich, Philip D., 2012, New early Eocene tapiromorph perissodactyls from the Ghazij Formation of Pakistan, with implications for mammalian biochronology in Asia, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 57 (1), pp. 21-34 : 22-23

publication ID 10.4202/app.2010.0093

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scientific name



Genus Gandheralophus nov.

Type species: Gandheralophus minor sp. nov.; see below.

Etymology: Gandhera, referring to Gandhera Quarry, the locality from where this genus was first reported; and Greek lophus, crest, a common root in tapiromorph names.

Included species.— Gandheralophus minor sp. nov. and G. robustus sp. nov.

Diagnosis.—Small isectolophids with a robust dentition and a degree of lophodonty similar to Homogalax or Karagalax . Dental formula?.?.?.3/3.1.3−4.3; P3−4 with closely spaced paracone and metacone; upper molars relatively rectangular with only a weak labial projection of the parastyle, with a short and straight ectoloph, with a relatively transverse protoloph and metaloph, and with a very weak paraconule and no distinct metaconule; M3 with a rounded posterior border.


20 mm

p3–4 with well−developed but not strongly anteriorly projecting paracristid; lower molars without a metastylid and with a weak hypoconulid. Differs from other isectolophids by smaller m1–2 hypoconulids, and from all isectolophids except Orientolophus by its smaller size and weaker upper molar parastyle. Differs from Orientolophus by stronger lophodonty, a stronger parastyle on the upper molars, and lower molars with a more abruptly angled paracristid and a stronger posterior size increase. Differs from Cardiolophus by stronger lophodonty and a smaller upper molar parastyle. Differs from Homogalax and Chowliia by less trapezoidal upper molars with weaker parastyles and conules and a relatively smaller M3. Differs from Cardiolophus , Homogalax , and Chowliia by weaker upper molar conules, a more molarized p3–4 trigonid and lower molars without a metastylid. Differs from Karagalax by a weaker posterior size increase of the molars and a more robust overall dentition, a more closely spaced paracone and metacone on P3–4, less trapezoidal upper molars and a less developed paracristid on p3–4. Differs from Isectolophus by weaker lophodonty and a weaker posterior size increase, the presence of a small paraconule on the upper molars, a larger angle between the ectoloph and the upper molar cross−lophs, a more lingually closed talonid basin on the lower molars and a labiolingually wider m3 hypoconulid lobe.

Stratigraphic and geographic range.—Late early Eocene (Ypresian); upper part of the upper Ghazij Formation; Gandhera Quarry, Balochistan ( Pakistan).

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