Inoderbe rapunzel Shcherbakov et Emeljanov, 2021

Shcherbakov, D. E. & Emeljanov, A. F., 2021, Paradoxical derbid-like planthopper (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) from Cretaceous Burmese amber, Russian Entomological Journal 30 (2), pp. 135-139 : 136-138

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.30.2.03

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scientific name

Inoderbe rapunzel Shcherbakov et Emeljanov

sp. nov.

Inoderbe rapunzel Shcherbakov et Emeljanov View in CoL , sp.n.

Figs 1–14.

MATERIAL. Holotype female PIN 5608 View Materials /204 (head apex and fore knee polished away, right antenna missing) — Burmese amber, Hukawng Valley, Kachin State, Myanmar; mid-Cretaceous (Albi- an–Cenomanian).

DESCRIPTION. Tegmen 6.5 mm long, 2.4 mm wide, elongate (2.7:1), narrow proximally, widest at nodus, acutely rounded at apex (at M terminations); anterior margin straight between base and nodus. Precostal area moderately wide, wider than costal area, with 5 irregularly spaced, slightly oblique veinlets; C joining dSc at nodus; vein running along anterior margin separated from it by narrow marginal membrane. Concave base of Sc (bSc) visible close to R+M base. Basal cell long and narrow, 1/5 tegmen length. Stigmal cell with lanceolate pterostigma along dSc and RA, not reaching outer and distal edges of the cell. R+M forked before arculus; R bifurcated at 0.3 tegmen length, fork narrow; RP fork and crossvein ir distal (in one tegmen RP 3-branched, with small extra fork). M bifurcated just beyond nodal level, 3-branched, pectinate backwards. CuA bifurcated just beyond arculus, CuA1 with distal fork, CuA2 forked at 1/3 tegmen length, pectinate forwards, with 4 terminations. 4–5 crossveins (ir, rm, m-cu, 1–2 icua) in oblique gradate series. CuP arched forwards. Claval veins united distally; common claval vein extremely short, entering commissural margin near acute claval apex; narrow marginal membrane before and just beyond claval apex. Marginal vein with dense erect hairs on both sides of tegmen, other main veins with sparse hairs. Membrane slightly infuscate, with pale fuscous pterostigma and small spots on veins and their terminations. Hindwing hyaline, 3.8 mm long, 1.6 mm wide, x1.7 shorter than tegmen. Costal margin with about dozen long crooked hamuli proximally, sinuate near midlength, with long coupling lobe bearing row of spinules; R against the lobe in hindwing and part of commissural margin in tegmen with similar spinules. R forked near coupling lobe; RA short; RP simple, reaching wing apex. M with distal fork. CuA forked at 0.3 wing length. Two crossveins (long r-m and more proximal m-cu). Medial fold running close to CuA-CuA1. CuP, Pcu and 1A simple; claval fold running from Pcu towards CuP. Anal area small, wing base narrow. Body 5.8 mm long (as preserved), slender, thorax and posterior abdomen 1.2 mm wide. Head narrow, eyes projecting (left eye partly preserved); coryphe (only posterior corner preserved) depressed, with lateral margins highly carinate; metope with short flattened horn at midline and nearly straight, foliaceous lateral carinae, narrowed before clypeus; clypeus nearly foliaceous, projecting trapezoidal in profile, with two high, undulating, close-set submedian carinae. Genae bearing high preantennal carina with short subantennal branch. Scape long, flattened, curved; pedicel long, reaching tegmen base at rest, in distal 2/5 widened and covered with minute rounded sensory organs; base of flagellum small. Rostrum about 2.3 mm long, directed obliquely ventrally, with last segment about 1/4 of its length. Pronotum long, tectiform, carinate along midline, with broadly rounded side lobes covered with wax hair. Mesoscutum rounded pentagonal, flattish, ecarinate, with pair of L-shaped wax areas (each with stem following course of lateral discal carina, and wide transverse arm) and wide depressions at sides of posterior margin not forming scutellar grooves. Mesopostnotum with pair of similar smaller wax areas.Metascutum diamond-shaped. Legs long, slender. Femora and outer side of tibiae and 1st hind tarsomeres with long and very long erect hairs (much longer than leg diameter); inner side of fore and mid tibiae and 1st hind tarsomeres with short oblique setae; fore and mid tibiae and 1st and 2nd tarsomeres with ventroapical pectens of stout setae. Fore and mid tarsi long, 2nd tarsomere longer than 1st, 3rd slightly longer than 1st plus 2nd. Hind tibia 2.0 mm long, without lateral spines, tibia and first two tarsomeres strongly swallow-tailed at apices, 1st tarsomere longer than 2nd plus 3rd, tibia with 3+3 broad asetigerous teeth, 1st tarsomere with 8, 2nd with 9 teeth, mostly with dark acutellae, 1(2) outermost teeth at each side asetigerous. Claws long, proximally stout with 2 pairs of


Figs 1–12. Inoderbe rapunzel gen. et sp.n., Burmite, Cretaceous, holotype: 1 — habitus, laterodorsal; 2 — habitus, lateroventral; 3 — head, anterolateral (arrow, preantennal carina); 4 — forebody, lateral; 5 — thorax and proximal abdomen, laterodorsal; 6 — left antenna, ventral; 7 — end of abdomen, lateroventral; 8 — left hind tarsus and apex of tibia, ventral; 9 — coupling lobe of right hindwing, ventral (arrow); 10 — hamuli of right hindwing, dorsal (arrows); 11 — left mid tarsus and proximal hind tibia, ventral; 12 — right fore tarsus and distal tibia, lateral (mirrored).

Рис 1–12. Inoderbe rapunzel gen. et sp.n., бирмит, мел, голотип: 1 — обЩий вид, сверху- сбоку; 2 — обЩий вид, сниЗу- сбоку; 3 — голова, спереди- сбоку (стрелка — преантеннальный киль); 4 — переднЯЯ часть тела, сбоку; 5 — грудь и переднЯЯ часть брюШка, сверху- сбоку; 6 — левый усик, сниЗу; 7 — конец брюШка, сниЗу- сбоку; 8 — леваЯ ЗаднЯЯ лапка и верШина голени, сниЗу; 9 — сцепочнаЯ лопасть правого Заднего крыла, сниЗу (стрелка); 10 — сцепочные крючки правого Заднего крыла, сверху (стрелки); 11 — леваЯ среднЯЯ лапка и проксимальнаЯ часть Задней голени, сниЗу; 12 — праваЯ переднЯЯ лапка и дистальнаЯ часть голени, сбоку (повёрнуто Зеркально).

strong setae, apically crooked; arolium broad. Abdomen long, slender, widest about 1/4 its length; anterior tergites short, raised, inverted V-shaped, separated by membranous spaces allowing to lift up posterior abdomen with wax tufts. Last pregenital tergite with small subtriangular side lobes. Ovipositor short, with two apposed pairs of subulate inner valvulae and one dorsal, forceps-like pair of somewhat long- er, acute outer valvulae. Anal tube long, narrow basally, with crescent-shaped lateral lobes distally. Nearly all body parts, including scape and proximal pedicel, tegulae, wings, and legs up to tarsi, sparsely or densely covered with milky whitish wax filaments of various lengths. Distinct wax plates on mesoscutum and mesopostnotum (most of wax apparently removed from thorax) and abdominal tergites, those on middle tergites forming rows of 8 or 10 small rounded plates. Wax strands on posterior abdomen up to 3.6 mm long, slightly curly, white to golden reddish, forming somewhat tripartite plumage. Body dark brown, extremities nearly black.

ETYMOLOGY. Rapunzel , fairytale maiden with very long golden hair, imprisoned in a tower; noun in apposition.













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